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A library for working with ONTAP's REST APIs simply in Python



The Python client library is a package you can use when writing scripts to access the ONTAP REST API. It provides support for several underlying services, including connection management, asynchronous request processing, and exception handling. By using the Python client library, you can quickly develop robust code to support the automation of your ONTAP deployments.

Getting started

The Python client library is available as the package netapp_ontap at the Python Package Index (PyPi) web site at

Software requirements

Before installing the Python client library, you must make sure the following packages are installed on your system:

  • python 3.6 or later
  • requests 2.26.0 or later
  • requests-toolbelt 0.9.1 or later
  • marshmallow 3.2.1 or later

The library requires version 1.26.7 or later of urllib3 due to outstanding CVEs against older versions. It also requires version 2022.12.7 of certifi due to a CVE that removed root certificates from TrustCor from the root store. However, it will still work with older versions of urllib3 and certifi as long as the versions of urllib3 and certifi are compatible with the requests package.

Installing and importing the package

You must install the package using the pip utility:

pip install netapp-ontap

After installing the package, you can import the objects you need into your application:

from netapp_ontap.resources import Volume, Snapshot

Creating an object

You can create an object in several different ways. Here are three examples of creating an equivalent Volume object.

from netapp_ontap.resources import Volume

# Example 1 - keyword arguments
volume = Volume(name='vol1', svm={'name': 'vs1'}, aggregates=[{'name': 'aggr1'}])

# Example 2 - dict as keyword arguments
data = {
    'name': 'vol1',
    'svm': {'name': 'vs1'},
    'aggregates': [{'name': 'aggr1'}],
volume = Volume(**data)

# Example 3 - using the from_dict() method
volume = Volume.from_dict({
    'name': 'vol1',
    'svm': {'name': 'vs1'},
    'aggregates': [{'name': 'aggr1'}],

Performing actions on an object

After you create an object, you can perform actions on the object based on the purpose and design of your application. The example below illustrates how to create a new volume and then take a snapshot.

Note that when using the library, in all cases you must first establish a connection to the management LIF of the ONTAP system using the netapp_ontap.host_connection.HostConnection object. In the example below, the connection is created and then set as the global default. This means that all objects and the associated actions reuse this same connection. See Host connections for more information.

from netapp_ontap import config, HostConnection
from netapp_ontap.resources import Volume, Snapshot

config.CONNECTION = HostConnection('', 'username', 'password')

volume = Volume(name='vol1', svm={'name': 'vs1'}, aggregates=[{'name': 'aggr1'}])
snapshot = Snapshot.from_dict({
    'name': '%s_snapshot' %,
    'comment': 'A snapshot of %s' %,
    'volume': volume.to_dict(),

Host connections

The netapp_ontap.host_connection.HostConnection object allows a client application to store credentials once and reuse them for each subsequent operation. You can do this in any of the following ways:

  • Call the function set_connection() on a specific resource so the connection is used for all actions on the resource.

  • Set the netapp_ontap.config.CONNECTION variable to establish a single connection instance for all operations within the scope of that block. This allows you to connect to ONTAP once and use the same connection everywhere, instead of providing credentials every time you make a request.

Note that you can call get_connection() to get the connection used by an object and use it for subsequent operations.

By default, every operation attempts to verify the SSL certificate for the connection. If a certificate cannot be verified, the SSLError exception is thrown. You can disable this verification by setting netapp_ontap.host_connection.HostConnection.verify to false when creating the netapp_ontap.host_connection.HostConnection instance.

Custom headers

In some cases, you might want to set and send custom headers with the REST request. This can be done at the connection level. For a specific connection, you can pass in the headers you would like to send for each request within the scope of that connection object. The library provides full access to the request headers so that you can update, add, or delete headers from the same connection object at any point. If a header is not recognized by ONTAP, it is ignored.

from netapp_ontap import config, HostConnection
headers = {'my-header1':'my-header-value1', 'my-header2':'my-header-value2'}

# Initialize a connection object with custom headers
config.CONNECTION = HostConnection('', 'username', 'password', headers=headers)

# Delete a header from a connection object
conn = HostConnection('', 'username', 'password', headers=headers)
del conn.request_headers['my-header1']

# Add a header to a connection object using the assignment operator
conn = HostConnection('', 'username', 'password', headers=headers)
conn.request_headers['mynew-header'] = 'mynew-header-value'

# Add headers to a connection object
config.CONNECTION = HostConnection('', 'username' 'password')
config.CONNECTION.request_headers = headers

# Update an existing header using the assignment operator
config.CONNECTION = HostConnection('','username','password', headers=headers)
config.CONNECTION.request_headers['my-header1'] = 'my-new-header'

Asynchronous processing and jobs

All POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests that can take more than two seconds to complete are designed to run asynchronously as non-blocking operations. These operations are executed as background jobs at the ONTAP cluster. The HTTP response generated by an asynchronous request always contains a link to the associated job object. By default, an asynchronous request automatically polls the job using the unique job identifier in the link. Control is returned to your script when a terminal state is reached (success or failure) or the configured timeout value expires. However, you can override this behavior by setting the poll value to false when calling the function, causing control to return before the job completes. Forcing an immediate return can be useful when a job might take a long time to complete and you want to continue execution of the script.


A request always returns a netapp_ontap.response.NetAppResponse object which contains the details of the HTTP response. It contains information such as whether the response is an error or a job. Refer to netapp_ontap.response.NetAppResponse for further information on how to check the details of the response.

Exception handling

By default, an exception is returned if a request returns an HTTP status code of 400 or greater. The exception object, which is of type netapp_ontap.error.NetAppRestError, holds the HTTP response object so that the exception can be handled in the client code. If you wish not to raise exceptions, you can set netapp_ontap.config.RAISE_API_ERRORS to false. In this case, it is up to the client to check the HTTP response from the netapp_ontap.response.NetAppResponse object and handle any errors. Refer to netapp_ontap.error.NetAppRestError for further information.

# Set RAISE_API_ERRORS to False and check the HTTP response.
config.RAISE_API_ERRORS = False
response = Svm.find(name="nonexistent_vs")
assert "entry doesn't exist" in response.http_response.text


While writing your application, it can often be useful to see the raw HTTP request and response text that the library is sending to and from the server. There are two flags that can be set to help with this.

