py2app is a Python setuptools command which will allow
you to make standalone Mac OS X application bundles
and plugins from Python scripts.
py2app is similar in purpose and design to py2exe for
NOTE: py2app must be used on macOS to build applications,
it cannot create Mac applications on other platforms.
Project links
Documentation <>
Issue Tracker <>
Repository <>
Release history
py2app 0.28.8
py2app 0.28.7
- Introduce support for Python 3.12
py2app 0.28.6
Fix support for Python 2.7
These are best-effort changes, I no longer have a setup where I
can perform a good test run for Python 2.7.
py2app 0.28.5
#476: Update black recipe
The black recipe no longer worked with recent versions of black
due to relying on a metadata file from the "egg" spec that's not
included by black's current build tool.
The recipe now scans the python code that's next to the mypyc
compiled extension modules for dependencies and uses that to update
the dependency graph. This should ensure that new dependencies of
black will be automaticly detected in the future.
Update wheel dependencies
py2app 0.28.4
- Fix incompatibility with Python 3.11
py2app 0.28.3
- #453: Fix crash in py2applet when specifying a directory to
include in the application bundle.
py2app 0.28.2
- Fix incompatibility with recent setuptools
py2app 0.28.1
#448: Fix typo in qt6 recipe
#444: Fix issue where the standard output and standard error streams
are set to non-blocking when using py2app.
For some reason the "ibtool" command (part of Xcode) sets these streams
to non-blocking when compiling NIB files. I've added a context manager that
resets the non-blocking status of these streams.
PR #446: Fix Qt5 recipe for newer versions of PyQt5
PR by kangi.
#447: Fix error when using py2applet --help
Bug was introduced in the fix for #414
py2app 0.28
.. note::
This is the last version of py2app with compatibility with
Python 2.7. Future versions will require Python 3.6 or later.
PR #410: Fix typo in NamedTemporyFile call
#414 Workaround for autodiscovery in setuptools 61.0
Setuptools 61.0 introduces autodiscovery of distribution
attributes, and that broke py2app. This version introduces
a setuptools.finalize_distribution_options
in py2app that will set the distributions's name and
py_modules attributes in a way that is compatible with
the main code of py2app when they are not yet set (before
autodiscovery kicks in).
In older versions of py2app buildin an app can fail in two
ways with setuptools 61.0 or later:
The name of the generated application is not based on
the script name, but some other value.
Calling python py2app
results in an error
mentioning Multiple top-level modules discovered
PR #418: Add recipe for black
PR by mrclary
#417: Also include package dist-info for editable installs
The qt5 and qt6 recipes used dodge logic to detect
if the Qt library itself is inside the python package,
resulting in duplicate copies of Qt.
#406: Fix incompatibility with python 2.7
py2app 0.24 accidently broke compatibility with Python 2.7, and
this release fixes this.
This is the last release with Python 2.7 support, the next
release will contain package metadata that ensures it can
only be installed on Python 3.
#413: Find dist-info in included
By default the working_set
of pkg_resources does not contain
distribution information from packages included in zip files, such
as the zipped-up stdlib + site-pakckages in py2app bundles.
Add some monkey patching to apps using pkg_resources
to fix this.
Fix hard crash in "rtree" recipe when the package contents doesn't
match the recipe expectations.
#408: Add definition of site.PREFIXES
#412: Fix incompatibility with setuptools 60.8.1
The setuptools recipe did not recoginize all vendored dependencies
in pkg_resources
and that breaks app bundles that use pkg_resoures
PR #388: Add builtin definitions for 'quit' and 'exit' in
PR by mcclary
PR #388: Set "ENABLE_USER_SITE=False" in
PR by mcclary
PR #396: Update pygame recipe to remove missing icon
PR by glyph
py2app 0.27
#377: The qt5 and qt6 recipes caused a py2app crash when
the PyQt5 or PyQt6 is not installed.
#401: Fix incompatibility with setuptools 60.7 and later
#391: Drop usage of tempfile.mktemp
#387: Add site.ENABLE_USER_SITE
in the file
for applications (value is always False
py2app 0.26.1
- #374: Actually ship the "old" stub executables introduced in version 0.26
py2app 0.26
Stub executables were recompiled on macOS 11
This means support for light mode/dark mode should now work out of the
The old stub executables are still used when detecting that Tkinter
is used with an old build of Tk.
#1: Include ".egg-info" and ".dist-info" information in the bundled application
This fixes any python package that uses pkg_resources
to look for
specific distributions.
now knows about Python's "venv"
#368: Add recipe "detect_dunder_file"
This recipe will ensure that a Python package is stored outside
of when a module in that package uses the
This variable is most commonly used to load resources stored in
the package (instead of the newer importlib.resources
and pkg_resources
#339: Add recipe for pydantic
The recipe is needed because pydantic uses Cython to compile
all sources (including the package __init__
) and therefore
hides imports from the dependency analyzer.
#338: Add "imageio_ffmpeg" to autopackages
PR367: Add recipes for pandas, pylsp, and zmq
PR367: Add docutils and pylint to autopackages
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
#344: Invocation of codesign on the whole bundle sometimes fails
Py2app will now try this a number of times before giving up. This
is at best a workaround for and doesn't completely fix the problem.
#370: py2app now works with Python 3.10
Python 3.10 no longer exports a (private) symbol used by the py2app
stub executable. Switched to a public API to accomplish the same task where
#110: Add recipe for SQLAlchemy
The recipe includes all dialects and connectors, including implicit
dependencies, because SQLAlchemy uses __import__
to load dependencies.
#328: Add recipe for gcloud
#195: Add USER_BASE
, getuserbase()
and getusersitepackages()
py2app's version of
#184: Add recipe for 'ssl'
This recipe is only used for Python 3.4 or later and ensures that the
CA bundle used by Python's ssl module is included in the app bundle and OpenSSL
is configured to look for that bundle in the application bundle.
