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Pystagram is a python client for Instagram APIs.
It provides a simple and easy to use interface for accessing endpoints of both Graph <https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api>
_ and Basic Display <https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api>
_ APIs.
PyPI (Python)
.. code-block:: bash
pip install pystagram
Source Code (Github)
|GitHub Release|
.. code-block:: bash
git clone https://github.com/MatthieuThib/pystagram.git
cd pystagram
pip install .
Setup account
In order to use the Instagram APIs (Graph API and Basic Display API), some prerequisites are required, follow the getting started guide to set up your account and get the necessary credentials:
Graph API <https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started>
Basic Display API <https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/getting-started>
This will provide you with the following credentials:
- App ID
- App Secret
- Access Token
Instagram APIs use access tokens to authenticate requests. Those tokens are tied to specific permissions and can be generated for different purposes.
Before calling any endpoint, make sure that the access token has the necessary permissions to request the endpoint.
See the Permissions <https://developers.facebook.com/docs/permissions>
_ page for more information.
Code examples
Instagram Graph API
Publishing a media
.. code-block:: python
import os
# Importing the necessary modules
from pystagram import PystagramGraphApi
from pystagram.components.containers import ImageContainer
# Initializing the PystagramGraphApi with the necessary credentials
graph_api = PystagramGraphApi(
app_id=int(os.getenv("APP_ID")), # The App ID from the environment variables
app_secret=os.getenv("APP_SECRET"), # The App Secret from the environment variables
access_token=os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN"), # The Access Token from the environment variables
# Creating an ImageContainer with the image URL and caption
container = ImageContainer(
image_url="https://www.example.com/image.jpg", # The URL of the image
caption="your caption #hashtag", # The caption for the image
# Additional parameters can be added here
# Creating a media object with the ImageContainer
response = graph_api.user.media.create(container)
# Extracting the ID of the created media object
container_id = response.data.get("id")
# Publishing the created media object
Instagram Basic Display API
Fetch user media
.. code-block:: python
import os
from pystagram import PystagramBasicDisplayApi
from pystagram.components.fields import MediaFields
# Instantiate the PystagramBasicDisplayApi class with the necessary credentials
basic_display_api = PystagramBasicDisplayApi(
app_id=int(os.getenv("APP_ID")), # The App ID from the environment variables
app_secret=os.getenv("APP_SECRET"), # The App Secret from the environment variables
access_token=os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN"), # The Access Token from the environment variables
# Fetch the user's media from the API
# The get() method sends a GET request to the API and returns the response
response = basic_display_api.user.user_media.get()
# Extract the user's media data from the response
user_media = response.data.get("data")
Paginated endpoints
Both APIs feature paginated endpoints, which means that the response of a request can be split into multiple pages. The pystagram library handles this by decorating the endpoints' methods with a custom decorator @cursor_paginated
. When called, the decorated method will iterate over all the pages until there is no more pages to fetch or the maximum number of pages is reached.
By default, the maximum number of pages is set to None (ie. no limit), but it can be changed by passing setting the attribute MAX_PAGES of the class to a different integer value.
.. code-block:: python
from pystagram import PystagramGraphApi
# Initializing the PystagramGraphApi with the necessary credentials
graph_api = PystagramGraphApi( ... )
# Set the maximum number of pages to fetch from the API
graph_api.MAX_PAGES = 5
# Request a cursor paginated endpoint
response = graph_api.user.media.get()
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