Extract excel form content into structured data.
- SECCF extraction: supplier export control classification Form/declaration
from py_excel_form_extractor import extractor, go
company_names = extractor.CompanyNameList()
for company_name in ["Amazon", "Amazon Ltd"]:
extr = extractor.make_seccf_extractor("Example.xlsx", company_names)
extraction = extr.extract()
extr_json = extr.to_json()
- Building the go binary
go build -o gobinary ./cmd/excelExtractor
- Running the program without building the binary
go build -o ./bin/excel-extrator ./cmd/excelFormExtractor/main.go
- Run the binary:
Local Python bindings generation and installation
pip3 install pybindgen wheel
gopy build --output=py_excel_form_extractor -vm=python3 ./pkg/*
RELEASE_VERSION=YOUR_UPDATED_PACKAGE_VERSION python3 setup.py bdist_wheel --force
wheel_file=$(ls dist/*.whl | head -n1); pip3 install $wheel_file