DEBUG flag

The first is the DEBUG flag. This can be set either by setting DEBUG=1 in the environment prior to executing your application or by setting netapp_ontap.utils.DEBUG to 1 inside of your application. This flag, when set, will cause the library to log the request and response for any failed API call. This will be logged at DEBUG level (see the section on logging for setting up your application). Here's an example of setting this value inside of your application:

import logging

from netapp_ontap import HostConnection, NetAppRestError, config, utils
from netapp_ontap.resources import Volume

config.CONNECTION = HostConnection('', username='admin', password='password', verify=False)

# Set the DEBUG flag to 1
utils.DEBUG = 1

# this API call will fail with a 404
    volume = Volume(uuid="1", name='does_not_exist')
except NetAppRestError:
    print('We got an expected exception')

Here is what the output would look like:

$ python
DEBUG:urllib3.util.retry:Converted retries value: 5 -> Retry(total=5, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /api/storage/volumes/1 HTTP/1.1" 404 130
Accept: */*
User-Agent: python-requests/2.21.0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
X-Dot-Client-App: netapp-ontap-python-9.8.0
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQK

404 Not Found
Date:Tue, 12 Nov 2019 13:00:24 GMT
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate
Content-Length: 130
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
  "error": {
    "message": ""1" is an invalid value for field "uuid" (<UUID>)",
    "code": "2",
    "target": "uuid"
We got an expected exception


There is also a LOG_ALL_API_CALLS flag which can be set in the same ways. You can set it in the environment or during script execution by setting netapp_ontap.utils.LOG_ALL_API_CALLS to 1. This flag will produce the same output as above, but it will log the call no matter if there was a failure or not. Here's an example of what that would look like if we got an existing volume:

import logging

from netapp_ontap import HostConnection, config, utils
from netapp_ontap.resources import Volume

config.CONNECTION = HostConnection('', username='admin', password='password', verify=False)

# Set the LOG_ALL_API_CALLS flag to 1

# this API call will succeed and be logged
volume = list(Volume.get_collection())[0]

Here is what the output would look like:

$ python
DEBUG:urllib3.util.retry:Converted retries value: 5 -> Retry(total=5, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "GET /api/storage/volumes HTTP/1.1" 200 567
User-Agent: python-requests/2.21.0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
X-Dot-Client-App: netapp-ontap-python-9.8.0
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQK

200 OK
Date:Tue, 12 Nov 2019 13:14:01 GMT
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate
Content-Length: 567
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
  "records": [
      "uuid": "c68bdca8-d090-11e9-bb29-005056bb7f42",
      "name": "vs0_root",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/storage/volumes/c68bdca8-d090-11e9-bb29-005056bb7f42"
      "uuid": "ed3b6ebf-d48e-11e9-bb29-005056bb7f42",
      "name": "vs1_root",
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/storage/volumes/ed3b6ebf-d48e-11e9-bb29-005056bb7f42"
  "num_records": 2,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/storage/volumes"

Additional considerations

In most cases, the objects and actions in the library can be mapped directly to equivalent cURL commands run against the ONTAP REST interface. However, there are a few exceptions you should be aware of.

Property names

If a property of a resource is named the same as one of the Python reserved names, the name is transposed when accessing the member of the resource. For example, if there is a resource named "Foo" that has a property defined in the API named "class", the property name would instead be "class_" when using the library. For example:

from netapp_ontap.resources import Foo

foo = Foo()
foo.class_ = "high"

Action methods

Some resources may have additional methods aside from the generic get(), post(), patch(), etc. These are known as "action methods" and will send requests to an endpoint matching the same name. For example, the netapp_ontap.resources.security_certificate.SecurityCertificate resource has the netapp_ontap.resources.security_certificate.SecurityCertificate.sign() method. Using this method will make a POST call to /api/security/certificates/{uuid}/sign.

If a resource has a field with the same name as an action method, then the name of the action method will be changed so as to not conflict. In the above example, if the SecurityCertificate object had a field called sign, then the name of the action method would be sign_action() instead.


To view the latest documentation, visit , click on the "Python Client Library" tab, and then choose the latest version of the docs. You can also view the ONTAP REST API docs linked from the same page under the "Overview" tab.

If you want to view this library's docs offline, then you can locate the copy installed in <python_environment>/lib/<python_version>/site_packages/netapp_ontap/docs.


The version assigned to the library consists of the major ONTAP release it is generated from and a minor version for the library within that release. For example: within the ONTAP 9.7 product family, the library may ship several fix releases by incrementing the minor index: 9.7.0, 9.7.1, 9.7.2. The minor version allows the library to be updated at a cadence separate from ONTAP.

Client libraries that have the same major version as ONTAP are completely compatible. For example, the libraries netapp-ontap-9.6.1 and netapp-ontap-9.6.4 are fully compatible with both ONTAP 9.6 and ONTAP 9.6P1.

A client library will support N-1 major versions of ONTAP with full backwards compatibility of all APIs and fields. For example, a program written using client library 9.6.1 and talking to ONTAP 9.6 will continue to function consistently when the client library is updated to 9.7.0.

A client library with a major version less than the ONTAP release can still be used, however it will not be able to access any of the new REST APIs. For example, the library netapp-ontap-9.6.4 is only partially compatible with ONTAP 9.7. In this case, the library will not have access to the newer APIs or fields offered by ONTAP, but scripts can continue to access any of the same 9.6 fields they were before without issue.

For example a new property volume.is_svm_root was added with ONTAP 9.7. The following behaviors would be seen with different libraries and ONTAP combinations:

  • library 9.6.0 would ignore the value coming from an ONTAP 9.7 response

  • library 9.7.0 would fully support the property coming from an ONTAP 9.7+ response

  • library 9.7.0 would not produce any errors for that property coming from an ONTAP 9.6 response


There are several changes to the Python Client Library and the ONTAP REST API, which are organized by release below.

9.15.1 library updates Patch

  • Fixed an issue with the netapp_ontap.resources.dns.Dns resource not working properly due to incorrect URL construction.

New properties available on HostConnection creation

Both scheme and protocol_timeouts had previously been settable on the HostConnection object, but only after construction. These properties are now available when constructing the HostConnection object. protocol_timeouts is an optional tuple (default is (6,45)) with two values: connection_timeout and read_timeout. These values represent the number of seconds to wait for the server to send data before giving up when either connecting to the server or processing a request, respectively.

Here is an example of configuring a HostConnection object with custom values for connection_timeout and read_timeout:

from netapp_ontap import HostConnection
connection_timeout = 90
read_timeout = 300

# Initialize a connection object with custom protocol timeouts
config.CONNECTION = HostConnection('', username='username', password='password', protocol_timeouts=(connection_timeout, read_timeout))

post_collection() returns an empty list when job results link is missing

In previous versions of the library, resource.post_collection() would fail without polling the job due to a missing job results link in the response. This issue was specifically seen in the /storage/volumes/{volume.uuid}/snapshots endpoint, where the job results link was missing. In the 9.15.1 release, netapp_ontap will continue to poll the job until it reaches a terminal state. If the job is successful and new resources were created, post_collection() will succeed but return an empty list and print a warning message. A subsequent get_collection() call with the proper query will return the newly created resources.

