- You can install this package using pip.
pip install processingtools
import processingtools as pt
import time
for i in pt.ProgressBar(range(50)):
import processingtools as pt
import time
for i in pt.ProgressBar(range(50), bar_length=40, start_mark=None, finish_mark='progress done!', total=False):
|████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% | 50/50 | 0s |
progress finished!(5311ms)
class pt.ProgressBar(in_loop, bar_length: int = 40, start_mark: str = None, finish_mark='progress done!', total: int = None, detail_func: callable = None)
- in_loop: the input loop
- bar_length: bar length
- start_mark: print string when the progress start
- finish_mark: print string what you want when progress finish
- total: total value. If you do not fill this, it will calculate automatically, but it may be slow
- detail_func: write detail using detail_func
- remove_last: If True, remove last progressbar
import processingtools as pt
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--save_path', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
recoder = pt.EnvReco('/save/path')
args = recoder.arg2abs(args)
recoder.print('record logs')
Then, record information in the log file
save_path: None
OS Env:
GPU Info:
cuda: True
num: 1
names: ['...']
[2023-7-3 19:50:9.78]: record logs
⚠️ This description was written almost by copilot, with some minor modifications. ⚠️
This class provides a set of tools for running functions in parallel using multiple processes. This class is designed to simplify the process of parallel execution, making it easier to utilize multiple CPU cores for improved performance.
__init__(self, cpu_n: int = mp.cpu_count())
- Initialization function
- Parameters:
- cpu_n: The number of CPUs to use (default: the number of all CPUs)
duplicate_func(self, func, args_list: typing.Union[tuple, list], progress_args: typing.Union[dict, bool] = True)
- Run the function as a multiprocess
- Parameters:
- func: The function to run as a multiprocess
- args_list: Arguments for the function
- progress_args: Arguments for ProgressBar. If False, it doesn't use ProgressBar; if True, it uses ProgressBar
- Returns: True
multi_func(self, funcs: typing.Union[tuple, list], args: typing.Union[tuple, list], progress_args: typing.Union[dict, bool] = True)
- Run multiple functions as a multiprocess
- Parameters:
- funcs: The functions to run as a multiprocess
- args: Arguments for the functions
- progress_args: Arguments for ProgressBar. If False, it doesn't use ProgressBar; if True, it uses ProgressBar
- Returns: True
split_list(self, *args)
- Split a list by the number of
- Parameters:
- Returns: Split list
wrapper(data, *args, **kwargs)
- Static method to wrap a function using
- Parameters:
- data: Serialized function data
- Returns: Result of the function execution
adapt_function(function, order=False)
- Adapt a function for multiprocessing
- Parameters:
- function: The function to adapt
- order: If True, maintains order
- Returns: Serialized adapted function
This provides a set of tools for handling video files, including video capture initialization, frame extraction, video resizing, and video-to-GIF conversion.
__init__(self, video_path: str)
- Initialization function
- Parameters:
- video_path: The path to the video file
- Initialize video capture and set video properties
- Raises:
if the video cannot be read
video2images(self, save_path: str, extension: str = 'jpg', start: float = 0, end: float = None, jump: float = 1, option: str = 'frame', size=None) -> True
- Convert video frames to image files
- Parameters:
- save_path: Directory to save the image files
- extension: File extension for the images (default: 'jpg')
- start: Start frame
- end: End frame
- jump: Frame interval to save
- option: 'second' or 'frame' to specify the unit for start, end, and jump
- size: Resize dimensions (height, width) or scale factor
- Returns: True
video_resize(self, save_path: str, size) -> True
- Resize the video to the specified size
- Parameters:
- save_path: Path to save the resized video
- size: Resize dimensions (height, width) or scale factor
- Returns: True
second2frame(self, *args)
- Convert seconds to frames
- Parameters:
- Returns: Corresponding frames
video2gif(self, save_path: str, speed: float = 1, size=1)
- Convert video to GIF
- Parameters:
- save_path: Path to save the GIF
- speed: Speed factor for the GIF
- size: Resize dimensions (height, width) or scale factor
- Raises:
if moviepy
is not installed
A PyTorch module for automatically processing and normalizing input images.
This class wraps a given model and provides functionality to read, preprocess, and forward images through the model.
It supports custom transformers and normalization parameters.
__init__(self, model, size: typing.Union[tuple, list, None] = None, mean: typing.Union[float, list, torch.Tensor, None] = None, std: typing.Union[float, list, torch.Tensor, None] = None, transformer=None)
- Initialization function
- Parameters:
- model: The model to be used
- size: The size to which images will be resized
- mean: Mean for normalization
- std: Standard deviation for normalization
- transformer: Custom transformer for image preprocessing (Choose one of (size, mean std) or transformer)
image_read(self, path: str) -> torch.Tensor
- Read and preprocess an image from the given path
- Parameters:
- Returns: Normalized image tensor
forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor
- Forward pass through the model
- Parameters:
- Returns: Output tensor from the model
to(self, device: str)
- Move the model to the specified device
- Parameters:
- device: Device to move the model to (e.g., 'cpu', 'cuda')
Prints the given text with specified color (RGB) and style.
- text: The text to be printed.
- f_rgb: The RGB color code for the text color.
- b_rgb: The RGB color code for the background color.
- styles: The styles to be applied to the text. Options are
, 'tilt'
, 'underscore'
, and 'cancel'
Prints the given text with specified color and style.
- text: The text to be printed.
- f_rgb: The RGB color code for the text color.
- b_rgb: The RGB color code for the background color.
- styles: The styles to be applied to the text. Options are
, 'tilt'
, 'underscore'
, and 'cancel'
. - sep: The separator to be used in the print function.
- end: The end character to be used in the print function.
- file: The file where the output will be written.
Save images in PNG files.
- imgs: Torch tensor.
- save_path: Save path (default:
- True if normal, otherwise False.