python-dependency-injection is a simple yet powerful mini-framework for dependency injection in Python
Use the package manager pip to install Python-dependency-injection.
pip install python-dependency-injection
python-dependency-injection enables developers to easily inject any Python class into another Python class
(the injected class) upon the creation of the latter. The framework scans the injected class __init__
function parameters and provides any user-defined type not provided by the developer when the function
is triggered.
The framework enables the developer to inject a class as singleton wherein every injection of the class
the framework will provide the same object instance or inject the class as singlecall wherein every
injection of the class the framework will provide a different object instance.
python-dependency-injection is very easy to use. all you need to do is put the autowired decorator
on top of the __init__ function of the class you want to inject too (see below) and the mini-framework
will take care of everything for you.
There are a few pre-requisites:
* You need to use Python typing hints in the injected class __init__ function
* The injected class cannot be Python builtin types like str or int.
* All injected classes should appear as the last parameters in the __init__ function of the class
developer inject to i.e. __init__(non_inject1, non_inject2, inject3: InjectType3, inject4 InjectType4)
If the framework can not inject an object a DependencyInjectionException will be raise specifying
the error.
from dependency_injection.decorators.autowired import autowired
from dependency_injection.decorators.autowired_enums import AutoWiredType
class InjectedClass:
def __init__(self):
self.message: str = ' from InjectedClass'
def foo(self, str1: str) -> str:
return str1 + self.message
class TestSingletonInjection:
def __init__(self, my_name: str, injected_class: InjectedClass):
self.injected_class = injected_class
self.my_name = my_name
def test_inject(self) -> str:
return'hello TestClassSingleton')
class TestSingleCallInjection:
def __init__(self, my_name: str, injected_class: InjectedClass):
self.injected_class = injected_class
self.my_name = my_name
def test_inject(self) -> str:
return'hello TestClassSinglecall')
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_singleton_injection: TestSingletonInjection = TestSingletonInjection('TestSingletonInjection')
test_singlecall_injection: TestSingleCallInjection = TestSingleCallInjection('TestSingleCallInjection')
Abstract Classes
python-dependency-injection support injection of classes derived from abstract classes (abs). If in
the developer project there is only one derived class the framework will find the derived class and
inject it.
If there are a more then one derived class from the abstract class the user need to provid a
qualifiers dictionary that will inform the mini framework about the actual implementation that
should be used
Abstract Classes Code
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dependency_injection.decorators.autowired import autowired
from dependency_injection.decorators.autowired_enums import AutoWiredType
class AbsCls(ABC):
def __init__(self):
self.message = 'AbsCls'
def foo(self, str1: str) -> str:
class Drv1(AbsCls):
def __init__(self):
self.message += ' + Drv1'
def foo(self, str1: str) -> str:
return str1 + self.message
class Drv2(AbsCls):
def __init__(self):
self.message += ' + Drv2'
def foo(self, str1: str) -> str:
return str1 + self.message
class Inject2Me:
@autowired(AutoWiredType.SINGLETON, {AbsCls: Drv1})
def __init__(self, name: str, my_obj: AbsCls): = name
self.my_obj = my_obj
def run_me(self) -> str:
if __name__ == '__main__':
inject_2_me: Inject2Me = Inject2Me('Inject2Me')
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.