is a Python library designed for seamless integration with Polar devices using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) through the Bleak library. With polar-python
, you can easily connect to Polar devices, query supported functionalities such as ECG, ACC, and PPG, explore configurable options and their possible values, and start data streaming to receive parsed binary data through callback functions.
- Connect to Polar Devices: Use BLE to connect to Polar devices.
- Query Device Capabilities: Discover supported functionalities like ECG, ACC, and PPG.
- Explore Configurable Options: Query and set measurement settings for each feature.
- Stream Data: Start data streaming and receive parsed binary data via callback functions.
You can install polar-python
from PyPI using pip:
pip install polar-python
Below is an example of how to use polar-python
to connect to a Polar device, query its features, set measurement settings, and start data streaming.
Step 1: Import Libraries and Initialize Console
import asyncio
from bleak import BleakScanner
from polar_python import PolarDevice, MeasurementSettings, SettingType, ECGData, ACCData
Step 2: Define Data Callback Function
def data_callback(data: Union[ECGData, ACCData]):
Callback function to handle incoming data from the Polar device.
data (Union[ECGData, ACCData]): The data received from the Polar device.
Step 3: Define Main Function to Connect to Polar Device
async def main():
Main function to connect to a Polar device, query its features,
set measurement settings, and start data streaming.
device = await BleakScanner.find_device_by_filter(
lambda bd, ad: bd.name and "Polar H10" in bd.name, timeout=5
if device is None:
Step 4: Connect to Polar Device and Query Features
async with PolarDevice(device, data_callback) as polar_device:
available_features = await polar_device.available_features()
for feature in available_features:
settings = await polar_device.request_stream_settings(feature)
Step 5: Define and Start Data Streams
ecg_settings = MeasurementSettings(
SettingType(type="SAMPLE_RATE", array_length=1, values=[130]),
SettingType(type="RESOLUTION", array_length=1, values=[14]),
acc_settings = MeasurementSettings(
SettingType(type="SAMPLE_RATE", array_length=1, values=[25]),
SettingType(type="RESOLUTION", array_length=1, values=[16]),
SettingType(type="RANGE", array_length=1, values=[2]),
await polar_device.start_stream(ecg_settings)
await polar_device.start_stream(acc_settings)
await asyncio.sleep(120)
Step 6: Run the Main Function
if __name__ == "__main__":
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Bleak - BLE library for Python.
- Rich - Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
- bleakheart - For providing inspiration and valuable insights.
- Polar BLE SDK - For providing official BLE SDK and documentation for Polar devices.