Looking for contributors/ maintainers for this repo:
I have become busy with other stuff in the last years, still trying to maintain this repo as it is the current best OSS option for nudity detection,
Looking for interested mainttainer, who can add/ work on more features for this repo (with my help of course)
NudeNet: lightweight Nudity detection
https://nudenet.notai.tech/ in-browser demo (the detector is run client side, i.e: in your browser, images are not sent to a server)
pip install --upgrade "nudenet>=3.4.2"
from nudenet import NudeDetector
detector = NudeDetector()
detector.detect_batch(['image_1.jpg', 'image_2.jpg'])
Available models
Model | resolution trained | based on | onnx link | pytorch link |
320n | 320x320 | ultralytics yolov8n | link | link |
640m | 640x640 | ultralytics yolov8m | link | link |
detector = NudeDetector(model_path="downloaded_640m.onnx path", inference_resolution=640)
- 320n is the default model and is included in the
python package by default
detection_example = [
{'class': 'BELLY_EXPOSED',
'score': 0.799403190612793,
'box': [64, 182, 49, 51]},
{'class': 'FACE_FEMALE',
'score': 0.7881264686584473,
'box': [82, 66, 36, 43]},
all_labels = [
docker run -it -p8080:8080 ghcr.io/notai-tech/nudenet:latest
curl -F f1=@"images.jpeg" "http://localhost:8080/infer"
{"prediction": [[{"class": "BELLY_EXPOSED", "score": 0.8511635065078735, "box": [71, 182, 31, 50]}, {"class": "FACE_FEMALE", "score": 0.8033977150917053, "box": [83, 69, 21, 37]}, {"class": "FEMALE_BREAST_EXPOSED", "score": 0.7963727712631226, "box": [85, 137, 24, 38]}, {"class": "FEMALE_BREAST_EXPOSED", "score": 0.7709134817123413, "box": [63, 136, 20, 37]}, {"class": "ARMPITS_EXPOSED", "score": 0.7005534172058105, "box": [60, 127, 10, 20]}, {"class": "FEMALE_GENITALIA_EXPOSED", "score": 0.6804671287536621, "box": [81, 241, 14, 24]}]], "success": true}⏎
Some interesting projects based on NudeNet
1 - by https://github.com/w-e-w, censor extension ps://github.com/notAI-tech/NudeNet/issues/131