OpenSearch Logger for Python
This library provides a standard Python logging handler compatible with OpenSearch suite.
The goals of this project are
- to provide a simple and direct logging from Python to OpenSearch without fluentd, logstash or other middleware;
- keep it up to date with the growing difference between OpenSearch and Elasticsearch projects;
- keep the library easy to use, robust, and simple.
The library has been open-sourced from an internal project where it has been successfully used in production
since the release of OpenSearch 1.0.
Generated log records follow the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) field naming convention.
For better performance, it is recommended to set up a proper mapping for your logging indices.
However, everything will work fine without it.
A ready to use compatible JSON mapping can be found in the repository.
pip install opensearch-logger
Just add the OpenSearch handler to your Python logger
import logging
from opensearch_logger import OpenSearchHandler
handler = OpenSearchHandler(
http_auth=("admin", "admin"),
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
To send logs to OpenSearch simply use the same regular logging commands"This message will be indexed in OpenSearch")
start_time = time.perf_counter()
elapsed_time = time.perf_counter() - start_time
f"Database operation took {elapsed_time:.3f} seconds",
extra={"elapsed_time": elapsed_time},
The OpenSearchHandler
constructor takes several arguments described in the table below.
These parameters specify the name of the index, buffering settings, and some general behavior.
None of this parameters are mandatory.
All other keyword arguments are passed directly "as is" to the underlying OpenSearch
python client.
Full list of connection parameters can be found in opensearch-py
At least one connection parameter must be provided, otherwise a TypeError
will be thrown.
Logging parameters
Parameter | Default | Description |
index_name | "python-logs" | Base name of the OpenSearch index name that will be created. Or name of the data stream if is_data_stream is set to True . |
index_rotate | DAILY | Frequency that controls what date is appended to index name during its creation. OpenSearchHandler.DAILY . |
index_date_format | "%Y.%m.%d" | Format of the date that gets appended to the base index name. |
index_name_sep | "-" | Separator string between index_name and the date, appended to the index name. |
is_data_stream | False | A flag to indicate that the documents will get indexed into a data stream. If True , index rotation settings are ignored. |
buffer_size | 1000 | Number of log records which when reached on the internal buffer results in a flush to OpenSearch. |
flush_frequency | 1 | Float representing how often the buffer will be flushed (in seconds). |
extra_fields | {} | Nested dictionary with extra fields that will be added to every log record. |
raise_on_index_exc | False | Raise exception if indexing the log record in OpenSearch fails. |
Connection parameters
Here are a few examples of the connection parameters supported by the OpenSearch client.
For more details please check the opensearch-py
Parameter | Example | Description |
hosts | ["https://localhost:9200"] | The list of hosts to connect to. Multiple hosts are allowed. |
http_auth | ("admin", "admin") | Username and password to authenticate against the OpenSearch servers. |
http_compress | True | Enables gzip compression for request bodies. |
use_ssl | True | Whether communications should be SSL encrypted. |
verify_certs | False | Whether the SSL certificates are validated or not. |
ssl_assert_hostname | False | Verify authenticity of host for encrypted connections. |
ssl_show_warn | False | Enable warning for SSL connections. |
ca_certs | "/var/lib/root-ca.pem" | CA bundle path for using intermediate CAs with your root CA. |
Configuration with logging.config or in Django
Similarly to other log handlers, opensearch-logger
supports configuration via logging.config
Just specify the opensearch_logger.OpenSearchHandler
as one of the handlers and provide it with parameters.
Full guide on tweaking logging.config
can be found in the official python documentation.
import logging.config
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": False,
"handlers": {
"file": {
"level": "DEBUG",
"class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler",
"filename": "./debug.log",
"maxBytes": 102400,
"backupCount": 5,
"opensearch": {
"level": "INFO",
"class": "opensearch_logger.OpenSearchHandler",
"index_name": "my-logs",
"extra_fields": {"App": "test", "Environment": "dev"},
"hosts": [{"host": "localhost", "port": 9200}],
"http_auth": ("admin", "admin"),
"http_compress": True,
"use_ssl": True,
"verify_certs": False,
"ssl_assert_hostname": False,
"ssl_show_warn": False,
"loggers": {
"root": {
"handlers": ["file", "opensearch"],
"level": "INFO",
"propogate": False,
"django": {
"handlers": ["file","opensearch"],
"level": "DEBUG",
"propagate": True,
Using AWS OpenSearch
Package requests_aws4auth
is required to connect to the AWS OpenSearch service.
import boto3
from opensearch_logger import OpenSearchHandler
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth
from opensearchpy import RequestsHttpConnection
host = ""
region = "us-east-1"
service = "es"
creds = boto3.Session().get_credentials()
handler = OpenSearchHandler(
http_auth=AWS4Auth(creds.access_key, creds.secret_key, region, service, session_token=creds.token),
Using Kerberos Authentication
Package requests_kerberos
is required to authenticate using Kerberos.
from opensearch_logger import OpenSearchHandler
from requests_kerberos import HTTPKerberosAuth, DISABLED
handler = OpenSearchHandler(
Using Data Streams
Indexing documents into data streams is supported by just setting the is_data_stream
parameter to True
In this configuration however, It is OpenSearch that solely manages the rollover of the data stream's write index.