#371: change default error message on launch problems
The default error message shown when the application cannot be launched is now
slightly more useful and refers the
py2app debug page <>
#345, #169: Adjust qt5 and qt6 recipes for non-PyPI installations
The qt5 and qt6 recipes now should work when the Qt installation prefix
is outside of the PyQt package, for example when PyQt was installed through
I've tested this for PyQt5 and made the same change to the PyQt6 recipe, although
I haven't tested that change.
py2app 0.25
#358: Add recipe for multiprocessing
PR363: Add recipe for platformdirs
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR353: Add recipe for sphinx
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR352: Fix for using ipython
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR351: Tweak the matplotlib recipe
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
PR348: Fix for checking for dead symlinks links in py2app
PR by Oliver Cordes (ocordes on GitHub)
#354: Fix buggy "autopackages" and "automissing" recipes
#350: Add sentencepiece to the autopackages list
#359: Add recipe for PyQt6
#349: Add recipe for OpenCV (opencv-python, import cv2
PR365: Add RTree recipe
PR by Ryan Clary (mrclary on GitHub)
py2app 0.24
Consolidate recipes that just include a package
as is into a single recipe to reduce code complexity.
Consolidate recipes that just mark imports as expected
missing into a single recipe to reduce code complexity.
#334: Include binary stubs for Universal 2 and arm64 binaries in the archives
The files were in the repository, but were excluded from the source
and wheel archives.
py2app 0.23
#315: Stub executables have an LC_RPATH that points to the Frameworks folder
PR by Aleksandar Topuzović (atopuzov)
#322: Port wxPython examples to 4.0
PR by Hamish Mcintyre-Bhatty (hamishmb)
#314: Don't use Image.DEBUG in the PIL recipy, that attribute is not longer valid
PR by Aleksandar Topuzović
#320: Process "@loader_path" in load commands
A popular pattern in C extensions with bindins to C library on PyPI is to
copy those C libraries into the wheel and reference those using
an "@loader_path" linker command in the C extension. Until this release
py2app could not process those linker commands correctly.
#298: Add recipe for pycryptodome
#282: Add recipe for h5py
#283: Add recipe for tensorflow
The recipe just includes the entire package into the generated app bundle,
I haven't checked yet if there is a way to reduce the size of this
package (which is rather huge).
py2app 0.22
#319: Add ad-hoc signature for application bundles
ARM64 binaries on macOS 11 must be signed, even if it is only an ad-hoc signature.
py2app will now add an ad-hoc code signature.
#300: Add support for ARM64 and Universal 2 binaries
.. note:: Support is highly experimental, these stubs have not been tested yet.
#299: Fix build error when building with the copy of Python 3 shipped
with Xcode.
#281: Generated bundle doesn't work on macOS 10.9 and 10.10.
py2app 0.21
py2app 0.20
Migrate to GitHub
#274: Fix an issue in the PyQt5 recipe
Fix issue with emulate-shell-environment option on macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
#269: Py2app didn't work with Python 3.8
py2app 0.19
#251: Add recipe for "botocore"
#253: "python py2app -A" creates invalid bundle from "venv" virtual environments
Updated recipe for PySide2 and new recipe for Shiboken2
Patch by Alberto Sottile.
py2app 0.18
- #250: Add recipe for "six.moves", which also works when the six
library is vendored by other packages
py2app 0.17
- #247: The new tkinter recipe didn't work properly for installations
that do use a framework install of Tcl/Tk.
py2app 0.16
#244: Copy the Tcl/Tk support libraries into the application bundle for
Python builds using a classic unix install of Tcl/Tk instead of a framework
This results in working app bundles when a installation that
includes Tcl/Tk (such as Python 3.7).
Don't copy numpy into application just because the application uses
Add recipe for Pyside
Patch by Alberto Sottile
py2app 0.15
Fixed issues for Python 3.7, in particular changes in the plistlib library
(Issue #242, #239)
Updated dependencies on macholib, altgraph and modulegraph
Due to a bug in CPython 3.7.0 using -O does not work with that version of CPython
py2app 0.14.1
Updated dependencies
Updated PyPI metadata
py2app 0.14
- Started using flake8 to improve coding style
Bug fixes:
Issue #222: The fix for issue #179 broke the argv emulator
Issue #226: Py2app could fail while reporting on possibly missing modules
Issue #228: The python executable included in the app bundle as sys.exectuable
was not executable
py2app 0.13
Bug fixes:
Issue 185 in PyObjC's tracker: sysconfig using __import__
in Python 3.6 or
later, which confuses modulegraph.
Pull request #17: Location of site-packages in the "--user" location has changed
Patch by Matt Mukerjee
py2app 0.12
Pull request #15 by Armin Samii: Safer symlink and file copying
Update recipes: a number of recipe names conflicted with toplevel
modules imported by recipes. This causes problems on Python 2.7 (without
absolute imports)
py2app 0.11
Make sure the stdout/stderr streams of the main binary of the application
are unbuffered.
See issue #177 in PyObjC's repository <>
_ for more information.
Fix issue #201: py2app is not compatible with pyvenv virtualenvs
With additional fix by Oskari Timperi.
Fix issue #179: the stdout/stderr streams are no longer forwarded to using ASL (by default),
use "--redirect-stdout-to-asl" to enable the redirection functionality.
Note that for unclear reasons the redirection doesn't work on OSX 10.12 at the moment.
Fix issue #188: Troubles with lxml.isoschematron
The package 'lxml.isoschematron' is not zip-safe and tries to load resources using the normal
filesystem APIs, which doesn't work when the package is part of a zipfile.
py2applet now longer uses "argv_emulation" by default, that results in too many problems.
Issue #174: clean up the summary about missing modules by removing warnings about things that aren't modules.
Also notes when an module is likely an alias for some other module. These changes should remove a lot
of false postive warnings from the output of py2app.
