Spark Extension
This project provides extensions to the Apache Spark project in Scala and Python:
Diff: A diff
transformation and application for Dataset
s that computes the differences between
two datasets, i.e. which rows to add, delete or change to get from one dataset to the other.
Histogram: A histogram
transformation that computes the histogram DataFrame for a value column.
Global Row Number: A withRowNumbers
transformation that provides the global row number w.r.t.
the current order of the Dataset, or any given order. In contrast to the existing SQL function row_number
, which
requires a window spec, this transformation provides the row number across the entire Dataset without scaling problems.
Inspect Parquet files: The structure of Parquet files (the metadata, not the data stored in Parquet) can be inspected similar to parquet-tools
or parquet-cli by reading from a simple Spark data source.
This simplifies identifying why some Parquet files cannot be split by Spark into scalable partitions.
Install Python packages into PySpark job: Install Python dependencies via PIP or Poetry programatically into your running PySpark job (PySpark ≥ 3.1.0):
from gresearch.spark import *
spark.install_pip_package("pandas==1.4.3", "pyarrow")
spark.install_pip_package("-r", "requirements.txt")
spark.install_poetry_project("../my-poetry-project/", poetry_python="../venv-poetry/bin/python")
Count null values: count_null(e: Column)
: an aggregation function like count
that counts null values in column e
This is equivalent to calling count(when(e.isNull, lit(1)))
.Net DateTime.Ticks: Convert .Net (C#, F#, Visual Basic) DateTime.Ticks
into Spark timestamps, seconds and nanoseconds.
Available methods:
The reverse is provided by (all return LongType
.Net ticks):
Spark temporary directory: Create a temporary directory that will be removed on Spark application shutdown.
from gresearch.spark import *
dir = spark.create_temporary_dir("prefix")
Spark job description: Set Spark job description for all Spark jobs within a context.
from gresearch.spark import job_description, append_job_description
with job_description("parquet file"):
df ="data.parquet")
with append_job_description("count"):
count = df.count
with append_job_description("write"):
For details, see the at the project homepage.
Using Spark Extension
PyPi package (local Spark cluster only)
You may want to install the pyspark-extension
python package from PyPi into your development environment.
This provides you code completion, typing and test capabilities during your development phase.
Running your Python application on a Spark cluster will still require one of the ways below
to add the Scala package to the Spark environment.
pip install pyspark-extension==
Note: Pick the right Spark version (here 3.4) depending on your PySpark version.
PySpark API
Start a PySpark session with the Spark Extension dependency (version ≥1.1.0) as follows:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.config("spark.jars.packages", "") \
Note: Pick the right Scala version (here 2.12) and Spark version (here 3.4) depending on your PySpark version.
PySpark REPL
Launch the Python Spark REPL with the Spark Extension dependency (version ≥1.1.0) as follows:
pyspark --packages
Note: Pick the right Scala version (here 2.12) and Spark version (here 3.4) depending on your PySpark version.
PySpark spark-submit
Run your Python scripts that use PySpark via spark-submit
spark-submit --packages []
Note: Pick the right Scala version (here 2.12) and Spark version (here 3.4) depending on your Spark version.
Your favorite Data Science notebook
There are plenty of Data Science notebooks around. To use this library,
add a jar dependency to your notebook using these Maven coordinates:
Or download the jar and place it
on a filesystem where it is accessible by the notebook, and reference that jar file directly.
Check the documentation of your favorite notebook to learn how to add jars to your Spark environment.