This is a simple module to execute pdflatex in an easy and clean way.
The pdflatex command line utility by default generates a lot of output and can create many files.
The PDFLaTeX class can be instantiated directly or through helpers:
- from_texfile(filename)
- from_binarystring(binstr, jobname)
- from_jinja2_template(jinja2_template, jobname = None, **render_kwargs)
jobname is any string that can be used to create a valid filename;
In all the following examples, no files are left on the filesystem,
unless requested with the keep_pdf_file and keep_log_file parameters
to the create_pdf method.
Create PDF from .tex file
from pdflatex import PDFLaTeX
pdfl = PDFLaTeX.from_texfile('my_file.tex')
pdf, log, completed_process = pdfl.create_pdf(keep_pdf_file=True, keep_log_file=True)
The function create_pdf returns 3 results:
- The pdf file in a binary string;
- The log file generated by pdflatex as text;
- An instance of subprocess.CompleteProcess with the results of the pdflatex execution.
Also, create_pdf takes a few parameters:
- keep_pdf_file: an optional boolean. Default to False. If True a pdf file is maintained. Its location and name depends on the value of the -output-directory and -jobname parameters. It is also derived from the tex filename or the jinja2 template filename if no parameter is given;
- keep_log_file: same thing, for the log file.
- env: a default ENV mapping for the execution of pdflatex. You probably want to skip this.
Create PDF from Jinja2 Template
import os
import pdflatex
import jinja2
env = pdflatex.JINJA2_ENV
env['loader'] = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.abspath('.'))
env = jinja2.Environment(**env)
template = env.get_template('jinja.tex')
pdfl = pdflatex.PDFLaTeX.from_jinja2_template(template, data='Hello world!')
pdf, log, cp = pdfl.create_pdf()
Quite self explanatory, just note that pdflatex includes a dictionary
JINJA2_ENV with a suggestion of environment parameters for you to use with
jinja2 and LaTeX. It os defined as:
JINJA2_ENV = {'block_start_string': '\BLOCK{',
'block_end_string': '}',
'variable_start_string': '\VAR{',
'variable_end_string': '}',
'comment_start_string': '\#{',
'comment_end_string': '}',
'line_statement_prefix': '%%',
'line_comment_prefix': '%#',
'trim_blocks': True,
'autoescape': False }
Create PDF file from binary string:
import pdflatex
with open('my_file.tex', 'rb') as f:
pdfl = pdflatex.PDFLaTeX.from_binarystring(f.read(), 'my_file')
pdf, log, cp = pdfl.create_pdf()