Fix issue #161: opengl recipe uses "file" function that isn't present on Python 3
Add "qt5" recipe that does the right thing for the PyQt5 wheel on PyPI (tested with PyQt5 5.6)
Add support for "@loader_path" in the link commands of C extension.
This makes it possible to use wheels that were processed by delocate-listdeps <>
when building application bundles.
Do not report imports that are expected to be missing
Patch by Barry Scott.
py2app 0.10
py2app 0.9
issue #146, #147: The "python" binary in was
the small stub exetable from framework builds, instead of the actual
command-line interpreter. The result is that you couldn't use
to start a new interpreter, which (amongst others)
breaks multiprocessing.
pull request #7: Add support for PyQt5 to the sip recipe. Patch by
Mark Montague.
pull request #4: Copying PySide plugins was broken due to bad
pull request #5: py2app was broken for python versions that
don't use _sysconfigdata.
issue #135: Don't sleep for a second after compiling a XIB file
issue #134: Remove target location before copying files into
the bundle.
issue #133: Ensure that the application's "Framework" folder
is on the search path for ctypes.util.find_library
issue #132: Depend on modulegraph 0.12 to avoid build errors
when the python code contains references to compatibility modules
that contain SyntaxErrors for the current python version.
Explicitly report modules that cannot be found at the end of
the run (for non-alias builds)
Note: This is just a warning, missing modules are not necessarily
a problem because modulegraph can detect imports for modules that
aren't used on OSX (for example)
Report modules that contain syntax errors at the end of
the run (for non-alias builds)
Note: This is just a warning, syntax errors be valid when the
dependency tree contains modules for the other major release
of python (e.g a compat_py2 module that contains compatibility
code for Python 2 and contains code that isn't valid Python 3)
py2app 0.8.1
py2app 0.8
py2app 0.8 is a feature release
Fixed argv emulator on OSX 10.9, the way the code detected that the application
was launched through the Finder didn't work on that OSX release.
The launcher binary is now linked with Cocoa, that should avoid some problems
with sandboxed applications (in particular: standard open panels don't seem
to work properly in a sandboxed application when the main binary is not
linked to AppKit)
Don't copy Python's Makefile, Setup file and the like into a bundle when
sysconfig and distutils.sysconfig don't need these files (basicly, when
using any recent python version).
Fix some issues with virtualenv support:
detection of system installs of Python didn't work properly when using
a virtualenv. Because of this py2app did not create a "semi-standalone"
bundle when using a virtualenv created with /usr/bin/python.
"semi-standalone" bundles created from a virtualenv included more files
when they should (in particular bits of the stdlib)
Issue #92: Add option '--force-system-tk' which ensures that the _tkinter
extension (used by Tkinter) is linked against the Apple build of Tcl/Tk,
even when it is linked to another framework in Python's std. library.
This will cause a build error when tkinter is linked with a major version of
Tcl/Tk that is not present in /System/Library/Frameworks.
Issue #80: Add support for copying system plugins into the application
Py2app now supports a new option include_plugins. The value of this
is a list of paths to plugins that should be copied into the application
Items in the list are either paths, or a tuple with the plugin type
and the path::
("SystemConfiguration", "MyPlugins/MyConfig.plugin"),
Py2app currently knows about the following plugin suffixes:
, .mdimporter
, .xpc
, .service
, .iaplugin
and .action
. These plugins
can be added without specifying the plugin type.
Issue #83: now refuses to install when the current
platform is not Mac OS X.
This makes it clear that the package is only supported on OSX and
avoids confusing errors later on.
Issue #39: It is now possible to have subpackages on
in the "packages" option of py2app.
Issue #37: Add recipe for pyEnchant
The recipe only works for installations of pyEnchant
where pyEnchant is stored in the installation (such
as the binary eggs on PyPI), not for installations
that either use the "PYENCHANT_LIBRARY_PATH" environment
variable or MacPorts.
Issue #90: Removed the 'email' recipe, but require a new enough version
of modulegraph instead. Because of this py2app now requires modulegraph
0.11 or later.
py2app 0.7.4
Issue #77: the stdout/stderr streams of application and plugin bundles did not
end up in on OSX 10.8 (as they do on earlier releases of OSX). This
is due to a change in OSX.
With this version the application executable converts writes to the stdout
and stderr streams to the ASL logging subsystem with the options needed to
end up in the default view of
NOTE: The stdout and stderr streams of plugin bundles are not redirected, as it
is rather bad form to change the global environment of the host application.
The i386, x86_64 and intel stub binaries are now compiled with clang on OSX 10.8,
instead of an older version of GCC. The other stub versions still are compiled
on OSX 10.6.
Issue #111: The generated by py2app now contains a USER_SITE variable
(with a default value of None
) because some software tries to import the
Py2app didn't preserve timestamps for files copied into application bundles,
and this can cause a bytecompiled file to appear older than the corresponding
source file (for packages copied in the bundle using the 'packages' option).
Related to issue #101
Py2app also didn't copy file permissions for files copied into application
bundles, which isn't a problem in general but did cause binaries to lose
there executable permissions (as noted on Stackoverflow)
Issue #101: Set "PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE" in the environment before
calling Py_Initialize to ensure that the interpreter won't try to
write bytecode files (which can cause problems when using sandboxed
Issue #105: py2app can now create app and plugin bundles when the main script
has an encoding other than ASCII, in particular for Python 3.
Issue #106: Ensure that the PIL recipe works on Python 3. PIL itself isn't
ported yet, but Pillow does work with Python 3.
"python install" now fails unless the machine is running Mac OS X.
I've seen a number of reports of users that try to use py2app on Windows
or Linux to build OSX applications. That doesn't work, py2app now fails
during installation do make this clear.
Disabled the 'email' recipe for python 3.x as it isn't needed there.
Issue #91: Added a recipe for lxml <>
, needed because
lxml performs a number of imports from an extension and those cannot
be detected automaticly by modulegraph.
