passagemath: Computing in commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and related fields with Macaulay2
About SageMath
"Creating a Viable Open Source Alternative to
Magma, Maple, Mathematica, and MATLAB"
Copyright (C) 2005-2024 The Sage Development Team
SageMath fully supports all major Linux distributions, recent versions of
macOS, and Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
See https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/installation/index.html
for general installation instructions.
About this pip-installable distribution package
This pip-installable distribution passagemath-macaulay2
provides an interface to
https://github.com/Macaulay2/M2 <Macaulay2>
What is included
Using Macaulay 2 on the command line::
$ pipx run --pip-args="--prefer-binary" --spec "passagemath-macaulay2" sage -sh -c 'M2'
Finding the installation location of Macaulay 2::
$ pipx run --pip-args="--prefer-binary" --spec "passagemath-macaulay2[test]" ipython
In [1]: from sage.features.macaulay2 import Macaulay2
In [2]: Macaulay2().absolute_filename()
Out[2]: '.../bin/M2'
Using the Python interface::
$ pipx run --pip-args="--prefer-binary" --spec "passagemath-macaulay2[test]" ipython
In [1]: from sage.all__sagemath_macaulay2 import *
In [2]: R = macaulay2('QQ[x, y]'); R
Out[2]: QQ[x..y]
In [3]: S = R / macaulay2('ideal {x^2 - y}'); S
x - y
In [4]: S.gens()
Out[4]: {x, y}