Automated NXOS Business Ready Documents from th guestshell Python
Setting up guestshell
Enable guestshell
switch# guestshell enable
Wait until the guestshell becomes active
Resize guestshell diskspace
guestshell resize rootfs 2000
guestshell resize memory 2688
guesthshell reboot
Update DNS
[cisco@guestshell ~]sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver <dns server IP address>
domain <domain that matches NX-OS configured domain>
Install Git
[cisco@guestshell ~]sudo yum install git
Conigure Git
[cisco@guestshell ~]git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"
[cisco@guestshell ~]git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com
[cisco@guestshell ~]git config --global push.default matching
Install the application
[cisco@guestshell ~]pip install nxpydocs
Run nxpydocs
Get Help
You can add --help to see the help information
[cisco@guestshell ~]nxpydocs --help
Run nxpydocs interactively
You can simply run nxpydocs and it will prompt you for the required input values
[cisco@guestshell ~]nxpydocs