Install it by cloning the git reprository or from PyPi using:
pip install obpcreator
Example from pyvista cube
from obpcreator.simple_input import SimpleBuild
import pyvista as pv
cube1 = pv.Cube(center=(15,-15,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube2 = pv.Cube(center=(15,0,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube3 = pv.Cube(center=(15,15,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube4 = pv.Cube(center=(0,-15,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube5 = pv.Cube(center=(0,0,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube6 = pv.Cube(center=(0,15,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube7 = pv.Cube(center=(-15,-15,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube8 = pv.Cube(center=(-15,0,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
cube9 = pv.Cube(center=(-15,15,5),x_length=10,y_length=10,z_length=10)
build = SimpleBuild(
meshes = [cube1, cube2, cube3, cube4, cube5, cube6, cube7],
spot_size = [1],
beam_power = [660],
scan_speed = [2031000],
dwell_time = [515000],
infill_strategy = ["line_concentric", "line_concentric", "line_spiral", "line_spiral", "line_snake", "point_random", "point_ordered"],
infill_settings = [{'direction': 'inward'}, {'direction': 'outward'},{'direction': 'inward'}, {'direction': 'outward'}, {},{},{'x_jump':2, 'y_jump':2}],
infill_point_distance = [0.1],
layer_height = 0.1,
rotation_angle = [0],
To package
- Delete old builds in the \dist folder
- Update the version in the pyproject.toml file
- run "python -m build"
- upload to pip with "twine upload dist/*"