PyTA is a Python program which uses static code analysis to help students find
and fix common coding errors in introductory Python courses. Python already
has great static analysis tools like pep8 and pylint, but these tools do not
necessarily have the most beginner-friendly format. PyTA has two central goals:
- Statically identify common coding errors by using existing linting tools and
building custom linters (e.g., as pylint checkers).
- Present beautiful, intuitive messages to students that are both helpful for
fixing errors, and good preparation for the terser messages they will see
in their careers.
This is a new project started in the Summer of 2016, and takes the form
of a wrapper around pylint (with custom checkers) that operates
directly on Python modules, as well as a website with some supplementary
material going into further detail for the emitted errors.
For greater details on the errors PyTA checks for: Help Documentation.
For help getting started using PyTA: Quick Start.
If you're interested in using PyTA, you can install it using pip
(or pip3
, on OSX/Linux):
> pip install python-ta
If you're developing PyTA:
- First, clone this repository.
- Open a terminal in this repo, and run
pip install -e ".[dev, cfg, z3]"
to install the dependencies.
- Then run
pre-commit install
to install the pre-commit hooks (for automatically formatting and checking your code on each commit).
While not strictly necessary for debugging, some debugging tools require graphviz to be installed on your system.
To run the test suite, run the following command from inside the pyta
> python -m pytest tests
Generating the docs
The PyTA documentation is generated using Sphinx.
To generate the documentation locally, run the commands:
> cd docs
> make html
Then open the file docs/_build/html/index.html
in your web browser!
You can currently see a proof of concept in this repository. Clone it,
and then run python
in this directory (PyTA is primarily meant to be
included as a library). In the Python interpreter, try running:
>>> import python_ta
>>> python_ta.check_all('examples.custom_checkers.e9999_forbidden_import')
[Some output should be shown]
>>> python_ta.doc('E9999')
Lorena Buciu,
Simon Chen,
Freeman Cheng,
Ivan Chepelev,
Yianni Culmone,
Daniel Dervishi,
Nigel Fong,
Adam Gleizer,
Ibrahim Hasan,
Niayesh Ilkhani,
Craig Katsube,
Rebecca Kay,
Christopher Koehler,
David Kim,
Simeon Krastnikov,
Ryan Lee,
Christopher Li,
Hoi Ching (Herena) Li,
Hayley Lin,
Bruce Liu,
Merrick Liu,
Wendy Liu,
Yibing (Amy) Lu,
Maria Shurui Ma,
Aina Fatema Asim Merchant,
Shweta Mogalapalli,
Ignas Panero Armoska,
Justin Park,
Harshkumar Patel,
Varun Sahni,
Eleonora Scognamiglio,
Stephen Scott,
Amr Sharaf,
Richard Shi,
Kavin Singh,
Alexey Strokach,
Sophy Sun,
Utku Egemen Umut,
Sarah Wang,
Lana Wehbeh,
Jasmine Wu,
Raine Yang,
Philippe Yu,
Yi Cheng (Michael) Zhao