Better URI handling
Tested with Python 2.7 and 3.6
pip install pyuri
Raw URI string parsing:
from pyuri import URI
uri = URI('http://localhost:80/path/to/file?query=value#/fragment/path')
assert uri.scheme == 'http'
assert == 'localhost'
assert uri.port == 80
assert uri.path == '/path/to/file'
assert uri.query == 'query=value'
assert uri.fragment == '/fragment/path'
Composition by parts
from pyuri import URI
uri = URI(scheme='ftp', host='localhost', port=8000, query='key=value')
assert str(uri) == 'ftp://localhost:8000?key=value'
Modification and comparison
from pyuri import URI
uri1 = URI('')
uri2 = URI('')
assert uri1 != uri2
uri1.port = 443
uri1.path = '/new/path'
assert str(uri1) == ''
assert uri1 == uri2
Additional helpers
from pyuri import URI
uri = URI('http://localhost:80/path/to/file?repeat=value1&repeat=value2&escape=escaped%20value#/fragment/path')
assert uri.query_dict() == {
'repeat': ['value1', 'value2'],
'escape': ['escaped value']