Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0 wrapper for Python
A simple Python wrapper for the last version of the Amazon Product Advertising
This module allows interacting with Amazon using the official API in an easier way.

- Object oriented interface for simple usage.
- Get information about a product through its ASIN or URL.
- Get item variations or search for products on Amazon.
- Get browse nodes information.
- Get multiple results at once without the 10 items limitation from Amazon.
- Configurable throttling to avoid requests exceptions.
- Type hints to help you coding.
- Support for all available countries.
- Ask for new features through the issues section.
- Join our Telegram group for support or development.
- Check the documentation for reference.
You can install or upgrade the module with:
pip install python-amazon-paapi --upgrade
Usage guide
Basic usage:
from amazon_paapi import AmazonApi
amazon = AmazonApi(KEY, SECRET, TAG, COUNTRY)
item = amazon.get_items('B01N5IB20Q')[0]
Get multiple items information:
items = amazon.get_items(['B01N5IB20Q', 'B01F9G43WU'])
for item in items:
Use URL insted of ASIN:
item = amazon.get_items('')
Get item variations:
variations = amazon.get_variations('B01N5IB20Q')
for item in variations.items:
Search items:
search_result = amazon.search_items(keywords='nintendo')
for item in search_result.items:
Get browse node information:
browse_nodes = amazon.get_browse_nodes(['667049031', '599385031'])
for browse_node in browse_nodes:
Get the ASIN from URL:
from amazon_paapi import get_asin
asin = get_asin('')
Throttling value represents the wait time in seconds between API calls, being the
default value 1 second. Use it to avoid reaching Amazon request limits.
amazon = AmazonApi(KEY, SECRET, TAG, COUNTRY, throttling=4)
amazon = AmazonApi(KEY, SECRET, TAG, COUNTRY, throttling=0)
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git config core.hooksPath .githooks
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Copyright © 2021 Sergio Abad. See
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