Pyprojectx: All-inclusive Python Projects
Execute scripts from pyproject.toml, installing tools on-the-fly
Pyprojectx makes it easy to create all-inclusive Python projects; no need to install any tools upfront,
not even Pyprojectx itself!
Tools that are specified within your pyproject.toml file will be installed on demand when invoked from Pyprojectx:
> ./pw black src
Collecting black ...
Successfully installed black-23.9.1 ...
All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
18 files left unchanged.
Feature highlights
- Reproducible builds by treating tools and utilities as (locked) dev-dependencies
- No global installs, everything is stored inside your project directory (like npm's node_modules)
- Bootstrap your entire build process with a small wrapper script (like Gradle's gradlew wrapper)
- Configure shortcuts for routine tasks
- Simple configuration in pyproject.toml
Projects can be build/tested/used immediately without explicit installation nor initialization:
git clone https://github.com/pyprojectx/px-demo.git
cd px-demo
./pw build

One of the key features is that there is no need to install anything explicitly (except a Python 3.9+ interpreter).
into your project directory and download the
wrapper scripts:
curl -LO https://github.com/pyprojectx/pyprojectx/releases/latest/download/wrappers.zip && unzip wrappers.zip && rm -f wrappers.zip
Invoke-WebRequest https://github.com/pyprojectx/pyprojectx/releases/latest/download/wrappers.zip -OutFile wrappers.zip; Expand-Archive -Path wrappers.zip -DestinationPath .; Remove-Item -Path wrappers.zip
Getting started
Initialize a new or existing project by adding tools (on Windows, replace ./pw
with pw
./pw --add pdm,ruff,pre-commit,px-utils
./pw --install-context main
./pw pdm --version
./pw ruff check src
source .pyprojectx/main/activate
pdm --version
ruff check src
For reproducible builds and developer experience, it is recommended to lock the versions of the tools
and add the generated pw.lock file to your repository:
./pw --lock
Create command shortcuts
The tool.pyprojectx.aliases section in pyproject.toml can contain commandline aliases:
run = "poetry run"
test = "poetry run pytest"
lint = ["ruff check"]
check = ["@lint", "@test"]
Instead of calling the CLI of a tool directly, prefix it with ./pw
on Windows).
./pw poetry add -D pytest
cd src
../pw lint
Aliases can be invoked as is or with extra arguments:
./pw poetry run my-script --foo bar
# same as above, but using the run alias
./pw run my-script --foo bar
Why yet another tool?
- As Python noob I had hard times setting up a project and building existing projects
- There is always someone in the team having issues with his setup, either with a specific tool, with Homebrew, pipx, ...
- Using (PDM or Poetry) dev-dependencies to install tools, impacts your production dependencies and can even lead to dependency conflicts
- Different projects often require different versions of the same tool
Example projects
- This project (using PDM)
- px-demo (using PDM)
git clone https://github.com/pyprojectx/pyprojectx.git
cd pyprojectx
./pw build
- Use your local pyprojectx copy in another project: set the path to pyprojectx in the PYPROJECTX_PACKAGE environment variable
and create a symlink to the wrapper script.
# Linux, Mac
export PYPROJECTX_PACKAGE=path/to/pyprojectx
ln -s $PYPROJECTX_PACKAGE/src/pyprojectx/wrapper/pw.py pw
# windows
set PYPROJECTX_PACKAGE=path/to/pyprojectx
mklink pw %PYPROJECTX_PACKAGE%\src\pyprojectx\wrapper\pw.py
# or copy the wrapper script if you can't create a symlink on windows
copy %PYPROJECTX_PACKAGE%\src\pyprojectx\wrapper\pw.py pw