Here is an example of this behavior:

snap1_info = {
    'name': "example_snapshot_name",
    'svm': { 'name': "my_svm" },
    'volume': {'uuid': "82b5463c-9107-44ce-81a7-b07860aef1e9" },

snap2_info = {
    'name': "example_snapshot_name",
    'svm': { 'name': "my_svm" },
    'volume': {'uuid': "c5942f1e-860b-4141-9fec-79a008987580" },

records = [Snapshot(**snap1_info), Snapshot(**snap2_info)]
empty_results = Snapshot.post_collection(records, "*")
results = list(Snapshot.get_collection("*", name="example_snapshot_name"))
print("---- First Snapshot ----")
print("---- Second Snapshot ----")


WARNING:netapp_ontap.resource:No records could be identified as part of post_collection. Returning an empty list.
---- First Snapshot ----
Snapshot({'volume': {'name': 'volume1', 'uuid': '82b5463c-9107-44ce-81a7-b07860aef1e9', '_links': {'self': {'href': '/api/storage/volumes/82b5463c-9107-44ce-81a7-b07860aef1e9'}}}, 'name': 'example_snapshot_name', 'uuid': 'a975a952-84d3-4fcb-9666-05c76c3fee7c', '_links': {'self': {'href': '/api/storage/volumes/%2A/snapshots/a975a952-84d3-4fcb-9666-05c76c3fee7c'}}})
---- Second Snapshot ----
Snapshot({'volume': {'name': 'volume2', 'uuid': 'c5942f1e-860b-4141-9fec-79a008987580', '_links': {'self': {'href': '/api/storage/volumes/c5942f1e-860b-4141-9fec-79a008987580'}}}, 'name': 'example_snapshot_name', 'uuid': 'efcb6038-9d9b-466c-ae79-67f61fb21059', '_links': {'self': {'href': '/api/storage/volumes/%2A/snapshots/efcb6038-9d9b-466c-ae79-67f61fb21059'}}})

Support for additional checks before get() to ensure that all keys are set

By setting netapp_ontap.config.STRICT_GET to True, the library will automatically check that all keys are set on a resources before making a request as part of get(). If not all keys are set, the library will throw an exception that lists the missing keys. If netapp_ontap.config.STRICT_GET is set to false, the library will make the request even if some keys are missing.

Option to avoid polling resources when Location response header is incomplete

Setting netapp_ontap.config.RETRY_ON_INCOMPLETE_LOCATION to False will cause the library to immediately throw an exception if the full location of a resource cannot be determined from the 'Location' header after a post(). If the option is set to True (default), the library will attempt to poll the job until the full location is available or until it cannot find a location that contains all keys.

Option to redact sensitive fields from debug logs

To prevent leakage of sensitive information in debug logs, three new configuration options are now supported to redact some fields from the debug logs. These options are:

  • netapp_ontap.config.REDACT_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER: Defaults to True. Replaces the value of the authorization header in the request with *****.
  • netapp_ontap.config.REDACT_SENSITIVE_FIELDS: Defaults to True. Replaces the values of logged sensitive fields in the body of responses and requests with *****.
  • netapp_ontap.config.SENSITIVE_FIELDS: Contains the list of field names that should be considered sensitive to avoid them from being logged. By default, the list contains "password", "key", "certificate", "token" as names of sensitive fields.



my_cluster = Cluster()
my_cluster.password = "example_password1234"


POST https://<cluster_management_ip>:443/api/cluster
User-Agent: python-requests/2.28.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
X-Dot-Client-App: netapp-ontap-python-
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 36
Authorization: *****
  "password": "*****"

Adding a field name to the netapp_ontap.config.SENSITIVE_FIELDS list will result in the field being redacted at all nesting levels of the request and response bodies.


To redact all information about an IP address in the case of get_collection on an IpInterface resource, "address", "family", and "netmask" can be added to the SENSITIVE_FIELDS list.

config.SENSITIVE_FIELDS.extend(["address", "family", "netmask"])

resources_collection = list(IpInterface.get_collection(fields='ip'))


Note that only string fields can be redacted. Specifying the name of a nested field like "ip" in the example above will not result in all of its sub-properties being redacted.

200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Vary: Accept-Encoding,Origin
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 365
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/network/ip/interfaces?fields=ip"
  "num_records": 3,
  "records": [
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/network/ip/interfaces/0b6025c1-f835-11ee-a5b2-005056ae7e9d"
      "ip": {
        "address": "*****",
        "family": "*****",
        "netmask": "*****"
      "name": "node_mgmt1_inet6",
      "uuid": "0b6025c1-f835-11ee-a5b2-005056ae7e9d"
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/network/ip/interfaces/183d576b-f835-11ee-ae3d-005056aef56b"
      "ip": {
        "address": "*****",
        "family": "*****",
        "netmask": "*****"
      "name": "node_data4_inet6",
      "uuid": "183d576b-f835-11ee-ae3d-005056aef56b"
      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": "/api/network/ip/interfaces/18eb1d24-f835-11ee-ae3d-005056aef56b"
      "ip": {
        "address": "*****",
        "family": "*****",
        "netmask": "*****"
      "name": "node_data6_inet6",
      "uuid": "18eb1d24-f835-11ee-ae3d-005056aef56b"

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /storage/directory-restore
    Object: netapp_ontap.resources.directory_restore.DirectoryRestore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API restores the source directory from the volume Snapshot copy on the destination directory.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nfs/tls/interfaces
    Object: netapp_ontap.resources.nfs_tls_interface.NfsTlsInterface
    HTTP method: GET
    This API retrieves NFS over TLS interfaces.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nfs/tls/interfaces/{interface.uuid}
    Object: netapp_ontap.resources.nfs_tls_interface.NfsTlsInterface
    HTTP method: GET, PATCH
    This API retrieves and updates an NFS over TLS interface.

9.14.1 library updates

New netapp_ontap release cycle

Starting with 9.14.1, the Python Client Library (netapp_ontap) will have one release for each ONTAP release cycle (aligned with the ONTAP RC release). We will no longer have an RC and GA release for the library.

Resource properties can now be set to None

Some ONTAP REST endpoints accept null values in the request body, however, the Python library did not support this. Starting in 9.14.1 the Python client library will allow users to set resource properties to None and will include these values as null in the request body. Here is an example:

# Get an existing rule
rule = S3BucketLifecycleRule("53714b3a-cd85-11ed-8980-005056aca578","b51ed46b-cff7-11ed-8980-005056aca578") = "my_rule"
# set the expiration to None
rule.expiration = None
# patch the rule

Here is the resulting body of the request:

{"expiration" : null}

Resources can be more quickly retrieved using fast_get_collection()

fast_get_collection() is the quicker version of get_collection() that will fetch all records in the form of a RawResource type. It returns a generator that yields netapp_ontap.raw_resource.RawResource objects containing information about the resource as a dictionary. netapp_ontap.raw_resource.RawResource objects do not support, get(), post(), patch(), or delete(), but they can be converted to the appropriate resource type using netapp_ontap.raw_resource.RawResource.promote. netapp_ontap.raw_resource.RawResource objects should be treated as read-only. fast_get_collection() is significantly more efficient when there are many records in the response because it skips deserializing and validating the resource until the user explicitly asks by using promote().

