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A python library for caching function results in redis, like that in stdlib's functools

  • 0.2.2
  • PyPI
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redis_func_cache is a Python library for caching function return values in Redis, similar to the caching functionality provided by the standard library's functools module, which comes with some cache decorators quite handy when we want to code something with memorization.

When we need to cache function return values distributed over multiple processes or machines, we can use Redis as a backend. The purpose of the project is to provide a simple and clean way to use Redis as a backend for cache decorators. It implements caches with LRU, RR, FIFO, RR and LFU eviction/replacement policies(


  • Supports multiple cache eviction policies: LRU, FIFO, LFU, RR ...
  • Asynchronous and synchronous support.
  • Simple decorator syntax.
  • Based on redis-py, the official Python client for Redis.


  • install from PyPI:

    pip install -U redis_func_cache
  • install from source:

    git clone
    cd redis_func_cache
    pip install .

Data structure

The library combines a pair of Redis data structures to manage cache data:

  • The first one is a sorted set, which stores the hash values of the decorated function calls along with a score for each item.

    When the cache reaches its maximum size, the score is used to determine which item to evict.

  • The second one is a hash map, which stores the hash values of the function calls and their corresponding return values.

This can be visualized as follows:


The main idea of eviction policy is that the cache keys are stored in a sorted set, and the cache values are stored in a hash map. Eviction is performed by removing the lowest-scoring item from the set, and then deleting the corresponding value from the hash map.

Here is an example showing how the LRU cache's eviction policy works(maximum size is 3):


The RedisFuncCache executes a decorated function with specified arguments and cache its result. Here's a breakdown of the steps:

  1. Initialize Scripts: Retrieve two Lua script objects for cache hitting and update from policy.lua_scripts.
  2. Calculate Keys and Hash: Compute the cache keys using policy.calc_keys, compute the hash value using policy.calc_hash, and compute any additional arguments using policy.calc_ext_args.
  3. Attempt Cache Retrieval: Attempt retrieving a cached result. If a cache hit occurs, deserialize and return the cached result.
  4. Execute User Function: If no cache hit occurs, execute the decorated function with the provided arguments and keyword arguments.
  5. Serialize Result and Cache: Serialize the result of the user function and store it in redis.
  6. Return Result: Return the result of the decorated function.
flowchart TD
    A[Start] --> B[Initialize Scripts]
    B --> C{Scripts Valid?}
    C -->|Invalid| D[Raise RuntimeError]
    C -->|Valid| E[Calculate Keys and Hash]
    E --> F[Attempt Cache Retrieval]
    F --> G{Cache Hit?}
    G -->|Yes| H[Deserialize and Return Cached Result]
    G -->|No| I[Execute User Function]
    I --> J[Serialize Result]
    J --> K[Store in Cache]
    K --> L[Return User Function Result]

Basic Usage

First example

Using LRU cache to decorate a recursive Fibonacci function:

from redis import Redis
from redis_func_cache import RedisFuncCache, LruTPolicy

redis_client = Redis(...)

lru_cache = RedisFuncCache("my-first-lru-cache", LruTPolicy, redis_client)

def fib(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return n
    if n == 2:
        return 1
    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

In this example, we first create a Redis client, then create a RedisFuncCache instance with the Redis client and LruTPolicy as its arguments. Next, we use the @lru_cache decorator to decorate the fib function. This way, each computed result is cached, and subsequent calls with the same parameters retrieve the result directly from the cache, thereby improving performance.

It works almost the same as the standard library's functools.lru_cache, except that it uses Redis as the backend instead of the local machine's memory.

If we browse the Redis database, we can find the pair of keys' names look like:

  • func-cache:my-first-lru-cache:lru:__main__:fib:0

    The key (with 0 suffix) is a sorted set that stores the hash of function invoking and their corresponding scores.

  • func-cache:my-first-lru-cache:lru:__main__:fib:1

    The key (with 1 suffix) is a hash map. Each key field in it is the hash value of a function invoking, and the value filed is the return value of the function.

