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Python O/R Mapping extension for DB-API 2.0

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Python O/R mapping extension for DB-API 2.0


This library provides functionalities to refine codes executing DB operations. The main peculiar concepts are model declaration and relational graph.

Model is the class representing a table and its instance corresponds to a record. This library provides a way to declare model classes by reverse-engineering from actual tables. Once you connect DB, model classes becomes importable from a module you specified. Those classes have various methods executing simple operations on a table.

Graph is composed of nodes and edges, where each node contains a model object or any kind of value. An edge between nodes represents their relation, such as foreign key constraint between records. Graphs are designed to store results of queries with straight-forward codes, which makes you free from suffering from the reconstruction of data structure. Additionally, graph view provides intuitive interfaces to traverse it and graph serialization feature enables conversion from a graph into a dict with keeping its structure and applying flexible representation to each node.

On the other hand, this library does NOT support following features which are common in libraries called O/R mapper.

  • Query generation resolving relations (foreign keys) automatically.
  • Object based query operation such as lazy loading or dirty state handling.
  • Code first migrations, that is, database migrations based on entity declarations.


DB-API 2.0

This library works as a wrapper of any kind of DB driver compliant with DB-API 2.0 such as psycopg or PyMySQL. DB operations are passed to the driver so that any functionality it provides is also available.

Automatic declaration of model types

Similarly to many other O/R mappers, this library represents a table with a class called model type. The characteristic is that the declarations of model types are done by a function crawling tables in DB at runtime, not by manual coding.

Query helpers

While this library mainly focuses on the use of SQL, not DSL, it exports functions to generate a part of query and each model type has methods to execute some routine DB operations on its representing table. They will decrease boilerplate codes to construct query string and parameters. Meanwhile, complicated queries which contain table join, sub-query and so on are not suppoted intentionaly, because it is revealed that trials to manage to them by DSL will end up to bring larger difficulties.

Record graph

Graph is a type representing tree structure where each node has at most one parent node, where relations between models are represented with edges. By using the graph to store structured records, every model type does not require extra attributes which often spoil the type structure. In addition, graph serialization feature provides flexible representations of the graph for later use. Therefore, the graph contributes decoupling DB operations and data representations in your codes.

Static typing support

This library provides the functionality to get the schema of serialized graph statically. For example in RESTful applications, the schema can be used for documentation of HTTP response. Because the schema accepts flexible change on data structure (ex. adding computed values, removing keys from a dictionary) in serialization phase, it no longer necessary to declare a type only to represent response structure. Note that the state of this functionality is still unstable becasue static typing support of python is changing frequently.

Testing support


Testing DB operations is an important but frastrating task. pyracmon.testing provides interfaces to reduce the difficulty. One of them is the generation of fixture by minimal declaration of column values. Feeding values only on columns in interest generates rows by complementing other columns with automatically generated values. Others are in experimental stage and will be changed or removed in future version.


Pyracmon requires python 3.9 or higher.

The static typing is the main feature sensitive to python version. It is mainly written in the style ordinary in python 3.9 but some parts depend on newer objects imported by typing_extensions .

Currently supported DBMS are PostgreSQL (>= 10.0) and MySQL (>= 8.0).

DB driver compliant with DB-API 2.0 is required. psycopg2 (for PostgreSQL) and PyMySQL (for MySQL) are used in development respectively.


$ pip install pyracmon==1.0.0

Grance of functionalities

Full API documentation is available on


Suppose, you have a database having tables as follows (written in PostgreSQL syntax).

    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    title text NOT NULL

    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    blog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES blog (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    title text NOT NULL,
    content text NOT NULL

    post_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    url text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE blog_category (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    blog_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES blog (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    name text NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE post_comment (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    post_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
    likes integer NOT NULL,
    content text NOT NULL

Create connection

All operations start with creating connection object. This library works as a wrapper of other DB-API 2.0 compliant DB drivers, thereby arguments given to connect() are passed through to connect() API of the driver. In addition to the arguments, you have to pass driver module to connect() at the first argument.

import psycopg2
from pyracmon import connect

db = connect(psycopg2, dbname="example", user="postgres", password="postgres")

db is a wrapped Connection object which also conforms to DB-API 2.0's Connection.

Declarations of model types

Model types get importable just by giving a Connection object to declare_models(). All tables and views are collected and declared as Model types named by their table or view names. The function takes at least 3 arguments listed below.