Issue #94: The site-packages zipfile in the application bundle now contains
zipfile entries for directories as well. This is needed to work around
a bug in the zipimporter for Python 3.3: it won't consider 'pkg/' to be
in namespace package 'pkg' unless there is a zipfile entry for the 'pkg'
folder (or there is a 'pkg/' entry).
Issue #97: Fixes a problem with the pyside and sip recipes when the 'qt_plugins'
option is used for 'image_plugins'.
Issue #96: py2app should work with python 2.6 again (previous releases didn't
work due to using the sysconfig module introduced in python 2.7)
Issue #99: appstore requires a number of symlinks in embedded frameworks.
(Version 0.7 already added a link Python.frameworks/Versions/Current, this
versions also adds Python.framework/Python and Python.framework/Resources with
the value required by the appstore upload tool).
Py2app copied stdlib packages into the app bundle for semi-standalone builds
when they are mentioned in the '--packages' option (either explicitly or
by a recipe). This was unintentional, semi-standlone builds should rely on
the external Python framework for the stdlib.
.. note::
Because of this bug parts of the stdlib of /usr/bin/python
could be
copied into app bundles created with py2app.
py2app 0.7.3
py2app 0.7.3 is a bugfix release
Issue #82: Remove debug print statement from py2app.util.LOADER that
caused problems with Python 3.
Issue #81: Py2app now fails with an error when trying to build a bundle
for a unix-style shared library build of Python (--enable-shared
) unless
you are using a recent enough patchlevel of python (2.7.4, 3.2.3, 3.3.1,
3.4.0, all of them are not released yet).
The build failure was added to avoid a very confusing error when trying
to start the generated application due to a bug in the way python reads
the environment (for shared library builds on Mac OS X).
Py2app will also give an error message when the python binary does not
have a shared library (or framework) at all.
Issue #87: Ignore '.git' and '.hg' directories while copying package data
('.svn' and 'CVS' were already ignored).
Issue #65: the fix in 0.7 to avoid copying a symlinked library twice caused
problems for some users because only one of the file names ended up in the
application bundle. This release ensures that both names exist (one as a
symbolic name to the other).
Issue #88: Ensure that the fix for #65 won't try to create a symlink that
points to itself. This could for example occur with homebrew, where the
exposed lib directory contains symlinks to a cellar, while tye install_name
does mention the "public" lib directory::
$ ls -l /opt/homebrew/lib
libglib-2.0.0.dylib -> ../Cellar/glib/2.32.4/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib
$ otool -vL /opt/homebrew/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib
/opt/homebrew/lib/libglib-2.0.0.dylib (compatibility version 3201.0.0, current version 3201.4.0)
time stamp 1 Thu Jan 1 01:00:01 1970
py2app 0.7.2
py2app 0.7.2 is a bugfix release
Issue #75: Don't remove --dist-dir
, but only remove the old version
of the objects we're trying to build (if that exists).
This once again makes it possible to have a number of files that
build plugins into the same target folder (such as the plugins folder
of an application)
Issue #78: Packages added using the --packages
option didn't end up
on sys.path
for semi-standalone applications.
Reported by Steve Strassmann
Issue #76: Semi-standalone packages using extensions modules coudn't use
extensions unless they also used the --site-packages
option (and
the extensions are in the site-packages directory).
Fixes some problems with PyQt and wxWidgets when using the system installation
of Python.
Patch by Dan Horner.
It is currently not possible to use a subpackage ("") in the list
of packages for the "packages" option. Py2app now explicitly checks for this
and prints an error message instead of building an application that doesn't
Issue: #39
py2app 0.7.1
py2app 0.7.1 is a bugfix release
Always include 'pkg_resources', this is needed to correctly work with
setuptools namespace packages, the files of those contain
and that call isn't recognized as an import
by the bytecode scanner.
Issue #67: py2applet didn't work with python 3 due to the use of 'raw_input'
Reported by Andrew Barnert.
Issue #68: the "extra-scripts" feature introduced in 0.7 couldn't copy scripts
that aren't in the same directory as "".
Reported by Andrew Barnert.
For semi-standalone applications the "lib-dynload" directory inside the
application was not on "sys.path", which resulted in launch failures
when using an extension that is not in the stdlib.
Issue #70: application fails to launch when script uses Windows line endings
Reported by Luc Jean.
py2app 0.7
py2app 0.7 is a bugfix release
Issue #65: generated bundle would crash when two libraries linked to the
same library using different names (one refering to the real name, the other
to a symlink).
An example if this is an application using wxWidgets when wxWidgets is installed
using homebrew.
Reported by "Bouke".
Issue #13: It is now possible to add helper scripts to a bundle, for
example for creating a GUI that starts a helper script in the background.
This can be done by using the option "--extra-scripts", the value of which is a list
of script files (".py" or ".pyw" files).
Smarter matplotlib recipe, it is now possible to specify which backends should
be included. Issue #44, reported by Adam Kovics.
The argument to --matplotlib-backends
(or 'matplotlib_backends' in
is a list of plugins to include. Use '-' to not include backends other than those
found by the import statement analysis, and '*' to include all backends (without
necessarily including all of matplotlib)
As an example, use --matplotlib-backends=wxagg
to include just the wxagg
Default is to include the entire matplotlib package.
The packages included by a py2app recipe weren't processed by modulegraph and
hence their dependencies were not always included.
Fix virtualenv support: alias builds in a virtual environment failed to work.
(There are still issues with semi-standalone and alias plugin bundles in
a virtualenv environment).
issue #18: improved PyQt and PySide support.
Py2app now has a new option named "--qt-plugins" (or "qt_plugins" in,
this option specify a list of plugins that should be included in the
application bundle. The items of the list can have a number of forms:
Specify one particular plugin
Specify one or more plugins using a glob pattern
Include all plugins of a type, equivalent to "plugintype/*".
The plugins are copied into "Resources/qt_plugins" and py2app adds a "qt.conf"
file that points to that location for plugins.
issue #49: package data that is a zipfile is now correctly copied into
the bundle instead of extracting the archive.
issue #59: compile to ensure that the generated bundle doesn't
change on first run.
