Python Nightscout client
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A simple python client for accessing data stored in Nightscout
Example Usage
To create an instance of the nightscout.Api class, with no authentication:
import nightscout
api = nightscout.Api('')
To use authentication, instantiate the nightscout.Api class with your
api secret:
api = nightscout.Api('', api_secret='your api secret')
Glucose Values
To fetch recent sensor glucose values (SGVs):
entries = api.get_sgvs()
print([entry.sgv for entry in entries])
Specify time ranges:
api.get_sgvs({'count':0, 'find[dateString][$gte]': '2017-03-07T01:10:26.000Z'})
To fetch recent treatments (boluses, temp basals):
treatments = api.get_treatments()
print([treatment.eventType for treatment in treatments])
profile_definition_set = api.get_profiles()
profile_definition = profile_definition_set.get_profile_definition_active_at(
profile = profile_definition.get_default_profile()
print "Duration of insulin action = %d" % profile.dia
five_thirty_pm = datetime(2017, 3, 24, 17, 30)
five_thirty_pm = profile.timezone.localize(five_thirty_pm)
print "Scheduled basal rate at 5:30pm is = %f" % profile.basal.value_at_date(five_thirty_pm)