Here is an example:

# Get all the volumes quickly
my_volumes = list(Volume.fast_get_collection())
deleted_volumes = []
for record in my_volumes:
  # Get the current volume name and state
  volume_name =
  volume_state = record.state
  # Delete the volume if the name starts with "test_" OR if the volume is offline
  if volume_name.startswith("test_") or volume_state == "offline":
    # generate the resource object from this RawResource
    volume = record.promote()
print(f"The following {len(deleted_volumes)} volumes were deleted:")

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /name-services/cache/host/settings/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API retrieves and updates a host cache setting for a given SVM.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/interfaces/{fc_interface.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a Fibre Channel interface.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/interfaces/{fc_interface.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a Fibre Channel interface for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/ports/{fc_port.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a Fibre Channel port.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/ports/{fc_port.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a Fibre Channel port for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/ports/{fc_port.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a Fibre Channel port for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/fpolicy/{svm.uuid}/persistent-stores
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    This API retrieves, and creates FPolicy persistent store configurations.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/fpolicy/{svm.uuid}/persistent-stores/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    This API retrieves, updates, and deletes a FPolicy persistent store configurations with the specified name.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nvme/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for the NVMe protocol service of an SVM for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/fcp/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for the FC Protocol service of an SVM for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/initiators
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves SAN initiators.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/initiators/{svm.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a SAN initiator using it's name and SVM uuid.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/initiators/{svm.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a SAN initiator using it's name and SVM uuid.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/iscsi/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for the iSCSI protocol service of an SVM for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /storage/luns/{lun.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a LUN.

  • Endpoint: /storage/luns/{lun.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a LUN for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /storage/namespaces/{nvme_namespace.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for an NVMe namespace.

  • Endpoint: /storage/namespaces/{nvme_namespace.uuid}/metrics/{timestamp}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a NVMe namespace for a specific time.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/cluster/oauth2
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API retrieves and updates the OAuth 2.0 status.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/cluster/oauth2/clients
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    This API retrieves and creates OAuth 2.0 configurations.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/cluster/oauth2/clients/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    This API retrieves and deletes OAuth 2.0 configurations with the specified name.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/duo/groups
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    This API retrieves and creates Duo groups.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/duo/groups/{owner.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    This API retrieves, updates, and deletes a Duo group based on the owner id and group name.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/duo/profiles
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    This API retrieves and creates Duo profile.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/duo/profiles/{owner.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    This API retrieves, updates, and deletes a Duo profile based on the owner id.

  • Endpoint: /security/key-stores/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    This API retrieves, updates, and deletes the keystore configuration with the specified uuid.

  • Endpoint: /storage/qos/qos-options
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API retrieves, and updates QoS options.

  • Endpoint: /support/autosupport/messages/{node.uuid}/{index}/{destination}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves information about a single Autosupport message.

9.13.1 library updates

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /resource-tags
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the tags currently being used for resources in the API.

  • Endpoint: /resource-tags/{value}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a specific resource tag.

  • Endpoint: /resource-tags/{resource_tag.value}/resources
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs can be used to retrieve the resources for a specific tag or create a new tag on a specific resource.

  • Endpoint: /resource-tags/{resource_tag.value}/resources/{href}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs can be used to retrieve or delete a specific resource for a specific tag.

  • Endpoint: /application/consistency-groups/{consistency_group.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance and capacity metrics for a consistency group.

  • Endpoint: /support/ems/role-configs
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs can be used to retrieve a collection of the EMS role-based configurations or create an EMS role-based configuration for an access control role.

  • Endpoint: /support/ems/role-configs/{}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs can be used to retrieve, update, or delete the EMS role-based configuration of the access control role.

  • Endpoint: /security/key-managers/{security_key_manager.uuid}/restore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API retrieves and restores any current unrestored keys (associated with the storage controller) from the specified key management server.

  • Endpoint: /security/login/totps
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs can be used to retrieve and create the TOTP profiles configured for user accounts.

  • Endpoint: /security/login/totps/{owner.uuid}/{}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs can be used to retrieve, update, or delete the TOTP profile configured for a user account.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/buckets/{s3_bucket.uuid}/rules
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs can be used to retrieve all S3 Lifecycle rules associated with a bucket or create the S3 bucket lifecycle rule configuration.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/buckets/{s3_bucket.uuid}/rules/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs can be used to retrieve, update, or delete the S3 bucket lifecycle rule configuration.

9.12.1 library updates

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /application/consistency-groups/{consistency_group.uuid}/snapshots/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API completes a Snapshot copy operation of a consistency group.

  • Endpoint: /security/aws-kms
    These APIs allow ONTAP to securely store its encryption keys using AWS KMS. They allow for configuring, updating, and deleting AWS KMS configurations.

  • Endpoint: /security/aws-kms/{aws_kms.uuid}/rekey-external
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys or re-versions the AWS KMS Key Encryption Key (KEK) for the given AWS KMS.

  • Endpoint: /security/aws-kms/{aws_kms.uuid}/rekey-internal
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys SVM KEK for the given AWS KMS.

  • Endpoint: /security/aws-kms/{aws_kms.uuid}/restore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API restores the keys for an SVM from a configured AWS KMS.

  • Endpoint: /security/key-managers/{security_key_manager.uuid}/auth-keys
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs allow for managing authentication keys.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/moves/{node.uuid}/{uuid}/{index}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the status of an on-going file move operation.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/active-directory
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs can be used to display Active Directory account-related information of all SVMs or create a new Active Directory account.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/active-directory/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    This API displays, modified, or deletes an Active Directory Account for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/active-directory/{svm.uuid}/preferred-domain-controllers
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs can be used to display or create the preferred domain controller configuration of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/active-directory/{svm.uuid}/preferred-domain-controllers/{fqdn}/{server_ip}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs retrieve and delete the Active Directory preferred DC configuration of the specified SVM and domain.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs retrieve group policy objects that are yet to be applied. You can also use it to create a background task to update the GPO settings for a specific SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies/{svm.uuid}/central-access-policies
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves applied central access policies for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies/{svm.uuid}/central-access-policies/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves an applied central access policy for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies/{svm.uuid}/central-access-rules
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves applied central access rules for specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies/{svm.uuid}/central-access-rules/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves an applied central access rule for specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies/{svm.uuid}/objects
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves applied group policy objects for specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies/{svm.uuid}/restricted-groups
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves applied policies of restricted groups for specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/group-policies/{svm.uuid}/restricted-groups/{policy_index}/{group_name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves an applied policy of a restricted group for specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nfs/connected-client-settings
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs allow for retrieving and modifying properties of the NFS connected-client cache settings.

