ptest is a light test framework for Python. With ptest, you can tag test
classes & test cases by decorators, execute test cases by command line,
and get clear reports.
Find the latest version on github:
or PyPI:
The documentation is on github wiki:
The last stable release is available on PyPI and can be installed with
$ pip install ptest
Pycharm Plugin
A Pycharm plugin for ptest is released. Now it is easily to run/debug
ptest within the IDE using the standard run configuration. Find the
latest version on JetBrains:
Best Practice
Firstly, create a python file: c:\folder\
You can tag test class, test, before method, after method by adding
decorator @TestClass, @Test, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod.
from ptest.decorator import TestClass, Test, BeforeMethod, AfterMethod
from ptest.assertion import assert_equals, fail, assert_not_none
from ptest.plogger import preporter
from ptest import config
class PTestClass:
@BeforeMethod(description="Prepare test data.")
def before(self):"setting expected result.")
self.expected = 10
@Test(tags=["regression", "smoke"])
def test1(self):
assert_equals(10, self.expected)
@Test(tags="smoke, nightly")
def test2(self):
def test3(self):
@AfterMethod(always_run=True, description="Clean up")
def after(self):"cleaning up")
Then start to execute all the testcases in module with 2
threads. Use -w
to specify the workspace, -t
to specify the target
and -n
to specify the number of test executors(threads). In this case,
workspace is c:\folder, target is mytest and number of test
executors is 2.
Note: If you are using Windows, please confirm that
%python_installation_dir%\Scripts (e.g., C:\Python35\Scripts,
C:\Python37\Scripts) is added to the PATH environment variable.
$ ptest -w c:\folder -t mytest -n 2
The target can be package/module/class/method. If the target is
package/module/class, all the test cases under target will be executed.
For example, if you only want to execute the test test1 in this
$ ptest -w c:\folder -t mytest.PTestClass.test1
For more options, please use -h
$ ptest -h
For more code examples, please refer to the examples
folder in source
distribution or visit
Contact me
For information and suggestions you can contact me at
Change Log
2.0.3 (compared to 2.0.2)
- Do not support python 3.5
2.0.2 (compared to 2.0.1)
- Do not support python 3.4
2.0.1 (compared to 2.0.0)
- Implement f-string to be compatible with python < 3.6
2.0.0 (compared to 1.9.5)
- Retire python 2.x
- Support preporter log images.
1.9.5 (compared to 1.9.4)
- Support empty data_provider.
1.9.4 (compared to 1.9.3)
- Fix race condition issue.
1.9.3 (compared to 1.9.2)
- Fix that ptest is broken with too many parallel test cases.
1.9.2 (compared to 1.9.1)
- Support callable subject in assert_that assertion.
1.9.1 (compared to 1.9.0)
- Add timestamp for log in html report.
1.9.0 (compared to 1.8.2)
- Add splitter "-" for long command names.
1.8.2 (compared to 1.8.1)
- Support namespace package.
1.8.1 (compared to 1.8.0)
- Add is_all_in, is_any_in, is_none_in to assert_that assertion.
1.8.0 (compared to 1.7.7)
1.7.7 (compared to 1.7.6)
1.7.6 (compared to 1.7.5)
- Add command option -f(--filter) to filter tests.
1.7.5 (compared to 1.7.4)
- Support customizing data name for @Test.
1.7.4 (compared to 1.7.3)
- Display module info in html report.
1.7.3 (compared to 1.7.2)
- Support displaying webdriver's logs in html report.
1.7.2 (compared to 1.7.1)
1.7.1 (compared to 1.7.0)
1.7.0 (compared to 1.6.0)
1.6.0 (compared to 1.5.3)
1.5.3 (compared to 1.5.2)
- Fix the issue that "enabled" attribute for @Test doesn't work.
1.5.2 (compared to 1.5.1)
- Fix install issue by adding CHANGELOG file.
1.5.1 (compared to 1.4.3)
1.4.3 (compared to 1.4.2)
- Add command option -m(--merge-xunit-xmls) to merge the xunit result xmls.
1.4.2 (compared to 1.4.1)
- Add detailed information for screenshot.
1.4.1 (compared to 1.4.0)
The instance variables defined in @BeforeSuite, @BeforeClass, @BeforeGroup can be accessed by other test fixtures.
Support custom args in test fixtures.
Add option (--python-paths) to specify additional python paths.
1.4.0 (compared to 1.3.2)
Support @BeforeSuite, @BeforeClass, @BeforeGroup, @AfterSuite, @AfterClass, @AfterGroup.
Support timeout for test fixtures.
Redesign the html report.
1.3.2 (compared to 1.3.1)
1.3.1 (compared to 1.3.0)
1.3.0 (compared to 1.2.2)
1.2.2 (compared to 1.2.1)
1.2.1 (compared to 1.2.0)
- Support multiple test listeners.
1.2.0 (compared to 1.1.1)
1.1.0 (compared to 1.0.4)
No extra codes are needed to support capturing screenshot for selenium test.
Add always_run attribute to @Test.
Add command option --disable-screenshot to disable taking screenshot for failed test fixture.
Support group in test class.
1.0.4 (compared to 1.0.3)