
A python wrapper for OpenJTalk.
The package consists of two core components:
- Text processing frontend based on OpenJTalk
- Speech synthesis backend using HTSEngine
Before using the pyopenjtalk package, please have a look at the LICENSE for the two software.
Build requirements
The python package relies on cython to make python bindings for open_jtalk and hts_engine_API. You must need the following tools to build and install pyopenjtalk:
- C/C++ compilers (to build C/C++ extentions)
- cmake
- cython
Supported platforms
- Linux
- Mac OSX
- Windows (MSVC) (see this PR)
pip install pyopenjtalk
To build the package locally, you will need to make sure to clone open_jtalk and hts_engine_API.
git submodule update --recursive --init
and then run
pip install -e .
Quick demo
Please check the notebook version here (nbviewer).
In [1]: import pyopenjtalk
In [2]: from import wavfile
In [3]: x, sr = pyopenjtalk.tts("おめでとうございます")
In [4]: wavfile.write("test.wav", sr, x.astype(np.int16))
Run text processing frontend only
In [1]: import pyopenjtalk
In [2]: pyopenjtalk.extract_fullcontext("こんにちは")
Please check lab_format.pdf
in HTS-demo_NIT-ATR503-M001.tar.bz2 for more details about full-context labels.
Grapheme-to-phoeneme (G2P)
In [1]: import pyopenjtalk
In [2]: pyopenjtalk.g2p("こんにちは")
Out[2]: 'k o N n i ch i w a'
In [3]: pyopenjtalk.g2p("こんにちは", kana=True)
Out[3]: 'コンニチワ'
Create/Apply user dictionary
- Create a CSV file (e.g.
) and write custom words like below:
- Call
to compile the CSV file.
In [1]: import pyopenjtalk
In [2]: pyopenjtalk.mecab_dict_index("user.csv", "user.dic")
reading user.csv ... 1
emitting double-array: 100% |
- Call
to apply the user dictionary.
In [3]: pyopenjtalk.g2p("GNU")
Out[3]: 'j i i e n u y u u'
In [4]: pyopenjtalk.update_global_jtalk_with_user_dict("user.dic")
In [5]: pyopenjtalk.g2p("GNU")
Out[5]: 'g u n u u'
About run_marine
After v0.3.0, the run_marine
option has been available for estimating the Japanese accent with the DNN-based method (see marine). If you want to use the feature, please install pyopenjtalk as below;
pip install pyopenjtalk[marine]
And then, you can use the option as the following examples;
In [1]: import pyopenjtalk
In [2]: x, sr = pyopenjtalk.tts("おめでとうございます", run_marine=True)
In [3]: label = pyopenjtalk.extract_fullcontext("こんにちは", run_marine=True)
HTS Working Group for their dedicated efforts to develop and maintain Open JTalk.