Python API for Pathling
This is the Python API for Pathling. It provides a
set of tools that aid the use of FHIR terminology services and FHIR data within
Python applications and data science workflows.
View the API documentation →
To install, run this command:
pip install pathling
The Python library features a set of encoders for converting FHIR data into
Spark dataframes.
Reading in NDJSON
NDJSON is a format commonly used for bulk FHIR data, and
consists of files (one per resource type) that contains one JSON resource per
from pathling import PathlingContext
pc = PathlingContext.create()
ndjson_dir = '/some/path/ndjson/'
json_resources =
patients = pc.encode(json_resources, 'Patient')'id', 'gender', 'birthDate').show()
Reading in Bundles
The FHIR Bundle resource can contain a
collection of FHIR resources. It is often used to represent a set of related
resources, perhaps generated as part of the same event.
from pathling import PathlingContext
pc = PathlingContext.create()
bundles_dir = '/some/path/bundles/'
bundles =, wholetext=True)
patients = pc.encode_bundle(bundles, 'Patient')'id', 'gender', 'birthDate').show()
Terminology functions
The library also provides a set of functions for querying a FHIR terminology
server from within your queries and transformations.
Value set membership
The member_of
function can be used to test the membership of a code within a
FHIR value set. This can be used with both
explicit value sets (i.e. those that have been pre-defined and loaded into the
terminology server) and implicit value sets (e.g. SNOMED CT
Expression Constraint Language).
In this example, we take a list of SNOMED CT diagnosis codes and
create a new column which shows which are viral infections. We use an ECL
expression to define viral infection as a disease with a pathological process
of "Infectious process", and a causative agent of "Virus".
result = pc.member_of(csv, to_coding(csv.CODE, ''),
<< 64572001|Disease| : (
<< 370135005|Pathological process| = << 441862004|Infectious process|,
<< 246075003|Causative agent| = << 49872002|Virus|
Results in:
65363002 | Otitis media | false |
16114001 | Fracture of ankle | false |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | true |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | true |
43878008 | Streptococcal sore throat | false |
Concept translation
The translate
function can be used to translate codes from one code system to
another using maps that are known to the terminology server. In this example, we
translate our SNOMED CT diagnosis codes into Read CTV3.
result = pc.translate(csv, to_coding(csv.CODE, ''),
result = result.withColumn('READ_CODE', result.READ_CODE.code)'CODE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'READ_CODE').show()
Results in:
65363002 | Otitis media | X00ik |
16114001 | Fracture of ankle | S34.. |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | XUjp0 |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | XUjp0 |
43878008 | Streptococcal sore throat | A340. |
Subsumption testing
Subsumption test is a fancy way of saying "is this code equal or a subtype of
this other code".
For example, a code representing "ankle fracture" is subsumed
by another code representing "fracture". The "fracture" code is more general,
and using it with subsumption can help us find other codes representing
different subtypes of fracture.
The subsumes
function allows us to perform subsumption testing on codes within
our data. The order of the left and right operands can be reversed to query
whether a code is "subsumed by" another code.
left_coding = Coding('', '232208008')
right_coding_column = to_coding(csv.CODE, '')
result = pc.subsumes(csv, 'IS_ENT',
right_coding_column=right_coding_column)'CODE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'IS_ENT').show()
Results in:
65363002 | Otitis media | true |
16114001 | Fracture of ankle | false |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | true |
Retrieving properties
Some terminologies contain additional properties that are associated with codes.
You can query these properties using the property_of
There is also a display
function that can be used to retrieve the preferred
display term for each code.
parents = csv.withColumn(
property_of(to_snomed_coding(csv.CODE), "parent", PropertyType.CODE),
exploded_parents = parents.selectExpr(
with_displays = exploded_parents.withColumn(
"PARENT_DISPLAY", display(to_snomed_coding(exploded_parents.PARENT))
Results in:
65363002 | Otitis media | 43275000 | Otitis |
65363002 | Otitis media | 68996008 | Disorder of middle ear |
16114001 | Fracture of ankle | 125603006 | Injury of ankle |
16114001 | Fracture of ankle | 46866001 | Fracture of lower limb |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | 36971009 | Sinusitis |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | 281794004 | Viral upper respiratory tract infection |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | 363166002 | Infective disorder of head |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | 36971009 | Sinusitis |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | 281794004 | Viral upper respiratory tract infection |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis | 363166002 | Infective disorder of head |
Retrieving designations
Some terminologies contain additional display terms for codes. These can be used
for language translations, synonyms, and more. You can query these terms using the designation
synonyms = csv.withColumn(
designation(to_snomed_coding(csv.CODE), Coding.of_snomed("900000000000013009")),
exploded_synonyms = synonyms.selectExpr(
Results in:
65363002 | Otitis media | OM - Otitis media |
16114001 | Fracture of ankle | Ankle fracture |
16114001 | Fracture of ankle | Fracture of distal end of tibia and fibula |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis (disorder) | NULL |
444814009 | Viral sinusitis (disorder) | NULL |
43878008 | Streptococcal sore throat (disorder) | Septic sore throat |
43878008 | Streptococcal sore throat (disorder) | Strep throat |
43878008 | Streptococcal sore throat (disorder) | Strept throat |
43878008 | Streptococcal sore throat (disorder) | Streptococcal angina |
43878008 | Streptococcal sore throat (disorder) | Streptococcal pharyngitis |
Terminology server authentication
Pathling can be configured to connect to a protected terminology server by
supplying a set of OAuth2 client credentials and a token endpoint.
Here is an example of how to authenticate to
the NHS terminology server:
from pathling import PathlingContext
pc = PathlingContext.create(
client_id='[client ID]',
client_secret='[client secret]'
Installation in Databricks
To make the Pathling library available within notebooks, navigate to the
"Compute" section and click on the cluster. Click on the "Libraries" tab, and
click "Install new".
Install both the pathling
PyPI package, and
the au.csiro.pathling:library-api
Maven package. Once the cluster is restarted, the libraries should be available
for import and use within all notebooks.
By default, Databricks uses Java 8 within its clusters, while Pathling requires
Java 17. To enable Java 17 support within your cluster, navigate to Advanced
Options > Spark > Environment Variables and add the following:
See the Databricks documentation on
Libraries for more
Spark cluster configuration
If you are running your own Spark cluster, or using a Docker image (such as
you will need to configure Pathling as a Spark package.
You can do this by adding the following to your spark-defaults.conf
spark.jars.packages au.csiro.pathling:library-api:[some version]
See the Configuration
page of the Spark documentation for more information about spark.jars.packages
and other related configuration options.
To create a Pathling notebook Docker image, your Dockerfile
might look like
FROM jupyter/pyspark-notebook
USER root
RUN echo "spark.jars.packages au.csiro.pathling:library-api:[some version]" >> /usr/local/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf
RUN pip install --quiet --no-cache-dir pathling && \
fix-permissions "${CONDA_DIR}" && \
fix-permissions "/home/${NB_USER}"
Pathling is copyright © 2018-2023, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation
(CSIRO) ABN 41 687 119 230. Licensed under
the Apache License, version 2.0.