  • A module imported from pyracmon.dialect package specifying the type of DBMS. postgresql and mysql are available currently.
  • Connection object.
  • An arbitrary module where model types are declared.
import models
from pyracmon import declare_models
from pyracmon.dialect import postgresql

declare_models(postgresql, db, models)

After that, model types can be imported from the specified module.

from models import blog, post, image, blog_category, post_comment

Model methods

Each model type provides class methods executing typical CRUD operations on its corresponding table.

from pyracmon import Q

# Insert a record (you can omit the column where the value is assigned in database side).
# sql: INSERT INTO blog (title) VALUES (%s)
# parameters: "Blog title"
blog.insert(db, dict(title = "Blog title"))

# Update a record by primary key.
# sql: UPDATE blog SET title = %s WHERE id = %s
# parameters: "New title", 1
blog.update(db, 1, dict(title = "New title"))

# Delete a record by primary key.
# sql: DELETE FROM blog WHERE id = %s
# parameters: title", 1
blog.delete(db, 1)

# Update records by condition.
# sql: UPDATE blog SET title = %s, content = %s WHERE blog_id = %s
# parameters: "New title", "New content", 2
post.update_where(db, dict(title = "New title", content = "New content"), Q.eq(blog_id = 2))

# Delete records by condition
# sql: DELETE FROM blog WHERE blog_id = %s
# parameters: 2
post.delete_where(db, Q.eq(blog_id = 2))

Data fetching operations return model object(s) which expose column values via their attributes whose name indicates the column.

# Fetch a record by primary key.
# sql: SELECT id, blog_id, title, content FROM post WHERE id = %s
# parameters: 1
p = post.fetch(db, 1)
print(f"id = {}, blog_id = {p.blog_id}, title = {p.title}, content = {p.content}")

# Fetch records by condition.
# sql: SELECT id, blog_id, title, content FROM post WHERE blog_id = %s ORDER BY title ASC limit %s OFFSET %s
# parameters: 2, 10, 20
for p in post.fetch_where(db, Q.eq(blog_id = 2), orders = dict(title = True), limit = 10, offset = 20):
    print(f"id = {}, blog_id = {p.blog_id}, title = {p.title}, content = {p.content}")

# Counting records. Returned value n is a number of records.
# sql: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM post WHERE blog_id = %s
# parameters: 2
n = post.count(db, Q.eq(blog_id = 2))

Other than usages in above examples, arguments for those methods have some variations, for example in insert(), model object is also available instead of dictionary. See API documentation for complete information.

SQL operations

Instead of Cursor defined in DB-API 2.0, this library provides Statement for query execution. A functionality of Statement is the abstraction layer for placeholder markers. While DB-API 2.0 allows various styles, Statement accepts SQL where placeholders are marked by $ prepended variables. By courtesy of string.Template module in python, those variables are converted to correct markers which DB driver can recognize.

Although there are several rules for the conversion, using $_ for every placeholder and passing parameters in order makes sense in most cases.

from pyracmon import Q, where, read_row

# Fetch blogs and their posts by blog IDs.
blog_ids = ...
limit, offset = ...

# 1. Columns with aliases to select from each table.
#, b.title, p.title, p.content
exp ="b") +"p", ["title", "content"])

# 2. WHERE clause and parameters.
# WHERE IN (?, ?, ...)
conds = Q.in_("b", id = blog_ids)
w, params = where(conds)

# 3. SQL execution
c = db.stmt().execute(f"""
        blog AS b
        INNER JOIN post AS p ON = p.blog_id
    LIMIT $_ OFFSET $_
    """, *params, limit, offset)

# 4. Model objects obtained from each row.
for row in c.fetchall():
    r = read_row(row, *exp)
    blog = r.b
    post = r.p

Above code shows the basic flow of execution of SELECT query.

  1. Creates Expressions object which contains columns and aliases of their tables to select.
    • As well as models, raw expressions like COUNT(*) are also available.
  2. Creates Conditional object, and then obtatins conditional clause starting with WHERE and parameters used in it.
    • There are many functions to create Conditional object like Q.in_().
  3. Executs SQL on Statement object. Parameters should be passed as positional arguments.
  4. Obtains model objects from each row. read_row() parses a row and returns an object which exposes model objects via its attributes named by the alias given to select().

See API documentation for further information.

Graph declaration and construction

Previous section shows the way to get models by joining query. Graph is convenient object to return them with their relational structure.

Suppose you want a structured list of blogs like below.

    "blogs": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Blog title",
            "posts": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "title": "Post title",
                    "images": [
                            "url": "",
                            "thumbnail": "",
                    "comments": [
                            "id": 1,
                            "content": "The content of post comment",
                    "most_liked_comment": {
                        "id": 3,
                        "content": "The content of post"
                    "total_comments": 100
            "total_posts": 100,
            "categories": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "name": "Category name"
    "total": 100

Each blog entry contains various kinds of values which possibly should be obtained by multiple queries. First of all, you should declare GraphTemplate representing graph structure.

from pyracmon import graph_template

t = graph_template(
    blogs = blog,
    recent_posts = post,
    total_posts = int,
    categories = blog_category,
    images = image,
    recent_comments = post_comment,
    most_liked_comment = post_comment,
    total_comments = int,
    total = int,
t.blogs << [t.categories, t.total_posts, t.recent_posts]
t.recent_posts << [t.images, t.recent_comments, t.most_liked_comment, t.total_comments]

In each keyword argument, key denotes the name of nodes and value denotes the type of node value; blogs specifies the container of nodes each of which contains blog model object. Relationships between nodes are declared by shift operators; category, total number of posts and recent post are children of each blog.