This is nice to have in general, and essential when using code signing
because the signature will break when a new file is added after signing.
Reported by Michael McCracken.
issue #60: recipe for "email" package was not loaded
Reported by Chris Beaumont
issue #46: py2app no longer warns about the Qt license. We don't warn about
other possibly GPL licensed software either and py2app is not
a license-enforcement tool.
Reported by briank_in_la.
Generated bundles always started with python optimization active
(that is, as if running as 'python -O').
Fix issue #53: py2app would crash if a data file happened to
be a zipfile.
py2app copies data files in the directory for a package into
the application bundle. It also did this for directories that
represent subpackages, which made it impossible to exclude
added recipe for wxPython because some subpackages of wxPython
use __path__
trickery that confuses modulegraph.
recipes can now return a list of additional entries for the
'includes' list.
rewritten the recipe for matplotlib. The recipe no longer includes
the entire package, but just the "mpl-data" directory.
WARNING: This recipe has had limited testing.
fix mixed indentation (tabs and spaces) in,
which caused installation failures on python 3.x (issue #40)
Issue #43: py2app now creates a symlink named "Current" in the
'Versions' directory of the embedded Python framework to comply
with a requirement for the Mac App-store.
on some OSX releases the application receives both the
"open application" and "open documents" Apple Events during startup,
which broke an assumption in
py2app is more strict w.r.t. explictly closing files, this avoids
ResourceWarnings for unclosed files.
fix test issue with semi-standalone builds on Python 3.2
added recipe for pyzmq
Don't use the version information from Python.framework's Info.plist,
but use sys.version_info
. This fixes a build problem with EPD.
Ignore some more files when copying package data:
py2app 0.6.4
py2app 0.6.4 is a bugfix and minor feature release
Issue #28: the argv emulator crashes in 64-bit mode on OSX 10.5
Fixing this issue required yet another rewrite of the argv_emulator
Added option '--arch=VALUE' which can be used to select the set of
architectures for the main executable. This defaults to the set of
architectures supported by the python interpreter and can be used to
drop support for some architectures (for example when you're using a
python binary that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit code and use a
GUI library that does not yet work in 64-bit mode).
Valid values for the argument are archectures used in the list below
and the following groups of architectures:
Issue #32: fix crash when application uses PySide
This is partially fixed in macholib (release 1.4.3)
The '-O' flag of py2app now defaults to the python optimization level
when using python 2.6 or later.
Issue #31: honor optimze flag at runtime.
Until now an application bundle created by py2app would also run without
the "-O" flag, even when the user specified it should. This is now fixed.
Issue #33: py2app's application bundle launcher now clears the environment
, avoids a crash when using PyObjC in an
application launched from a py2app based plugin bundle.
py2app's bundle launcher set the environment variable PYOBJC_BUNDLE_ADDRESS
this variable is now deprecated. Use PYOBJC_BUNDLE_ADDRESS<PID>
(replace <PID>
by the process ID of the current process).
When using the system python we now explicitly add Apple's additional packages
(like PyObjC and Twisted) to sys.path
This fixes and issue reported by Sean Robinson: py2app used to create a non-working
bundle when you used these packages because the packages didn't get included
(as intented), but were not available on sys.path
Fixed the recipe for sip, which in turn ensures that PyQt4 applications
As before the SIP recipe is rather crude, it will include all SIP-based
packages into your application bundle when it detects a module that uses
The 'Resources' folder is no longer on the python search path,
it contains the scripts while Python modules and packages are located
in the site-packages directory. This change is related to issue #30.
The folder 'Resources/Python/site-packages' is no longer on the python
search path. This folder is not used by py2app itself, but might by
used by custom build scripts that wrap around py2app.
Issue #30: py2app bundles failed to launch properly when the scriptfile
has the same name as a python package used by the application.
Issue #15: py2app now has an option to emulate the shell environment you
get by opening a window in the Terminal.
Usage: python py2app --emulate-shell-environment
This option is experimental, it is far from certain that the implementation
works on all systems.
Issue #16: --argv-emulation
now works with Python 3.x and in 64-bit
Issue #17: py2applet script defaults 'argv_emulation' to False when your using
a 64-bit build of python, because that option is not supported on
such builds.
py2app now clears the temporary directory in 'build' and the output directory
in 'dist' before doing anything. This avoids unwanted interactions between
results from a previous builds and the current build.
Issue #22: py2app will give an error when the specified version is invalid,
instead of causing a crash in the generated executable.
Issue #23: py2app failed to work when an .egg directory was implictly added
to sys.path
by setuptools and the "-O" option was used (for example
python py2app -O2
Issue #26: py2app copied the wrong executable into the application bundle
when using virtualenv with a framework build of Python.
py2app 0.6.3
py2app 0.6.3 is a bugfix release
- py2app failed to compile .xib files
(as reported on the pythonmac-sig mail-ing list).
py2app 0.6.2
py2app 0.6.2 is a bugfix release
py2app failed to copy the iconfile into application bundle
(reported by Russel Owen)
py2app failed to copy resources and data files as well
(the resource
key in the py2ap options dictionary and
the data_files
argument to the setup function).
Issue #19, reported by bryon(at)
py2app failed to build application bundles when using virtualenv
due to assumptions about the relation between sys.prefix
Report and fix by Erik van Zijst.
Ensure that the 'examples' directory is included in the source
py2app 0.6.1
py2app 0.6.1 is a bugfix release
py2app failed to build the bundle when python package contained
a zipfile with data.
This version solves most of that problem using a rough
workaround (the issue is fixed when the filename ends with '.zip').
The code that recreates the stub executables when they are
older than the source code now uses xcode-select
find the root of SDKs.
This makes it possible to recreate these executables on machines
where both Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 are installed and Xcode 3 is
the default Xcode.
The stub executables were regenerated using Xcode 3
As a word of warning: Xcode 4 cannot be used to rebuild the
stub executables, in particular not those that have support
for the PPC architecture.
Don't rebuild the stub executables automaticly, that's
unsafe with Xcode 4 and could trigger accidently when
files are installed in a different order than expected.
Small tweaks to the testsuite to ensure that they work
on systems with both Xcode3 and Xcode4 (Xcode3 must be
the selected version).
Better cleanup in the testsuite when setupClass
py2app 0.6
py2app 0.6 is a minor feature release
it is now possible to specify which python distributions must
be availble when building the bundle by using the
"install_requires" argument of the setup()
install_requires = [
"pyobjc == 2.2"
py2app can now package namespace packages that were installed
using pip <>
or the
setuptools install option --single-version-externally-managed
the bundle template now supports python3, based on a patch
by Virgil Dupras.
alias builds no longer use Carbon Aliases and therefore are
supported with python3 as well (patch by Virgil Dupras)
argv emulation doesn't work in python 3, this release
will tell you abou this instead of silently failing to
build a working bundle.
add support for custom URLs to the argv emulation code
(patch by Brendan Simon).
You will have to add a "CFBundleURLTypes" key to your Info.plist to
use this, the argv emulation code will ensure that the URL
to open will end up in sys.argv
contains a number of functions that are now
deprecated an will be removed in a future version, specifically:
, os_path_isdir
, path_to_zip
, get_mtime
, and os_readlink
The module py2app.simpleio
no longer exists, and should never
have been in the repository (it was part of a failed rewrite of
the I/O layer).
Bug fixes:
fix problem with symlinks in copied framework, as reported
by Dan Ross.
py2applet didn't work in python 3.x.
The --alias
option didn't work when building a plugin
bundle (issue #10, fix by Virgil Dupras)
Avoid copying the pycache directory in python versions
that implement PEP 3147 (Python 3.2 and later)
App bundles with Python 3 now work when the application is
stored in a directory with non-ASCII characters in the full
Do not compile .nib
files, it is not strictly needed and
breaks PyObjC projects that still use the NibClassBuilder code.
Better error messsages when trying to include a non-existing
file as a resource.
Don't drop into PDB when an exception occurs.
Issue #5: Avoid a possible stack overflow in the bundle executable
Issue #9: Work with python 3.2
Fix build issues with python 2.5 (due to usage of too modern distutils
command subclasses)
The source distribution didn't include all files that needed to be
it ever since switching to mercurial, I've added a
file rather than relying on setuptool's autoguessing of files to include.
Bundle template works again with semi-standalone builds (such as
when using a system python), this rewrites the fix for issue #10
mentioned earlier.
Ensure py2app works correctly when the sources are located in a
directory with non-ascii characters in its name.
py2app 0.5.2
py2app 0.5.2 is a bugfix release
Bug fixes:
- Ensure that the right stub executable gets found when using
the system python 2.5
py2app 0.5.1
py2app 0.5.1 is a bugfix release
Bug fixes:
py2app 0.5
py2app 0.5 is a minor feature release.
Add support for the --with-framework-name
option of Python's
configure script, that is: py2app now also works when the Python
framework is not named 'Python.framework'.
Add support for various build flavours of Python (32bit, 3-way, ...)
py2app now actually works for me ( with a
python interpreter in a virtualenv environment.
Experimental support for python 3
Bug fixes:
Fix recipe for matplotlib: that recipe caused an exception with
current versions of matplotlib and pytz.
Use modern API's in the alias-build bootstrap code, without
this 'py2app -A' will result in broken bundles on a 64-bit build
of Python.
(Patch contributed by James R Eagan)
Try both 'import Image' and 'from PIL import Image' in the PIL
(Patch contributed by Christopher Barker)
The stub executable now works for 64-bit application bundles
(Lowlevel) The application stub was rewritten to use
instead of dyld
APIs. This removes deprecation
warnings during compilation.
py2app 0.4.3
py2app 0.4.3 is a bugfix release
Bug fixes:
- A bad format string in made it impossible to copy the
Python framework into an app bundle.
py2app 0.4.2
py2app 0.4.2 is a minor feature release
When the '--strip' option is specified we now also remove '.dSYM'
directories from the bundle.
Remove dependency on a 'version.plist' file in the python framework
A new recipe for PyQt
_ 4.x. This recipe was donated by Kevin Walzer.
A new recipe for virtualenv
_, this allows you to use py2app from
a virtual environment.
.. _virtualenv
Adds support for converting .xib
files (NIB files for
Interface Builder 3)
Introduces an experimental plugin API for data converters.
A conversion plugin should be defined as an entry-point in the
entry_points = {
'py2app.converter': [
"label = some_module:converter_function",
The conversion function should be defined like this::
from py2app.decorators import converts
def optimze_png(source, proposed_destionation, dryrun=0):
# Copy 'source' to 'proposed_destination'
The conversion is allowed to change the proposed
destination to another name in the same directory.
.. virtualenv
Buf fixes:
- This fixes an issue with copying a different version of Python over
to an app/plugin bundle than the one used to run py2app with.
py2app 0.4.0
py2app 0.4.0 is a minor feature release (and was never formally released).
Bug fixes:
Fix incorrect symlink target creation with an alias bundle that has included
Stuffit tends to extract archives recursively, which results in unzipped
code archives inside py2app-created bundles. This version has a workaround
for this "feature" for Stuffit.
Be more carefull about passing non-constant strings as the template argumenti
of string formatting functions (in the app and bundle templates), to avoid
crashes under some conditions.
py2app 0.3.6
py2app 0.3.6 is a minor bugfix release.
Bug fixes:
py2app 0.3.5
py2app 0.3.5 is a minor bugfix release.
Bug fixes:
py2app 0.3.4
py2app 0.3.4 is a minor bugfix release.
Bug fixes:
Fixed a typo in the py2applet script
Removed some, but not all, compiler warnings from the bundle template
(which is still probably broken anyway)
py2app 0.3.3
py2app 0.3.3 is a minor bugfix release.
Bug Fixes:
py2app 0.3.2
py2app 0.3.2 is a major bugfix release.
Functional changes:
Massively updated documentation
New prefer-ppc option
New recipes: numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Updated py2applet script to take options, provide --make-setup
Bug Fixes:
py2app 0.3.1
py2app 0.3.1 is a minor bugfix release.
Functional changes:
Bug Fixes:
- Now ensures that the executable is +x (when installed from egg this may not
be the case)
py2app 0.3.0
py2app 0.3.0 is a major feature enhancements release.
Functional changes:
New --xref (-x) option similar to py2exe's that produces
a list of modules and their interdependencies as a HTML
sys.executable now points to a regular Python interpreter
alongside the regular executable, so spawning sub-interpreters
should work much more reliably
Application bootstrap now detects paths containing ":"
and will provide a "friendly" error message instead of just
Application bootstrap now sets PYTHONHOME instead of
Application bootstrap rewritten in C that links to
CoreFoundation and Cocoa dynamically as needed,
so it doesn't imply any particular version of the runtime.
Documentation and examples changed to use setuptools
instead of distutils.core, which removes the need for
the py2app import
Refactored to use setuptools, distributed as an egg.
macholib, bdist_mpkg, modulegraph, and altgraph are now
separately maintained packages available on PyPI as eggs
macholib now supports little endian architectures,
64-bit Mach-O headers, and reading/writing of
multiple headers per file (fat / universal binaries)
py2app 0.2.1
py2app 0.2.1 is a minor bug fix release.
Bug Fixes:
macholib.util.in_system_path understands SDKs now
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH searching is fixed
Frameworks and excludes options should work again.
py2app 0.2.0
py2app 0.2.0 is a minor bug fix release.
Functional changes:
New datamodels option to support CoreData. Compiles
.xcdatamodel files and places them in the Resources dir
(as .mom).
New use-pythonpath option. The py2app application bootstrap
will no longer use entries from PYTHONPATH unless this option
is used.
py2app now persists information about the build environment
(python version, executable, build style, etc.) in the
Info.plist and will clean the executable before rebuilding
if anything at all has changed.
bdist_mpkg now builds packages with the full platform info,
so that installing a package for one platform combination
will not look like an upgrade to another platform combination.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug in standalone building, where a rebuild could
cause an unlaunchable executable.
Plugin bootstrap should compile/link correctly
with gcc 4.
Plugin bootstrap no longer sets PYTHONHOME and will
restore PYTHONPATH after initialization.
Plugin bootstrap swaps out thread state upon plug-in
load if it is the first to initialize Python. This
fixes threading issues.
py2app 0.1.9
py2app 0.1.9 is a minor bug fix release.
Bugs fixed:
bdist_mpkg now builds zip files that are correctly unzipped
by all known tools.
The behavior of the bootstrap has changed slightly such that
should now point to your main script, rather than
the bootstrap. The main script has also moved to Resources
from Resources/Python
, so that __file__
relative resource
paths should still work.
py2app 0.1.8
py2app 0.1.8 is a major enhancements release:
Bugs fixed:
Symlinks in included frameworks should be preserved correctly
(fixes Tcl/Tk)
Fixes some minor issues with alias bundles
Removed implicit SpiderImagePlugin -> ImageTk reference in PIL
The --optimize
option should work now
is now included by default
's dynamic dependencies are now in the standard implies
Errors on app launch are brought to the front so the user does
not miss them
bdist_mpkg now compatible with pychecker (data_files had issues)
Options changed:
deprecated --strip
, it is now on by default
new --no-strip
option to turn off stripping of executables
New features:
Looks for a hacked version of the PyOpenGL so that
it doesn't have to include the whole package in order to get
at the stupid version file.
New loader_files
key that a recipe can return in order to
ensure that non-code ends up in the .zip (the pygame recipe
uses this)
Now scans all files in the bundle and normalizes Mach-O load
commands, not just extensions. This helps out when using the
option, when including frameworks that have plugins,
An embedded Python interpreter is now included in the executable
bundle (sys.executable
points to it), this currently only
works for framework builds of Python
New macho_standalone
New macho_find
Major enhancements to the way plugins are built
bdist_mpkg now has a --zipdist
option to build zip files
from the built package
The bdist_mpkg "Installed to:" description is now based on the
package install root, rather than the build root
py2app 0.1.7
_ 0.1.7 is a bug fix release:
The bdist_mpkg
script will now set up sys.path properly, for setup scripts
that require local imports.
will now correctly accept ReadMe
, License
, Welcome
and background
files by parameter.
can now display a custom background again (0.1.6 broke this).
now accepts a build-base=
argument, to put build files in
an alternate location.
will now accept main scripts with a .pyw
's not_stdlib_filter will now ignore a site-python
directory as
well as site-packages
's plugin bundle template no longer displays GUI dialogs by default,
but still links to AppKit
now ensures that the directory of the main script is now added to
when scanning modules.
The py2app
build command has been refactored such that it would be easier
to change its behavior by subclassing.
alias bundles can now cope with editors that do atomic saves
(write new file, swap names with existing file).
now has minimal support for fat binaries. It still assumes big
endian and will not make any changes to a little endian header.
Add a warning message when using the install
command rather than installing
from a package.
New simple/structured
example that shows how you could package an
application that is organized into several folders.
New PyObjC/pbplugin
Xcode Plug-In example.
py2app 0.1.6
Since I have been slacking and the last announcement was for 0.1.4, here are the
changes for the soft-launched releases 0.1.5 and 0.1.6:
_ 0.1.6 was a major feature enhancements release:
and bdist_mpkg
scripts have been moved to Python modules
so that the functionality can be shared with the tools.
Generic graph-related functionality from py2app
was moved to
and altgraph.GraphUtil
now outputs more specific plist requirements
(for future compatibility).
can now create plugin bundles (MH_BUNDLE) as well as executables.
New recipe for supporting extensions built with sip
, such as PyQt
. Note that
due to the way that sip
_ works, when one sip-based extension is used, all
sip-based extensions are included in your application. In practice, this means
anything provided by Riverbank
, I don't think anyone else uses sip
New recipe for PyOpenGL
_. This is very naive and simply includes the whole
thing, rather than trying to monkeypatch their brain-dead
version acquisition routine in __init__
Bootstrap now sets ARGVZERO
environment variables,
corresponding to the argv[0]
and the _NSGetExecutablePath(...)
that the
bundle saw. This is only really useful if you need to relaunch your own
More correct dyld
search behavior.
Refactored macholib
to use altgraph
, can now generate GraphViz
_ graphs
and more complex analysis of dependencies can be done.
was refactored to be easier to maintain, and the structure handling
has been optimized a bit.
The few tests that there are were refactored in py.test
_ style.
New PyQt
_ example.
New PyOpenGL
_ example.
See also:
.. _py.test
.. _PyOpenGL
.. _Riverbank
.. _sip
.. _PyQt
.. _docutils
.. _setuptools
py2app 0.1.5
_ 0.1.5 is a major feature enhancements release:
Added a bdist_mpkg
distutils extension, for creating Installer
an metapackage from any distutils script.
Added a PackageInstaller
tool, a droplet that performs the same function
as the bdist_mpkg
Create a custom bdist_mpkg
subclass for py2app
_'s setup script.
Source package now includes PJE
's setuptools
extension to distutils.
Added lots of metadata to the setup script.
is now a top-level package, modulegraph
is now modulegraph.find_modules
Should now correctly handle paths (and application names) with unicode characters
in them.
New --strip
option for py2app
build command, strips all Mach-O files
in output application bundle.
New --bdist-base=
option for py2app
build command, allows an alternate
build directory to be specified.
New docutils
_ recipe.
Support for non-framework Python, such as the one provided by DarwinPorts
See also:
.. _py.test
.. _GraphViz
.. _PyOpenGL
.. _Riverbank
.. _sip
.. _PyQt
.. _DarwinPorts
.. _setuptools
.. _PJE
.. _PyObjC
py2app 0.1.4
_ 0.1.4 is a minor bugfix release:
- The
from 0.1.3 had a pretty nasty bug in it that prevented
filtering from working properly, so I fixed it and bumped to 0.1.4.
py2app 0.1.3
_ 0.1.3 is a refactoring and new features release:
, my fork of Istvan Albert's graphlib
_, is now part of the
has been refactored to use altgraph
_ can now create GraphViz
_ DOT graphs with the -g
(TinyTinyEdit example
Moved the filter stack into py2app.modulegraph
Fixed a bug that may have been in 0.1.2 where explicitly included packages
would not be scanned by macholib
now contains a stripped down site
module as
opposed to a sitecustomize
Alias builds are now the only ones that contain the system and user
directory in sys.path
The pydoc
recipe has been beefed up to also exclude BaseHTTPServer
Known issues:
Commands marked with XXX in the help are not implemented
Includes all files from packages, it should be smart enough to strip
unused .py/.pyc/.pyo files (to save space, depending on which optimization
flag is used)
should be refactored to use altgraph
and py2app.modulegraph
should be refactored to
search for dependencies on a per-application basis
.. _graphlib
.. _TinyTinyEdit example
py2app 0.1.2
_ 0.2 is primarily a bugfix release:
The encodings package now gets included in the zip file (saves space)
A copy of the Python interpreter is not included anymore in standalone
builds (saves space)
The executable bootstrap is now stripped by default (saves a little space)
is set correctly now, it used to point to the executable, now
it points to the boot script. This should enhance compatibility with some
Adds an "Alias" feature to modulegraph, so that sys.modules
such as wxPython.wx -> wx
can be accomodated (this particular craziness
is also now handled by default)
A sys.path
alternative may be passed to find_modules
now, though
this is not used yet
The Command
instance is now passed to recipes instead of the
instance (though no recipes currently use either)
The post-filtering of modules and extensions is now generalized into a
stack and can be modified by recipes
A wxPython
_ example demonstrating how to package wxGlade
_ has been
added (this is a good example of how to write your own recipe, and how to
deal with complex applications that mix code and data files)
is now set to (only) the location of the current
interpreter's Python.framework
for alias and semi-standalone build
modes (enhances compatibility with extensions built with an unpatched
Makefile with Mac OS X 10.3's Python 2.3.0)
Known issues:
- Includes all files from packages, it should be smart enough to strip
unused .py/.pyc/.pyo files (to save space, depending on which optimization
flag is used).
.. _wxGlade
py2app 0.1.1
_ 0.1.1 is primarily a bugfix release:
Several problems related to Mac OS X 10.2 compatibility and standalone
building have been resolved
Scripts that are not in the same directory as now work
A new recipe has been added that removes the pydoc -> Tkinter dependency
A recipe has been added for py2app
_ itself
a wxPython
_ example (superdoodle) has been added.
Demonstrates not only how easy it is (finally!) to bundle
_ applications, but also how one can
deal with both py2exe
_ and py2app
A new experimental tool, py2applet, has been added.
Once you've built it (python py2app
, of course), you should
be able to build simple applications simply by dragging your main script
and optionally any packages, data files, Info.plist and icon it needs.
Known issues:
Includes all files from packages, it should be smart enough to strip
unused .py/.pyc/.pyo files (to save space, depending on which
optimization flag is used).
The default PyRuntimeLocations
can cause problems on machines that
have a /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework installed. Workaround is
to set a plist that has the following key:
(this will be resolved soon)
py2app 0.1
(first public release)
_ is the bundlebuilder replacement we've all been waiting
for. It is implemented as a distutils command, similar to py2exe
.. _wxPython
.. _py2app
.. _py2exe