Async functions

To decorate async functions, we shall pass a Async Redis client to RedisFuncCache's client argument:

from redis.asyncio import Redis as AsyncRedis
from redis_func_cache import RedisFuncCache, LruTPolicy

my_async_cache = RedisFuncCache(__name__, LruTPolicy, AsyncRedis)

async def my_async_func(...):

⁉️ Attention
When a RedisFuncCache is created with an async Redis client, the cache can only be used to decorate async functions. These async functions will be decorated with an asynchronous wrapper, and the IO operations with Redis will be performed asynchronously. Additionally, the normal synchronous RedisFuncCache can only decorate normal synchronous functions, which will be decorated with a synchronous wrapper, and the IO operations with Redis will be performed synchronously.

Eviction policies

If want to use other eviction policies, you can specify another policy class as the second argument of RedisFuncCache.

For example, we use FifoPolicy to implement a FIFO cache:

from redis_func_cache import FifoPolicy

fifo_cache = RedisFuncCache("my-cache-2", FifoPolicy, redis_client)

def func1(x):

Use RrPolicy to implement a random-remove cache:

from redis_func_cache import RrPolicy

rr_cache = RedisFuncCache("my-cache-3", RrPolicy, redis_client)

def func2(x):

So far, the following cache eviction policies are available:

  • LruTPolicy

    LRU-T means LRU on timestamp, it is a pseudo LRU policy, not very serious/legitimate. The policy removes the lowest member according to the timestamp of invocation, and does not completely ensure eviction of the least recently used item, since the timestamp may be inaccurate. However, the policy is still MOST RECOMMENDED for common use. It is faster than the LRU policy and accurate enough for most cases.

  • FifoPolicy: first in first out

  • LfuPolicy: least frequently used

  • LruPolicy: least recently used

  • MruPolicy: most recently used

  • RrPolicy: random remove

ℹ️ Info:
Explore source codes in directory src/redis_func_cache/policies for more details.

Multiple Redis key pairs

As described above, the cache keys are in a pair form. All decorated functions share the same two keys. But some times, we may want a standalone key pair for each decorated function.

One solution is to use different RedisFuncCache instances to decorate different functions.

Another way is to use a policy that stores cache data in different Redis key pairs for each function. There are several policies to do that out of the box. For example, we can use LruTMultiplePolicy for a LRU cache that has multiple different Redis key pairs to store return values of different functions, and each function has a standalone keys pair:

from redis_func_cache import LruTMultiplePolicy

cache = RedisFuncCache("my-cache-4", LruTMultiplePolicy, redis_client)

def func1(x):

def func2(x):

In the example, LruTMultiplePolicy inherits BaseMultiplePolicy which implements how to store cache keys and values for each function.

When called, we can see such keys in the Redis database:

  • key pair for func1:

    • func-cache:my-cache-4:lru_t-m:__main__:func1#<hash1>:0
    • func-cache:my-cache-4:lru_t-m:__main__:func1#<hash1>:1
  • key pair for func2:

    • func-cache:my-cache-4:lru_t-m:__main__:func2#<hash2>:0
    • func-cache:my-cache-4:lru_t-m:__main__:func2#<hash2>:1

where <hash1> and <hash2> are the hash values of the definitions of func1 and func2 respectively.

Policies that store cache in multiple Redis key pairs are:

Redis Cluster support

We already known that the library implements cache algorithms based on a pair of Redis data structures, the two MUST be in a same Redis node, or it will not work correctly.

While a Redis cluster will distribute keys to different nodes based on the hash value, we need to guarantee that two keys are placed on the same node. Several cluster policies are provided to achieve this. These policies use the {...} pattern in key names.

For example, here we use a LruTClusterPolicy to implement a cluster-aware LRU cache:

from redis_func_cache import LruTClusterPolicy

cache = RedisFuncCache("my-cluster-cache", LruTClusterPolicy, redis_client)

def my_func(x):

Thus, the names of the key pair may be like:

  • func-cache:{my-cluster-cache:lru_t-c}:0
  • func-cache:{my-cluster-cache:lru_t-c}:1

Notice what is in {...}: the Redis cluster will determine which node to use by the {...} pattern rather than the entire key string.

Policies that support cluster are:

Redis Cluster support with multiple key pairs

Policies that support both cluster and store cache in multiple Redis key pairs are:

Max size and expiration time

The RedisFuncCache instance has two arguments to control the maximum size and expiration time of the cache:

  • maxsize: the maximum number of items that the cache can hold.

    When the cache reaches its maxsize, adding a new item will cause an existing cached item to be removed according to the eviction policy.