Next example shows the query execution and Graph creation which contains the result of the query (actual queries are not written to save spaces).

def fetch_blogs():
    # Create graph object.
    graph = new_graph(t)

    # Execute query to fetch blogs with their categories and total number of posts
    # In this query, blog and category are joined and the total number of posts are counted for each blog.
    exp ="b") +"c")

    for row in c.fetchall():
        r = read_row(row, *exp, "posts")
            blogs = r.b,
            categories = r.c,
            total_posts = r.posts,

    # Execute query to fetch recent posts and their images from selected blogs above.
    # In this query, blog, post and image are joined and total number of comments are counted for each post.
    blog_ids = [b().id for b in graph.view.blogs]
    exp ="p") +"i")

    c.execute("...", blog_ids)
    for row in c.fetchall():
        r = read_row(row, *exp, "comments")
            blogs = blog(id = r.p.blog_id),
            recent_posts = r.p,
            images = r.i,
            total_comments = r.comments,

    # Execute query to fetch most liked comment for recent posts respectively.
    # In this query, post and post_comments are joined.
    post_ids = [p().id for p in graph.view.recent_posts]
    pc_ ="pc")
    for row in c.fetchall():
        r = read_row(row, pc_, "liked", "recent")
            recent_posts = post(id = r.pc.post_id),
            most_liked_comment = r.pc if r.liked else None,
            recent_comments = r.pc if r.recent else None,

    # Count total number of blogs.
        total = blog.count(db),

    # Return view of the graph.
    return graph.view

Note that the flattened invocations of append() creates hierarchical relationships in a Graph. append() works as follows:

  1. Values are sorted from parents to children.
  2. For each value, if identical node is found, it is added to the node path of this invocation. Otherwise, new node is created and added to the node path.
  3. Add edges between every adjacent nodes in the path.

A value is determined to be identical to a node when the node contains the identical value and its parent is the same as previous node in the node path. By default, the identification scheme is defined only on model types, that is, any pair of values of other types is never considered to be identical. Only the pair of model objects which have the same type and the same primary key value is identical.

As a result of these mechanisms, foreign key relationships in DB are recovered in the graph.

This function returns view attribute of the graph, which is unmodifiable view exposing intuitive interfaces to access nodes and their values.

Graph serialization

The another feature of Graph is the serialization mechanism which converts Graph object into hierarchical dict. By default, serialization works as follows:

  1. Starting from specified root node container, descending containers are handled from parents to children.
  2. Each container is converted into a list of its nodes.
  3. For each node, the preset function is applied to its value and the result is the actual value stored in the list.
    • model object is converted into a dict where the column name is mapped to the column value.
    • Values of other types are used as they are unless the function is set explicitly.
  4. When converted value is a dict, serializes child nodes similarly and put them into it.

Some behaviors can be changed at serialization stage via class methods of S as show in next example.

from pyracmon import S, graph_dict
from typing import TypedDict

class Thumbnail(TypedDict):
    thumbnail: str

def with_thumbnail(cxt) -> Thumbnail:
    return dict(thumbnail=f"{cxt.value.url}/thumbnail")

result = graph_dict(
    blogs = S.of(),
    recent_posts ="posts"),
    total_posts = S.head(),
    categories = S.of(),
    images = S.alter(with_thumbnail),
    recent_comments ="comments"),
    most_liked_comment = S.head(),
    total_comments = S.head(),
    total = S.head(),
  • of() does not affect default behavior.
  • name() changes the key which by default is the name of node container.
  • head() uses a value of the first node in the container instead of a list of values.
  • When the function is given by each(), it is applied to each node to generate the value in resulting dict.

S provides some more class methods to control the serialization mechanism. See API documentation for further information.

Static typing

The schema of graph serialization can be obtained via graph_schema(). Its signature is similar to graph_dict() except for that the first argument is GraphTemplate instead of GraphView, which means the schema is generated statically.

from pyracmon import S, graph_schema

schema = graph_schema(
    blogs = S.of(),
    recent_posts ="posts"),
    total_posts = S.head(),
    categories = S.of(),
    images = S.alter(with_thumbnail),
    recent_comments ="comments"),
    most_liked_comment = S.head(),
    total_comments = S.head(),
    total = S.head(),

Returned value is an instance of GraphSchema which exposes schema attribute. It is an instance of TypedDict which is similar implementation of typing.TypedDict introduced in python3.8. TypedDict represents a key-value data with types of values specified by type annotations. walk_schema returns the structure in the form of dict.

>>> from pyracmon.graph.schema import walk_schema
>>> walk_schema(schema, True)

The second argument denotes whether the result contains a documentation of each item which is given by S.doc(). Note that each column of model types uses its comment as the document. DBMS such as PostgreSQL provides a way to set a comment on each column and it will be used in the documentation automatically. This feature shows the DB first principle.

You can use the schema as you like, for example, swagger is a good solution to describe it. The conversion into a commonly defined format is not the role of this library.




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