Python library for modeling aviation climate impacts
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pycontrails is an open source project and Python package for modeling aircraft contrails and other
aviation related climate impacts.
defines common data structures and interfaces to efficiently build and run models of aircraft performance, emissions, and radiative forcing.
Documentation and examples available at
Install with pip
You can install pycontrails from PyPI with pip
(Python 3.10 or later required):
$ pip install pycontrails
$ pip install "pycontrails[complete]"
Install the latest development version directly from GitHub:
pip install git+
Install with conda
You can install pycontrails from the conda-forge channel with conda
(or other conda
-like package managers such as mamba
conda install -c conda-forge pycontrails
The conda-forge package includes all optional runtime dependencies.
See more installation options in the install documentation.
Get Involved
Apache License 2.0
Additional attributions in NOTICE.