Client API for PDNS
Client API to query any Passive DNS implementation following the Passive DNS - Common Output Format.
pip install pypdns
Command line
You can use the pdns
command to trigger a request.
usage: pdns [-h] --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --query QUERY [--rrtype RRTYPE]
Triggers a request againse CIRCL Passive DNS.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--username USERNAME The username of you account.
--password PASSWORD The password of you account.
--query QUERY The query, can be an IP. domain, hostname, TLD.
--rrtype RRTYPE Filter the request based on the RR Type.
See API Reference
import pypdns
import json
x = pypdns.PyPDNS(basic_auth=('username','yourpassword'))
for record in x.iter_query(q='', filter_rrtype='A'):
print(json.dumps(record.record, indent=2))
Passive DNS Services