.. image:: https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/logos/blob/master/logo-text/png/ptb-raw-logo-text_768.png?raw=true
:align: center
:target: https://python-telegram-bot.org
:alt: python-telegram-bot-raw Logo
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:target: https://pypi.org/project/python-telegram-bot-raw/
:alt: PyPi Package Version
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:target: https://pypi.org/project/python-telegram-bot-raw/
:alt: Supported Python versions
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:target: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog
:alt: Supported Bot API version
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:target: https://telegram.me/pythontelegrambotgroup
:alt: Telegram Group
⚠️ Deprecation Notice
The python-telegram-bot-raw
library will no longer be updated after 21.3.
Please instead use the python-telegram-bot
library <https://pypi.org/python-telegram-bot>
The change requires no changes in your code and requires no additional dependencies.
For additional information, please see this channel post <https://t.me/pythontelegrambotchannel/145>
We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
We have a vibrant community of developers helping each other in our Telegram group <https://telegram.me/pythontelegrambotgroup>
_. Join us!
Stay tuned for library updates and new releases on our Telegram Channel <https://telegram.me/pythontelegrambotchannel>
This library provides a pure Python, asynchronous interface for the
Telegram Bot API <https://core.telegram.org/bots/api>
It's compatible with Python versions 3.8+.
is part of the python-telegram-bot <https://python-telegram-bot.org>
_ ecosystem and provides the pure API functionality extracted from PTB. It therefore does not have independent release schedules, changelogs or documentation.
Installing both python-telegram-bot
and python-telegram-bot-raw
in conjunction will result in undesired side-effects, so only install one of both.
Telegram API support
All types and methods of the Telegram Bot API 7.4 are supported.
You can install or upgrade python-telegram-bot
.. code:: shell
$ pip install python-telegram-bot-raw --upgrade
To install a pre-release, use the --pre
flag <https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/cli/pip_install/#cmdoption-pre>
_ in addition.
You can also install python-telegram-bot-raw
from source, though this is usually not necessary.
.. code:: shell
$ git clone https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot
$ cd python-telegram-bot
$ python setup_raw.py install
Installing the .tar.gz
archive available on PyPi directly via pip
will not work as expected, as pip
does not recognize that it should use setup_raw.py
instead of setup.py
Verifying Releases
We sign all the releases with a GPG key.
The signatures are uploaded to both the GitHub releases page <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/releases>
_ and the PyPI project <https://pypi.org/project/python-telegram-bot/>
_ and end with a suffix .asc
Please find the public keys here <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/tree/master/public_keys>
The keys are named in the format <first_version>-<last_version>.gpg
or <first_version>-current.gpg
if the key is currently being used for new releases.
In addition, the GitHub release page also contains the sha1 hashes of the release files in the files with the suffix .sha1
This allows you to verify that a release file that you downloaded was indeed provided by the python-telegram-bot
Dependencies & Their Versions
tries to use as few 3rd party dependencies as possible.
However, for some features using a 3rd party library is more sane than implementing the functionality again.
As these features are optional, the corresponding 3rd party dependencies are not installed by default.
Instead, they are listed as optional dependencies.
This allows to avoid unnecessary dependency conflicts for users who don't need the optional features.
The only required dependency is httpx ~= 0.27 <https://www.python-httpx.org>
_ for
, the default networking backend.
is most useful when used along with additional libraries.
To minimize dependency conflicts, we try to be liberal in terms of version requirements on the (optional) dependencies.
On the other hand, we have to ensure stability of python-telegram-bot
, which is why we do apply version bounds.
If you encounter dependency conflicts due to these bounds, feel free to reach out.
Optional Dependencies
PTB can be installed with optional dependencies:
pip install "python-telegram-bot-raw[passport]"
installs the cryptography>=39.0.1 <https://cryptography.io/en/stable>
_ library. Use this, if you want to use Telegram Passport related functionality.pip install "python-telegram-bot-raw[socks]"
installs httpx[socks] <https://www.python-httpx.org/#dependencies>
_. Use this, if you want to work behind a Socks5 server.pip install "python-telegram-bot-raw[http2]"
installs httpx[http2] <https://www.python-httpx.org/#dependencies>
_. Use this, if you want to use HTTP/2.
To install multiple optional dependencies, separate them by commas, e.g. pip install "python-telegram-bot-raw[passport,socks]"
Additionally, the shortcut pip install "python-telegram-bot-raw[all]"
installs all optional dependencies.
Quick Start
Our Wiki contains an Introduction to the API <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/wiki/Introduction-to-the-API>
_ explaining how the pure Bot API can be accessed via python-telegram-bot
- The
package documentation <https://docs.python-telegram-bot.org/>
_ is the technical reference for python-telegram-bot
It contains descriptions of all available classes, modules, methods and arguments as well as the changelog <https://docs.python-telegram-bot.org/changelog.html>
_. - The
wiki <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/wiki/>
_ is home to number of more elaborate introductions of the different features of python-telegram-bot
and other useful resources that go beyond the technical documentation. - Our
examples section <https://docs.python-telegram-bot.org/examples.html>
_ contains several examples that showcase the different features of both the Bot API and python-telegram-bot
Even if it is not your approach for learning, please take a look at echobot.py
. It is the de facto base for most of the bots out there.
The code for these examples is released to the public domain, so you can start by grabbing the code and building on top of it. - The
official Telegram Bot API documentation <https://core.telegram.org/bots/api>
_ is of course always worth a read.
Getting help
If the resources mentioned above don't answer your questions or simply overwhelm you, there are several ways of getting help.
We have a vibrant community of developers helping each other in our Telegram group <https://telegram.me/pythontelegrambotgroup>
_. Join us! Asking a question here is often the quickest way to get a pointer in the right direction.
Ask questions by opening a discussion <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/discussions/new>
You can even ask for help on Stack Overflow using the python-telegram-bot tag <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python-telegram-bot>
Since v20.0, python-telegram-bot
is built on top of Pythons asyncio
Because asyncio
is in general single-threaded, python-telegram-bot
does currently not aim to be thread-safe.
Contributions of all sizes are welcome.
Please review our contribution guidelines <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.rst>
_ to get started.
You can also help by reporting bugs or feature requests <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/issues/new/choose>
Occasionally we are asked if we accept donations to support the development.
While we appreciate the thought, maintaining PTB is our hobby, and we have almost no running costs for it. We therefore have nothing set up to accept donations.
If you still want to donate, we kindly ask you to donate to another open source project/initiative of your choice instead.
You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are described and licensed for free under LGPL-3 <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>
Derivatives works (including modifications or anything statically linked to the library) can only be redistributed under LGPL-3, but applications that use the library don't have to be.