.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/price-parser.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/price-parser
:alt: Supported Python Versions
is a simple library that allows you to convert numbers written in the natural
language to it's equivalent numeric forms. It currently supports cardinal numbers in the following
languages - English, Hindi, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian and ordinal numbers in English.
pip install number-parser
number-parser requires Python 3.7+.
The library provides the following common usages.
Converting numbers in-place
Identifying the numbers in a text string, converting them to corresponding numeric values while ignoring non-numeric words.
This also supports ordinal number conversion (for English only).
from number_parser import parse
parse("I have two hats and thirty seven coats")
'I have 2 hats and 37 coats'
parse("One, Two, Three go")
'1, 2, 3 go'
parse("First day of year two thousand")
'1 day of year 2000'
Parsing a number
Converting a single number written in words to it's corresponding integer.
from number_parser import parse_number
parse_number("two thousand and twenty")
Parsing an ordinal
Converting a single ordinal number written in words to its corresponding integer. (Support for English only)
from number_parser import parse_ordinal
parse_ordinal("twenty third")
parse_ordinal("seventy fifth")
Parsing a fraction
Converting a fractional number written in words to its corresponding integral fraction. (Support for English only)
from number_parser import parse_fraction
parse_fraction("forty two divided by five hundred and six")
parse_fraction("one over two")
parse_fraction("forty two / one million")
Language Support
The default language is English, you can pass the language parameter with corresponding locale for other languages.
It currently supports cardinal numbers in the following
languages - English, Hindi, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian and ordinal numbers in English.
from number_parser import parse, parse_number
parse("Hay tres gallinas y veintitrés patos", language='es')
'Hay 3 gallinas y 23 patos'
parse_number("चौदह लाख बत्तीस हज़ार पाँच सौ चौबीस", language='hi')
Supported cases
The library has extensive tests.
Some of the supported cases are described below.
Accurately handling usage of conjunction while forming the number.
parse("doscientos cincuenta y doscientos treinta y uno y doce", language='es')
'250 y 231 y 12'
Handling ambiguous cases without proper separators.
parse("two thousand thousand")
'2000 1000'
parse_number("two thousand two million")
Handling nuances in the languag ith different forms of the same number.
parse_number("пятисот девяноста шести", language='ru')
parse_number("пятистам девяноста шести", language='ru')
parse_number("пятьсот девяносто шесть", language='ru')
0.3.2 (2023-03-28)
0.3.1 (2023-03-22)
- Add Python 3.10, 3.11 support (#83)
- Add version (#87)
- Replace OrderedDict with dict (#88)
- Inconsistent white space handling around sentence separators following numbers (#76, #77)
0.3.0 (2022-10-20)
- Added support for bigger numbers in Spanish (#43)
- Added pytest flake8 (#44)
- Refactored the code (#45)
- Improved testing (#46)
- Improved scripts (#47)
- Added tests (#50, #72)
- Added GitHub actions (#54, #55, #56, #57)
- Added support for simple fractions (#60)
New features:
- Added feature to parse numbers in Ukrainian (#79)
0.2.1 (2020-08-25)
Fix tokenization bug - Hindi
0.2.0 (2020-08-18)
Ordinal Number Support
0.1.0 (2020-07-30)
Initial release.