Fixed issues

  • Bug ID 1506171
    When calling post_collection on a resource, the library was not resetting the connection resulting in a no connection error.

  • Bug ID 1504927
    The library was not polling on a job when a next link was returned in the response.

9.11.1 library updates

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /cluster/counter/tables
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API returns a collection of counter tables and their schema definitions.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/counter/tables/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API returns the information about a single counter table.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/counter/tables/{}/rows
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API returns a collection of counter rows.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/counter/tables/{}/rows/{id}
    HTTP methods: GET This API returns a single counter rows.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/svms
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves configuration information for all pairs of SVMs in MetroCluster.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/svms/{cluster.uuid}/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves configuration information for an SVM in a MetroCluster relationship.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/sensors
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves environment sensors

  • Endpoint: /cluster/sensors/{node.uuid}/{index}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves environment sensors.

  • Endpoint: /network/ethernet/switches
    HTTP methods: POST, DELETE
    This API can be used to get information about the Ethernet switches used for cluster and/or storage networks.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/fabrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    The Fibre Channel (FC) fabric REST APIs provide read-only access to FC network information. This includes connections between the ONTAP cluster and the FC fabric, the switches that comprise the fabric, and the zones of the active zoneset of the fabric.

  • Endpoint: /network/ip/subnets
    This API manages IP subnets in the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /svm/svms/{svm.uuid}/top-metrics/clients
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a list of clients with the most IO activity for FlexVol and FlexGroup volumes belonging to a specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /svm/svms/{svm.uuid}/top-metrics/files
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a list of files with the most IO activity for FlexVol and FlexGroup volumes belonging to a specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /svm/svms/{svm.uuid}/top-metrics/users
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a list of users with the most IO activity for FlexVol and FlexGroup volumes belonging to a specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/cache/group-membership/settings
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API is used to retrieve and manage group-membership cache settings.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/cache/host/settings
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API is used to retrieve and manage hosts cache settings.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/cache/netgroup/settings
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API is used to retrieve and manage netgroups cache settings.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/cache/setting
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API is used to retrieve and manage global nameservice cache settings.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/cache/unix-group/settings
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API is used to retrieve and manage unix-group settings.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/cache/unix-user/settings
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API is used to retrieve and manage unix-user settings.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/ldap-schemas
    This API manages LDAP schemas.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/netgroup-files/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API displays the netgroup file details or raw netgroup file of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /support/ems/application-logs
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API generates creates an app.log.* event.

  • Endpoint: /security/azure-key-vaults/{azure_key_value.uuid}/rekey-external
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys the external key in the key hierarchy for an SVM with an AKV configuration.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms/{gcp_kms.uuid}/rekey-external
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys the external key in the key hierarchy for an SVM with a Google Cloud KMS configuration.

  • Endpoint: /security/key-managers/{security_key_manager.uuid}/keys/{node.uuid}/key-ids
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the key manager keys on the give node.

  • Endpoint: /security/multi-admin-verify
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs provide information on the multi-admin verification global setting.

  • Endpoint: /security/multi-admin-verify/approval-groups
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    This API manages multi-admin-verify approval groups.

  • Endpoint: /security/multi-admin-verify/approval-groups/{owner.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs provide information about a specific multi-admin verification approval-group.

  • Endpoint: /security/multi-admin-verify/requests
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs provide information about multi-admin verification requests.

  • Endpoint: /security/multi-admin-verify/requests/{index}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs provide information about a specific multi-admin verification request.

  • Endpoint: /security/multi-admin-verify/rules
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    This API manages multi-admin-verify rules.

  • Endpoint: /security/multi-admin-verify/rules/{owner.uuid}/{operation}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs provide information about a specific multi-admin verification rule.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/moves
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    This API starts a file move operation between two FlexVol volumes or within a FlexGroup volume, and shows the status of all on-going file move operations in the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /storage/pools
    These APIs manage storage pools in a cluster.

  • Endpoint: /storage/ports/{node.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API updates a storage port.

  • Endpoint: /storage/tape-devices/{node.uuid}/{device_id}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API updates a specific tape device.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/domains
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the CIFS connection information for all SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/netbios
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves NetBIOS information.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/session/files
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage files opened in a current session.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/shadow-copies
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs retrieve and modify Shadowcopies.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/shadowcopy-sets
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs retrieve and modify Shadowcopy Sets.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/users-and-groups/build-import/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, PATCH
    This API is used to bulk import from the specified URI, get the status of the last import and to upload the import status to the specified URI.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nfs/connected-client-maps
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves NFS clients information.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/vscan/{svm.uuid}/events
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves Vscan events, which are generated by the cluster to capture important events.

9.10.1 library updates

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/interconnects/{node.uuid}/{partner_type}/{adapter}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API updates a MetroCluster interconnect interface.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/web
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs are for web services configuration.

  • Endpoint: /svm/migrations
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs allow creation and observation of the SVM migrations.

  • Endpoint: /svm/migrations/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs allow management of a single SVM migration.

  • Endpoint: /svm/migrations/{svm_migration.uuid}/volumes
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the transfer status of the volumes in the SVM.

  • Endpoint: /svm/migrations/{svm_migration.uuid}/volumes/{volume.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the transfer status for the specified volume.

  • Endpoint: /svm/svms/{svm.uuid}/web
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage the web services security configuration.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/host-record/{svm.uuid}/host
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the IP address of the specified hostname.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/local-hosts
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for managing IP to hostname mappings.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/local-hosts/{owner.uuid}/{address}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage a specified SVM and IP address.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-groups/{svm.uuid}/{}/users
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves users to the specified UNIX group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-groups/{svm.uuid}/{}/users/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a user from the specified UNIX group.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/lun-maps/{lun.uuid}/{igroup.uuid}/reporting-nodes
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for managing LUN map reporting nodes.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/lun-maps/{lun.uuid}/{igroup.uuid}/reporting-nodes/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage Lun map reports for the specified node.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/vvol-bindings
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for vVol bindings.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/vvol-bindings/{protocol_endpoint.uuid}/{vvol.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage vVol bindings per vvol uuid.

  • Endpoint: /storage/luns/{lun.uuid}/attributes
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for LUN attributes.

