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Python wrapper around the solc
Solidity compiler.
This library requires the solc
executable to be present.
Only versions >=0.4.2
are supported and tested though this library
may work with other versions.
solc installation instructions <>
.. code:: sh
pip install py-solc
Clone the repository and then run:
.. code:: sh
pip install -e . -r requirements-dev.txt
Running the tests
You can run the tests with:
.. code:: sh
py.test tests
Or you can install ``tox`` to run the full test suite.
Pandoc is required for transforming the markdown README to the proper
format to render correctly on pypi.
For Debian-like systems:
apt install pandoc
Or on OSX:
.. code:: sh
brew install pandoc
To release a new version:
.. code:: sh
bumpversion $$VERSION_PART_TO_BUMP$$
git push && git push --tags
make release
How to bumpversion
The version format for this repo is ``{major}.{minor}.{patch}`` for
stable, and ``{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{stage}.{devnum}`` for unstable
(``stage`` can be alpha or beta).
To issue the next version in line, use bumpversion and specify which
part to bump, like ``bumpversion minor`` or ``bumpversion devnum``.
If you are in a beta version, ``bumpversion stage`` will switch to a
To issue an unstable version when the current version is stable, specify
the new version explicitly, like
``bumpversion --new-version 4.0.0-alpha.1 devnum``
Standard JSON Compilation
Use the ``solc.compile_standard`` function to make use the
[standard-json] compilation feature.
`Solidity Documentation for Standard JSON input and ouptup
format <>`__
>>> from solc import compile_standard
>>> compile_standard({
... 'language': 'Solidity',
... 'sources': {'Foo.sol': 'content': "...."},
... })
'contracts': {...},
'sources': {...},
'errors': {...},
>>> compile_standard({
... 'language': 'Solidity',
... 'sources': {'Foo.sol': 'urls': ["/path/to/my/sources/Foo.sol"]},
... }, allow_paths="/path/to/my/sources")
'contracts': {...},
'sources': {...},
'errors': {...},
Legacy Combined JSON compilation
.. code:: python
>>> from solc import compile_source, compile_files, link_code
>>> compile_source("contract Foo { function Foo() {} }")
'Foo': {
'abi': [{'inputs': [], 'type': 'constructor'}],
'code': '0x60606040525b5b600a8060126000396000f360606040526008565b00',
'code_runtime': '0x60606040526008565b00',
'source': None,
'meta': {
'compilerVersion': '0.3.5-9da08ac3',
'language': 'Solidity',
'languageVersion': '0',
>>> compile_files(["/path/to/Foo.sol", "/path/to/Bar.sol"])
'Foo': {
'abi': [{'inputs': [], 'type': 'constructor'}],
'code': '0x60606040525b5b600a8060126000396000f360606040526008565b00',
'code_runtime': '0x60606040526008565b00',
'source': None,
'meta': {
'compilerVersion': '0.3.5-9da08ac3',
'language': 'Solidity',
'languageVersion': '0',
'Bar': {
'abi': [{'inputs': [], 'type': 'constructor'}],
'code': '0x60606040525b5b600a8060126000396000f360606040526008565b00',
'code_runtime': '0x60606040526008565b00',
'source': None,
'meta': {
'compilerVersion': '0.3.5-9da08ac3',
'language': 'Solidity',
'languageVersion': '0',
>>> unlinked_code = "606060405260768060106000396000f3606060405260e060020a6000350463e7f09e058114601a575b005b60187f0c55699c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000606090815273__TestA_________________________________90630c55699c906064906000906004818660325a03f41560025750505056"
>>> link_code(unlinked_code, {'TestA': '0xd3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c293601'})
... "606060405260768060106000396000f3606060405260e060020a6000350463e7f09e058114601a575b005b60187f0c55699c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000606090815273d3cda913deb6f67967b99d67acdfa1712c29360190630c55699c906064906000906004818660325a03f41560025750505056"
Setting the path to the ``solc`` binary
You can use the environment variable ``SOLC_BINARY`` to set the path to
your solc binary.
Installing the ``solc`` binary
This feature is experimental and subject to breaking changes.
Any of the following versions of ``solc`` can be installed using
``py-solc`` on the listed platforms.
- ``v0.4.1`` (linux)
- ``v0.4.2`` (linux)
- ``v0.4.6`` (linux)
- ``v0.4.7`` (linux)
- ``v0.4.8`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.9`` (linux)
- ``v0.4.11`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.12`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.13`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.14`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.15`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.16`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.17`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.18`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.19`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.20`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.21`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.22`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.23`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.24`` (linux/osx)
- ``v0.4.25`` (linux/osx)
Installation can be done via the command line:
.. code:: bash
$ python -m solc.install v0.4.25
Or from python using the ``install_solc`` function.
.. code:: python
>>> from solc import install_solc
>>> install_solc('v0.4.25')
The installed binary can be found under your home directory. The
``v0.4.25`` binary would be located at
``$HOME/.py-solc/solc-v0.4.25/bin/solc``. Older linux installs will also
require that you set the environment variable
Import path remappings
``solc`` provides path aliasing allow you to have more reusable project
You can use this like:
from solc import compile_source, compile_files, link_code
compile_files([source_file_path], import_remappings=["zeppeling=/my-zeppelin-checkout-folder"])
`More information about solc import
aliasing <>`__
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.. |PyPi version| image::
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