Minimalist and pythonic progress bar.
pip install progressist
from progressist import ProgressBar
bar = ProgressBar(total=mytotalstuff)
for item in mystuff:
# do_stuff
Or use bar.iter
for item in bar.iter(mystuff):
It comes with a default rendering that is enough for starting, but it's made to be
customised very easily: just writting a template string:
bar = ProgressBar(total=mytotalstuff, template='{prefix} {progress} ETA: {eta}')
It's just plain python formatting
so you can use any valid string formatting to take control over the appearance.
For example:
bar = ProgressBar(total=mytotalstuff, template='{progress} {percent:.2%} ETA: {eta:%H:%M:%S}')
You can also just change the fill character:
bar = ProgressBar(total=mytotalstuff, done_char='#')
You can change the progress logic itself, for example to use a spinner (included):
bar = ProgressBar(total=mytotalstuff, progress='{spinner}')
# 'progress' kwarg must return a valid template variable.
# included ones are {bar} and {spinner}
You can step by more than one at a time:
for item in mystuff:
amount = do_stuff()
You can add more template vars by subclassing ProgressBar
class MyBar(ProgressBar):
def swap(self):
return psutil.swap_memory().total
bar = MyBar(total=20, template='{prefix} {progress} Swap usage: {swap}')
If you are using the same configuration at different places, create a subclass and
set its configuration as class properties:
class MyBar(ProgressBar):
template = ('Download |{animation}| {done:B}/{total:B}')
done_char = '⬛'
bar = MyBar()
You want to compute yourself the done part?
bar.update(done=myvar / othervar * another)
Or the target total may change during process?
To use as urlretrieve
bar = ProgressBar(template="Download |{animation}| {done:B}/{total:B}")
urllib.request.urlretrieve(myurl, mydest, reporthook=bar.on_urlretrieve)
See examples for inspiration.
To run examples, when git cloned the repository, simply run:
If you want to run only one example, add its name to the command line:
python example_download
You can set all of those parameters either as class properties:
class MyBar(ProgressBar):
done_char = 'x'
bar = Bar()
Or at init:
bar = ProgressBar(done_char='x')
Or at update:
bar = Bar()
name | default | description |
done_char | = | Char used for filling the progress bar |
remain_char | ' ' (a space) | Char used for filling the empty portion of the progress bar |
template | {prefix} {progress} {percent} ({done}/{total}) | The template of the whole line |
prefix | Progress: | The leading label |
animation | '{progress}' | The actual widget used for progress, can be {bar} , {spinner} or {stream} |
throttle | 0 | Minimum value between two update call to issue a render: can accept an int for an absolute throttling, a float for a percentage throttling (total must then be set) or a dimedelta for a throttling in seconds |
Built in template vars
name | description | type | default formatting |
prefix | Leading label in default template | string | str |
elapsed | The elapsed time from the first iteration (in seconds) | int | as timedelta |
eta | The computed ETA | datetime | %H:%M:%S if less than 24 hours, else %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
tta | The estimated remaining time (time to arrival; in seconds) | int | as timedelta |
avg | The average time per iteration, in seconds | float | .2f |
speed | The average number of iterations per second | float | .2f |
done | The number of done iterations | integer | |
total | The total number of iterations to be done | integer | |
remaing | The number of iterations remaining to be done | integer | |
percent | The percent of iterations already done | float | .2% |
animation | The actual progress bar | template string ({bar} , {spinner} or {stream} ) | |
Custom formatting
We extend python default Formatter with some handy custom specs:
type: render an int as human friendly bytes size. For example:
> = 109830983
> bar.template = '{total:B}'
> bar.render()
'104.7 MiB'
You can still override the ndigits value:
> = 109830983
> bar.template = '{total:0.2B}'
> bar.render()
'104.74 MiB'
type: try to cast to integer. For example:
> bar.speed = 103.23
> bar.template = '{speed:D}'
> bar.render()