naneos-devices (python-toolkit)
This repository contains a collection of Python scripts and utilities for our naneos measurement devices. These scripts will provide various functionalities related to data acquisition, analysis, and visualization for your measurement devices.
You can install the naneos-devices
package using pip. Make sure you have Python 3.9 or higher installed. Open a terminal and run the following command:
pip install naneos-devices
To establish a serial connection with the Partector2 device and retrieve data, you can use the following code snippet as a starting point:
import time
from naneos.partector import Partector1, Partector2, scan_for_serial_partectors
x = scan_for_serial_partectors()
p1 = x["P1"]
p2 = x["P2"]
p2_pro = x["P2pro"]
if len(p1) > 0:
print("Found Partector1 devices:")
for k, v in p1.items():
print(f"Serial number: {k}, Port: {v}")
p1_dev = Partector1(serial_number=next(iter(p1.keys())))
data = p1_dev.get_data_pandas()
if len(p2) > 0:
print("Found Partector2 devices:")
for k, v in p2.items():
print(f"Serial number: {k}, Port: {v}")
p2_dev = Partector2(serial_number=next(iter(p2.keys())))
data = p2_dev.get_data_pandas()
Make sure to modify the code according to your specific requirements. Refer to the documentation and comments within the code for detailed explanations and usage instructions.
The documentation for the naneos-devices
package can be found in the package's documentation page.
Use this command to create a py and pyi file from the proto file
protoc -I=. --python_out=. --pyi_out=. ./protoV1.proto
Building executables
Sometimes you want to build an executable for a customer with you custom script.
The build must happen on the same OS as the target OS.
For example if you want to build an executable for windows you need to build it on Windows.
pyinstaller demo/ --console --noconfirm --clean --onefile
Ideas for future development
- P2 BLE implementation that integrates into the implementation of the serial P2
- P2 Bidirectional Implementation that allows to send commands to the P2
- Automatically activate Bluetooth or ask when BLE is used
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit an issue on the issue tracker.
Please make sure to adhere to the coding style and conventions used in the repository and provide appropriate tests and documentation for your changes.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.
For any questions, suggestions, or collaborations, please feel free to contact the project maintainer: