Python Version Bumper
.. image:: https://github.com/arielevs/pybump/workflows/Python%20package/badge.svg
:alt: Build
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:alt: Code Coverage
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/ArieLevs/PyBump
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pybump.svg
:alt: Version
:target: https://pypi.org/project/pybump/
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:target: https://pypi.org/project/pybump/
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/pybump.svg
:alt: Python Version
:target: https://pypi.org/project/pybump/
| Simple python code to bump kubernetes package manager Helm charts.yaml, VERSION and setup.py files versions.
| Versions must match semver 2.0.0: https://github.com/semver/semver/blob/master/semver.md
| Version is allowed a lower case 'v' character for example: v1.5.4-beta2
pip install pybump
| bump version:
| pybump bump [-h] --file PATH_TO_CHART.YAML --level {major,minor,patch} [--quiet]
| set explicit version or set auto release+metadata:
| pybump set --file PATH_TO_CHART.YAML --set-version X.Y.Z [--quiet]
| the auto flag is mainly intended for pull request CIs, by using:
| pybump set --file PATH_TO_CHART.YAML --auto [--quiet]
| pybump will add git commit hash as release info to version
- NOTE - This can be dangerous as the
flag might detect a git repo you were not intended to bump,
make sure the bumped file is really a child in the git repo you intended to bump.
| get current version:
| pybump get --file PATH_TO_CHART.YAML
| update Helm chart appVersion:
| in order to bump/get/set the Helm chart appVersion value just add the --app-version
| pybump bump [-h] --file PATH_TO_CHART.YAML --level {major,minor,patch} [--quiet] [--app-version]
- note that the --app-version flag is relevant only for Helm chart.yaml files and has not effect on other cases.
CLI example
.. image:: ./docs/pybump-recording.gif
CI Usage example
Simple jenkins CI (using k8s plugin) that will use the set --file setup.py --auto
.. code-block:: java
String label = "test-bump-ci-runner"
label: label,
containers: [
name: 'pybump',
image: "arielev/pybump:1.10.2",
ttyEnabled: true,
command: 'sleep',
args: '1d'
name: 'jnlp',
image: 'jenkins/inbound-agent:jdk11',
ttyEnabled: true
) {
node(label) {
timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') {
ansiColor('xterm') {
String version = ""
container('jnlp') {
git credentialsId: "credentials_id_here", url: "https://github.com/arielevs/pybump"
container('pybump') {
version = sh(
script: "pybump set --file setup.py --auto",
returnStdout: true
| Case: version: 0.0.1
| pybump bump --file Chart.yaml --level patch
will bump version to 0.0.2
| Case: version: 0.1.4-alpha+meta.data
| pybump bump --file Chart.yaml --level minor
will bump version to 0.2.0-alpha+meta.data
| Case: version: v0.0.3
| pybump bump --file Chart.yaml --level major
will bump version to v1.0.0
| Case: version: 0.0.1+some-metadata
| pybump set --file Chart.yaml --set-version 1.4.0
will set version to 1.4.0+metadata-here
| Case: version: v7.0.2
| pybump set --file setup.py --auto
will set version to v7.0.2-5a51e0e1d9894d3c5d4201619f10be242320cb59
| Case: appVersion 2.3.2
| pybump bump --file Chart.yaml --level patch --app-version
will bump appVersion to 2.3.3
| Case: version: 1.0.13
| pybump get --file Chart.yaml
will return 1.0.13
| Case: version: 1.0.13+some-metadata
| pybump get --file Chart.yaml --release
will return some
using a container image
| docker run --rm --volume $(pwd):/tmp -t arielev/pybump set --file /tmp/setup.py --auto