  • Endpoint: /storage/luns/{lun.uuid}/attributes/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage LUN attributes for the specific lun and name.

  • Endpoint: /application/consistency-groups
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage details of a collection or a specific consistency group.

  • Endpoint: /application/consistency-groups/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage consistency groups.

  • Endpoint: /application/consistency-groups/{uuid}/{consistency_group.uuid}/snapshots
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage snapshot copies of a collection or a specific consistency group.

  • Endpoint: /application/consistency-groups/{uuid}/{consistency_group.uuid}/snapshots/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage details of a specific snapshot for a consistency group.

  • Endpoint: /support/auto-update
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage the current status of the automatic update feature and the End User License Agreement (EULA).

  • Endpoint: /support/auto-update/configurations
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the configuration for automatic updates.

  • Endpoint: /support/auto-update/configurations/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage the configuration for a specified automatic update.

  • Endpoint: /support/auto-update/updates
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the status of all updates.

  • Endpoint: /support/auto-update/updates/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage the status of an update.

  • Endpoint: /support/coredump/coredumps
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a collection of coredumps.

  • Endpoint: /support/coredump/coredumps/{node.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage a specific core dump.

  • Endpoint: /security/anti-ransomware/suspects
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves information on the suspects generated by the anti-ransomware analytics.

  • Endpoint: /security/anti-ransomware/suspects/{volume.uuid}
    HTTP methods: DELETE
    This API clears either all the suspect files of a volume or suspect files of a volume based on file format or suspect time provided.

  • Endpoint: /security/azure-key-vaults/{uuid}/rekey-internal
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys the internal key in the key hierarchy for an SVM with an AKV configuration.

  • Endpoint: /security/azure-key-vaults/{uuid}/restore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API restores the keys for an SVM from a configured AKV.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms/{uuid}/rekey-internal
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys the internal key in the key hierarchy for an SVM with a Google Cloud KMS configuration.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms/{uuid}/restore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API restores the keys for an SVM from a configured Google Cloud KMS.

  • Endpoint: /security/ipsec/ca-certificates
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for the collection of IPsec CA certificates configured for all SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /security/ipsec/ca-certificates/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage the IPsec CA certificates configured for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /security/key-manager-configs
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs are used for key manager configurations.

  • Endpoint: /security/key-stores
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves keystores.

  • Endpoint: /security/ssh/svms
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the SSH server configuration for all the SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /security/ssh/svms/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage the SSH server configuration for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/clone/split-loads
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the clone split load of a node.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/clone/split-loads/{node.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage Volume File Clone Split Load.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/clone/split-status
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves file clone split status of all volumes in the node.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/clone/split-status/{volume.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves file clone split status of provided volume in the node.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/clone/tokens
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage tokens to reserve the split load.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/clone/tokens/{node.uuid}/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage file clone tokens for the specified node.

  • Endpoint: /storage/ports/{node.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API updates a storage port.

  • Endpoint: /storage/qos/workloads
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a collection of QoS workloads.

  • Endpoint: /storage/qos/workloads/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a specific QoS workload.

  • Endpoint: /storage/shelves/{uid}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API updates a shelf location LED.

  • Endpoint: /storage/volumes/{volume.uuid}/top-metrics/clients
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a list of clients with the most IO activity.

  • Endpoint: /storage/volumes/{volume.uuid}/top-metrics/directories
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a list of directories with the most IO activity.

  • Endpoint: /storage/volumes/{volume.uuid}/top-metrics/files
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a list of files with the most IO activity.

  • Endpoint: /storage/volumes/{volume.uuid}/top-metrics/users
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a list of users with the most IO activity.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/compliance-clocks
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API initializes the SnapLock ComplianceClock.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/domains
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the CIFS domain-related information of all SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/domains/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the CIFS domain-related information for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/domains/{svm.uuid}/preferred-domain-controllers
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for the CIFS domain preferred DC configuration of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/domains/{svm.uuid}/preferred-domain-controllers/{fqdn}/{server_ip}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage the CIFS domain preferred DC configuration for the specified SVM and domain.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-groups/{svm.uuid}/{sid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage local group information for the specified group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-groups/{svm.uuid}/{local_cifs_group.sid}/members
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs manage local users, Active Directory users and Active Directory groups which are members of the specified local group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-groups/{svm.uuid}/{local_cifs_group.sid}/members/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage the local user, Active Directory user and/or Active Directory group from the specified local group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-users/{svm.uuid}/{sid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage local user information for the specified user and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/users-and-groups/bulk-import/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, PATCH
    These APIs manage CIFS local users,groups and group memberships file from the specified URL.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/event-selectors
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage S3 audit event-selector configurations for all SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/event-selectors/{svm.uuid}/{bucket}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage an S3 audit event selector configuration for an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/file-security/permissions/{svm.uuid}/{path}
    HTTP methods: DELETE
    This API removes all SLAG ACLs for specified path. Bulk deletion is supported only for SLAG.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/fpolicy/{svm.uuid}/connections
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the statuses of FPolicy servers.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/fpolicy/{svm.uuid}/connections/{node.uuid}/{}/{server}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage the status of an FPolicy server.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/locks
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves locks details.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/locks/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage locks for the specified Lock ID.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3audits
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage S3 audit configuration.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3audits/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage an S3 audit configuration for an SVM.

9.9.1 library updates

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-groups
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs allow management of the UNIX groups for all of the SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-groups/{svm.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage UNIX group information for the specified group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-groups/{svm.uuid}/{}/users
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API adds users to the specified UNIX group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-groups/{svm.uuid}/{}/users/{name}
    HTTP methods: DELETE
    This API deletes a user from the specified UNIX group.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-users
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage all local UNIX users and configuration for SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /name-services/unix-users/{svm.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage UNIX user information for the specified user and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/igroups/{igroup.uuid}/igroups
    HTTP methods: GET,POST
    These APIs manage nested initiator groups of an initiator group.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/igroups/{igroup.uuid}/igroups/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage a nested initiator group of an initiator group.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/igroups/{igroup.uuid}/initiators/{name}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    Updates an initiator of an initiator group. This API only supports modification of initiators owned directly by the initiator group. Initiators of nested initiator groups must be modified on the initiator group that directly owns the initiator.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/portsets
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for portsets.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/portsets/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs used for a portset.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/portsets/{portset.uuid}/interfaces
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for interfaces of a portset.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/portsets/{portset.uuid}/interfaces/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs are for a network interface of a portset.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage Google Cloud KMS configurations for all clusters and SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs are for managing the Google Cloud KMS configuration for the SVM specified by the UUID.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms/{gcp_kms.uuid}/rekey-internal
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys the internal key in the key hierarchy for an SVM with a Google Cloud KMS configuration.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms/{gcp_kms.uuid}/restore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API restores the keys for an SVM from a configured Google Cloud KMS.

