PY Crypto HD Wallet
This package contains a very basic implementation of a HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) wallet based on my bip_utils library.
It is basically a nice wrapper for the bip_utils library for generating mnemonics, seeds, public/private keys and addresses.
Therefore, it has no network functionalities.
The supported coins are the same of the bip_utils library, so check the related page.
Install the package
The package requires Python 3, it is not compatible with Python 2.
To install it:
NOTE: if you are using an Apple M1, please make sure to update coincurve (required by bip_utils) to version 17.0.0 otherwise it won't work.
Test and Coverage
Install develop dependencies:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
To run tests:
python -m unittest discover
To run tests with coverage:
coverage run -m unittest discover
coverage report
To run code analysis, just execute the analyze_code
Modules description
Examples of wallet JSON outputs
The library documentation is available at
Buy me a coffee
You know, I'm italian and I love drinking coffee (especially while coding :D). So, if you'd like to buy me one:
- BTC:
- ERC20/BEP20:
Thank you very much for your support.
This software is available under the MIT license.