As you know it is not possible to use cv2.imshow
in the remote jupyter notebook or colab.
This is the replacement of cv2.imshow
for jupyter. you need only to replace cv2.imshow
to jcv2.imshow
. It will works in jupyter or python.
Live Demo:
pip install -U opencv_jupyter_ui
Then activate extension
jupyter nbextension install --user --py ipycanvas
jupyter nbextension enable --user --py ipycanvas
jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink --sys-prefix ipycanvas
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix ipycanvas
For jupyter lab please make sure that you have nodejs or install it by conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
Then run
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager ipycanvas
please upgrade ipycanvas to version 0.12 for higher performance !pip install -q ipycanvas>=0.12
Installation on Colab
For google colab please add the following codes and restart all the cells.
!pip install -q ipycanvas==0.11
from google.colab import output
import opencv_jupyter_ui as jcv2
Showing Frame
It is exactly like cv2.imshow
you just need to change cv2
to jcv2
more options for showing frame
you can specify target width or height:
jcv2.imshow('test',frame,width=100) # scale down/up your image to fit this width
jcv2.imshow('test',frame,100) similar to previous example
jcv2.imshow('test',frame,height=150) # scale down/up your image to fit this height
jcv2.imshow('test',frame,width=100,height=150) # skretch your image to this size
jcv2.imshow('test',frame,color_space='rgb') # color_space=rgb or bgr, default: bgr
Please note that you can also put CSS string instead e.g., width='100%'
but it has higher overhead
When you use cv2.waitKey, you need to change it to jcv2.waitKey.
jcv2.waitKey(1000) # to wait for a button press in one second
define more keys:
you can define custom keys with this command
Supported special keys are: esc
reseting and destroying windows:
The following line where you clear the output
def getTestCV2Frame(i): # it generate an example image frame
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 200)
y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 200)
x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(x, y)
blue_channel = np.array(np.sin(x_grid**2 + y_grid**2) * 255, dtype=np.int32)
red_channel = (np.zeros_like(blue_channel) + 200*i)%222
green_channel = np.zeros_like(blue_channel) + 50
return np.stack((red_channel, blue_channel, green_channel), axis=2)
import opencv_jupyter_ui as jcv2
for i in range(200):
frame= getTestCV2Frame(i)
if jcv2.waitKey(1000)=='q':
jcv2.destroyAllWindows() #optinal, only needed if you don't run it in notebook
running in normal python
if it is not in jupyter it will display an opencv window. please don't forget to call jcv2.destroyAllWindows()
and jcv2.waitkey(100)
if it is not in jupyter