  • Endpoint: /storage/bridges
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a collection of bridges.

  • Endpoint: /storage/bridges/{wwn}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a specific bridge

  • Endpoint: /storage/flexcache/origins/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API modifies origin options for a origin volume in the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /storage/switches
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a collection of storage switches.

  • Endpoint: /storage/switches/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a specific storage switch.

  • Endpoint: /storage/tape-devices
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a collection of tape devices.

  • Endpoint: /storage/tape-devices/{node.uuid}/{device_id}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves a specific tape.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/ndmp/svms/{svm.uuid}/passwords/{user}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API generates and retrieves the password for the specified NDMP user.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-groups
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for the local groups for all of the SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-groups/{svm.uuid}/{group_sid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs are for local group information of the specified group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-groups/{svm.uuid}/{local_group.group_sid}/members
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs manage local users, Active Directory users and Active Directory groups which are members of the specified local group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-groups/{svm.uuid}/{local_group.group_sid}/members/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs are for the local user, Active Directory user and/or Active Directory group from the specified local group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-users
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs are for local users of all of the SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/local-users/{svm.uuid}/{user_sid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage local user information for the specified user and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/sessions/{node.uuid}/{svm.uuid}/{identifier}/{connection_id}
    HTTP methods: DELETE
    This API deletes SMB session information on a node for an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/users-and-groups/privileges
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs manage privileges of the specified local or Active Directory user or group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/users-and-groups/privileges/{svm.uuid}/{name}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs are for privileges of the specified local or Active Directory user or group and SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/file-security/permissions/{svm.uuid}/{path}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, PATCH
    These APIs manage file permissions

  • Endpoint: /protocols/file-security/permissions/{svm.uuid}/{path}/acl
    These APIs manage the new SACL/DACL ACL.

9.8.0 library updates

Fixed issues

Due to a type mismatch between documentation and implementation, some endpoints were failing because of a validation error.

ONTAP 9.8 REST API updates

All new ONTAP APIs have corresponding library resource objects which can be used to perform the operations. See the netapp_ontap.resources package for details about each of the objects and their fields.

For a summary of the changes in the ONTAP REST API between versions of ONTAP 9, see the ONTAP 9 Release Notes.

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /cluster/firmware/history
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the details history of firmware update requests for the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/licensing/capacity-pools
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves information about associations between ONTAP nodes in the cluster and capacity pool licenses. It can also report how much capacity each node is consuming from the pool.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/licensing/license-managers
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs allow for managing information about the license manager associated with the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/mediators
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs allow for adding or removing a mediator to MetroCluster over IP configuration as well as retrieving the status of the existing mediator.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, PATCH
    These APIs allows for creating, performing operations, and retrieving relevant information pertaining to MetroCluster.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/diagnostics
    HTTP methods: GET, POST This API can be used to initiate a MetroCluster diagnostics operation and fetch the results of a completed diagnostic operation.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/dr-groups
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs allow for creating, performing operations, and retrieving relevant information about MetroCluster DR groups.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/interconnects
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves information pertaining to MetroCluster interconnect status.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/nodes
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves details about MetroCluster nodes.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/metrocluster/operations
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the list of MetroCluster operations on the local cluster.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/nodes/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a node.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/software/upload
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API uploads a software or firmware package located on the local filesystem.

  • Endpoint: /network/ethernet/ports/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for a port.

  • Endpoint: /network/ethernet/switch/ports
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API can be used to get the port information for an ethernet switch used in a cluster or storage networks.

  • Endpoint: /network/ethernet/switches
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs can be used to retrieve and modify ethernet switches used for the cluster and/or storage networks.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/interfaces/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for an FC interface.

  • Endpoint: /network/fc/ports/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for an FC port.

  • Endpoint: /network/ip/interfaces/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for an interface.

  • Endpoint: /network/ip/service-policies
    These APIs allow for creating, modifying, and deleting a service policy for network interfaces.

  • Endpoint: /storage/namespaces/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for an NVMe namespace.

  • Endpoint: /security
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API updates the software FIPS mode or enables conversion of non-encrypted metadata volumes to encrypted metadata volumes and non-NAE aggregates to NAE aggregates.

  • Endpoint: /security/azure-key-vaults
    These APIs allow for managing Azure Key Vaults on a cluster.

  • Endpoint: /security/azure-key-vaults/{azure_key_vault.uuid}/rekey-internal
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API rekeys the internal key in the key hierarchy for an SVM with and AKV configuration.

  • Endpoint: /security/azure-key-vaults/{azure_key_vault.uuid}/restore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API restores the keys for an SVM from a configures AKV.

  • Endpoint: /security/certificate-signing-request
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API generates a Certificate Signing Request and a private key pair.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms
    These APIs allow ONTAP to store encryption keys using Google Cloud Key Management Services.

  • Endpoint: /security/gcp-kms/{gcp_kms.uuid}/restore
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API restores the keys for an SVM from a configure Google Cloud Key Management Service.

  • Endpoint: /security/ipsec
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs allow for retrieving and updating IPsec status.

  • Endpoint: /security/ipsec/policies
    These APIs allow for creating, retrieving information about, and updating IPsec policies.

  • Endpoint: /security/ipsec/security-associations
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the IPsec and IKE(Internet Key Exchange) security associations.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/copy
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API starts a file copy operations which is only supported on flexible volumes.

  • Endpoint: /storage/file/move
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API starts a file move operation which is only supported on flexible volumes.

  • Endpoint: /storage/flexcache/flexcaches/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API prepopulates a FlexCache volume in the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /storage/monitored-files
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs allow for creating, deleting, and retrieving information about monitored files.

  • Endpoint: /storage/monitored-files/{monitored_file.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for the monitored file.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snapshot-policies/{snapshot_policy.uuid}/schedules
    These APIs perform operations related to Snapshot copy policy schedules.

  • Endpoint: /storage/volume-efficiency-policies
    These APIs allow for configuring volume efficiency policies on a cluster.

  • Endpoint: /storage/volumes/{volume.uuid}/files/{path}
    These APIs allow for creating files, modifying files, and deleting files on a volume.

  • Endpoint: /private/protocols/audit/audit-log-redirect
    These APIs can be used to specify a dedicated SVM for all NAS auditing event log to reside in.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/sessions
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves the CIFS sessions information for all SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/sessions/{node.uuid}/{svm.uuid}/{identifier}/{connection_id}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves SMB session information for a specific SMF connection of a SVM in a node.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/file-access-tracing/events
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs retrieves or delete trace results for access allowed or denied events.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/file-access-tracing/filters
    These APIs manage security trace filter entries.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/file-security/effective-permissions/{svm.uuid}/{path}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API displays the effective permissions granted to a Windows or UNIX user on the specified file or folder path.