The logging handler's rollover functionality and index rotation settings (e.g. index_rotate
) are disabled.
The following is an example configuration to send documents to a data stream.
handler = OpenSearchHandler(
http_auth=("admin", "admin")
This library depends on the following packages
Building from source & Developing
This package uses pyenv
(optional) for development purposes.
It also uses Docker to run OpenSearch container for integration testing during development.
Clone the repo.
Create a virtual environment using any of the supported Python version.
# We are using Python 3.11 installed using pyenv for this example
pyenv local 3.11.0
# Create virtual env
python -m venv .venv
# Activate it
source .venv/bin/activate
Install pip-tools
and flit
# Update pip to the latest version, just in case
pip install --upgrade pip
# Install pip-compile and pip-sync, as well as flit
pip install pip-tools flit
Compile resolved dependency list
# Generates requirements.txt file.
# This might yield different results for different platforms.
pip-compile pyproject.toml
# Resolve dev requirements
pip-compile --extra dev -o dev-requirements.txt pyproject.toml
# If you want to upgrade dependencies, then call
pip-compile pyproject.toml --upgrade
Install resolved dependencies into virtual environment
# Sync current venv with both core and dev dependencies
pip-sync requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt
Install package itself locally.
Build, publishing, and local installation are done using flit
flit install
Run tests
WARNING: You need opensearch running on https://localhost:9200
to run the tests.
Part of the tests verifies that correct number of logs actually gets into OpenSearch.
Alternatively, you can specify the TEST_OPENSEARCH_HOST
variable and set it to a different value pointing
to the running OpenSearch server.
There are not many tests, but they run with 5 seconds cooldown each to allow OpenSearch to process the
newly sent log records properly and verify their count.
Small helper scripts are available in the tests/
directory to start and stop OpenSearch using Docker.
# Give it 5-10 seconds to initialize before running tests
# Run tests
# Run coverage tests
pytest --cov --cov-report=html --cov-config=pyproject.toml
# Run mypy typing verification
pytest --mypy opensearch_logger --strict-markers
# Run flake8 to make sure code style is correct
# Turn off OpenSearch
Bump package version
bump2version patch
Publish package (make sure you have correct credentials or .pypirc
flit publish
Cheat Sheet for working with OpenSearch
List all created indices, including count of documents
$ curl -k -XGET "https://admin:admin@localhost:9200/_cat/indices/test*?v&s=index"
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open test-opensearch-logger-2021.11.08 N0BEEnG2RIuPP0l8RZE0Dg 1 1 7 0 29.7kb 29.7kb
Count documents in all indexes that start with test
$ curl -k -XGET "https://admin:admin@localhost:9200/test*/_count"
Retrieve all documents from indexes that start with test
$ curl -k -XGET "https://admin:admin@localhost:9200/test*/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query":{"match_all":{}}}'
"took": 1,
"timed_out": false,
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 109,
"relation": "eq"
Same, but limit the number of returned documents to 10
$ curl -k -XGET "https://admin:admin@localhost:9200/test*/_search?size=10" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query":{"match_all":{}}}'
"took": 1,
"timed_out": false,
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 109,
"relation": "eq"
Contributions are welcome! 👏 🎉
Please create a GitHub issue and a Pull Request that references that issue as well as your proposed changes.
Your Pull Request will be automatically tested using GitHub actions.
After your pull request will be accepted, it will be merged and the version of the library will be bumped
and released to PyPI by project maintainers.
This is a fork of Python Elasticsearch ECS Log handler project
which was in turn forked from Python Elasticsearch Logger project.
While original is perfectly suitable for logging to Elasticsearch, due to the split between
OpenSearch and Elasticsearch it makes sense to make a fork entirely tailored to work with OpenSearch
and based on the official opensearch-py
Python library.
The API between python-elasticsearch-ecs-logger
and this project has slightly changed for better
compatibility with OpenSearch and for the purposes of simplification.
Featured on
The opensearch-logger
project is featured on the official
OpenSearch Community Projects page 🚀.
![OpenSearch Community Featured Project](docs/images/community-projects.png)
Distributed under the terms of Apache 2.0 license, opensearch-logger is free and open source software.