  • Endpoint: /private/manage/event-remediations
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs allow for retrieving about and performing event management actions.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/buckets
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API creates the S3 bucket configuration for an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/buckets/{svm.uuid}/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage S3 bucket configurations for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/groups
    These APIs manage S3 group configurations for the specified SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for the S3 protocol of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s4/services/{svm.uuid}/policies
    These APIs allow for configuring S3 policies for the specified SVM.

9.7.0 library updates


  • A count_collection() method is now available on all resources which have a get_collection(). This method is a shortcut for getting only the number of items matching a query. For example: Volume.count_collection(name="backup_vol*") is roughly equivalent to len(list(Volume.get_collection(name="backup_vol*"))).

  • The application can now add its own custom headers for each request as part of the netapp_ontap.host_connection.HostConnection object.

  • When passing verify=False to the HostConnection, the library will now disable urllib3's InsecureRequestWarning from logging messages.

Fixed issues

  • Bug ID 1322090
    When polling jobs, the certificate verification setting was hard-coded to False, so it would behave the same regardless of how the user set it.

  • Bug ID 1322095 The get_collection() call using the connection parameter was not correctly setting the connection on the returned resource objects.

  • Bug ID 1279507
    When doing a find() with the fields query parameter, the library was not returning the specified fields, instead, all fields were being returned.

  • Bug ID 1291333
    When 0 records are found in a Resource.find() call and LOG_ALL_API_CALLS is set to True, then an uncaught exception is raised.

  • Bug ID 1271450
    The library doesn't allow sending a body in a DELETE request.

  • Bug ID 1263312
    When POSTing or PATCHing some objects with embedded objects, fields might incorrectly be dropped from the request.

  • Bug ID 1275238
    Retrieving and setting the "from" field of Autosupport object fails.


  • In prior versions, Resource.find() would raise an exception if no results were found as well as when more than one was found. In this version, when no results are found, None is returned instead of raising an exception. An exception is still raised when more than one result is found.

##ONTAP 9.7 REST API updates

All new ONTAP APIs have corresponding library resource objects which can be used to perform the operations. See the netapp_ontap.resources package for details about each of the objects and their fields.

For a summary of the changes in the ONTAP REST API between versions of ONTAP 9, see the ONTAP 9 Release Notes.

New endpoints

  • Endpoint: /cluster/nodes/{uuid}
    HTTP methods: DELETE
    This API will remove a node from the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/ntp/keys/{id}
    These APIs allow for management of NTP server shared keys.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/ntp/servers/{server}
    These APIs allow for management of keyed NTP servers.

  • Endpoint: /cluster/software/download
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API allows monitoring the status of the image package download progress.

  • Endpoint: /network/http-proxy/{uuid}
    This API allow configuration of an HTTP proxy for the cluster of SVM IP spaces.

  • Endpoint: /network/ip/bgp/peer-groups/{uuid}
    These APIs manage information pertaining to the BGP peer-groups configured in the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/fcp/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for the FC Protocols service of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/san/iscsi/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves history performance metrics for the iSCSI protocol of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /storage/luns/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves history performance metrics for a LUN.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nvme/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieve historical performance metrics for NVME protocol of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /support/configuration-backup/{node.uuid}/name
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs create, retrieve, and delete backup configurations for the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /support/snmp/traphosts/{host}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs configure SNMP traphosts which will receive SNMP traps from ONTAP.

  • Endpoint: /support/snmp/users/{engine_id}/{name}
    These APIs configure SNMP users that are able to query for the ONTAP SNMP server.

  • Endpoint: /security
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves information about the security configured on the cluster.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/cluster/ad-proxy
    These APIs configure which data SVM will be use to proxy cluster management AD authentication.

  • Endpoint: /security/authentication/publickeys/{owner.uuid}/{}/{index}
    These APIs configure the public keys for user accounts.

  • Endpoint: /security/key-managers/{source.uuid}/migrate
    HTTP methods: POST
    This API migrates the keys belonging to an SVM between the cluster's key manager and the SVM's key manager.

  • Endpoint: /security/ssh
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API manages the SSH server running in ONTAP.

  • Endpoint: /storage/aggregates/{uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API provide historical performance metrics for the specified aggregate.

  • Endpoint: /storage/disks
    HTTP methods: PATCH
    This API updates the encryption controls of self-encrypting disks.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snapshot-policies/{snapshot-policy.uuid}/schedules/{uuid}
    These APIs manage the policies regarding when snapshots are taken.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/ndmp
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API manages NDMP mode at either SVM-scope or node-scope.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/ndmp/{node.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    This API manages node-scoped NDMP settings.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/ndmp/sessions/{owner.uuid}/{}
    HTTP methods: GET, DELETE
    These APIs manage diagnostics information on NDMP settings belonging to a specific SVM in the case of SVM-scope or to a specific node in the case of node-scope.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/ndmp/svms/{svm.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH
    These APIs manage SVM-scoped NDMP settings.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/audit-logs/{svm.uuid}
    These APIs manage the login policies for a snaplock volume.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/compliance-clocks/{node.uuid}
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API manages the Compliance Clock of the system which determines the expiry time of the SnapLock objects in the system.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/event-retention/operations/{id}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST
    These APIs display all Event Based Retentions (EBR) operations and allow for applying an EBR policy on a specified volume.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/event-retention/policies/{}
    These APIs manage retention policies for snaplock files and directories.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/files/{volume.uuid}/{path}
    HTTP methods: GET, PATCH, DELETE
    These APIs manage the SnapLock retention time of a file.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/file-fingerprints/{id}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs manage key information about snaplock files and volumes.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/litigations/{id}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    These APIs retain Compliance-mode WORM files for the duration of a litigation.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/litigations/{
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API displays the list of files under the specified litigation ID.

  • Endpoint: /storage/snaplock/litigations/{}/operations/{id}
    HTTP methods: GET, POST, DELETE
    This API manages the legal-hold operations for the specified litigation ID.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/cifs/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves history performance metrics for the CIFS protocol of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nfs/connected-clients
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API provides a list of currently connected NFS clients or clients that can be connected but are currently idle.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/nfs/services/{svm.uuid}/metrics
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves historical performance metrics for the NFS protocol of an SVM.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/buckets
    HTTP methods: GET
    This API retrieves all S3 buckets for all SVMs.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}
    These APIs manage S3 servers which will allow you to store objects in ONTAP using Amazon S3 protocol.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/buckets/{uuid}
    These APIs manage S3 buckets which are a container of objects.

  • Endpoint: /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/users/{name}
    These APIs manage S3 user accounts on the server. Buckets that are created are associate with a user.



Initial release of the library

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