    ℹ️ Note:
    For "multiple" policies, each decorated function has its own standalone data structure, so the value represents the maximum size of each individual data structure.

  • ttl: The expiration time (in seconds) for the cache data structure.

    The cache's redis data structure will expire and be released after the specified time. Each time the cache is accessed, the expiration time will be reset.

    ℹ️ Note:
    For "multiple" policies, each decorated function has its own standalone data structure, so the ttl value represents the expiration time of each individual data structure. The expiration time will be reset each time the cache is accessed individually.

Complex return types

The return value (de)serializer JSON (json module of std-lib) by default, which does not work with complex objects.

But, still, we can use pickle to serialize the return value, by specifying serializers argument of RedisFuncCache:

import pickle

from redis_func_cache import RedisFuncCache, LruTPolicy

def redis_factory():

my_pickle_cache = RedisFuncCache(
    serializer=(pickle.dumps, pickle.loads)

⚠️ Warning:
pickle is considered a security risk, and should not be used with runtime/version sensitive data. Use it cautiously and only when necessary. It's a good practice to only cache functions that return simple, JSON serializable data types.

Other serialization functions also should be workable, such as simplejson, cJSON, msgpack, cloudpickle, etc.

Advanced Usage

Custom key format

An instance of RedisFuncCache calculate key pair names string by calling method calc_keys of it's policy. There are four basic policies that implement respective kinds of key formats:

  • BaseSinglePolicy: All functions share the same key pair, Redis cluster is NOT supported.

    The format is: <prefix><name>:<__key__>:<0|1>

  • BaseMultiplePolicy: Each function has its own key pair, Redis cluster is NOT supported.

    The format is: <prefix><name>:<__key__>:<function_name>#<function_hash>:<0|1>

  • BaseClusterSinglePolicy: All functions share the same key pair, Redis cluster is supported.

    The format is: <prefix>{<name>:<__key__>}:<0|1>

  • BaseClusterMultiplePolicy: Each function has its own key pair, and Redis cluster is supported.

    The format is: <prefix><name>:<__key__>:<function_name>#{<function_hash>}:<0|1>

Variables in the format string are defined as follows:

prefixprefix argument of RedisFuncCache
namename argument of RedisFuncCache
__key____key__ attribute the policy class used in RedisFuncCache
function_namefull name of the decorated function
function_hashhash value of the decorated function

0 and 1 at the end of the keys are used to distinguish between the two data structures:

  • 0: a sorted or unsorted set, used to store the hash value and sorting score of function invoking
  • 1: a hash table, used to store the return value of the function invoking

If want to use a different format, you can subclass AbstractPolicy or any of above policy classes, and implement calc_keys method, then pass the custom policy class to RedisFuncCache.

The following example demonstrates how to custom key format for a LRU policy:

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, override

from redis_func_cache import AbstractPolicy, RedisFuncCache
from redis_func_cache.mixins.hash import PickleMd5HashMixin
from redis_func_cache.mixins.policy import LruScriptsMixin

    from redis.typing import KeyT

def redis_factory():

MY_PREFIX = "my_prefix"

class MyPolicy(LruScriptsMixin, PickleMd5HashMixin, AbstractPolicy):
    __key__ = "my_key"

    def calc_keys(
        self, f: Callable|None = None, args: Sequence|None = None, kwds: Mapping[str, Any] | None= None
    ) -> Tuple[KeyT, KeyT]:
        k = f"{self.cache.prefix}-{}-{f.__name__}-{self.__key__}"
        return f"{k}-set", f"{k}-map"

my_cache = RedisFuncCache(name="my_cache", policy=MyPolicy, redis=redis_factory, prefix=MY_PREFIX)

def my_func(...):

In the example, we'll get a cache generates redis keys separated by -, instead of :, prefixed by "my-prefix", and suffixed by "set" and "map", rather than "0" and "1". The key pair names could be like my_prefix-my_cache_func-my_key-set and my_prefix-my_cache_func-my_key-map.

The calculated key name SHOULD be unique.

LruScriptsMixin tells the policy which lua script to use, and PickleMd5HashMixin tells the policy to use pickle to serialize and md5 to calculate the hash value of the function.

Custom Hash Algorithm

When the library performs a get or put action with redis, the hash value of the function invocation will be used.

For the sorted set data structures, the hash value will be used as the member. For the hash map data structure, the hash value will be used as the hash field.

The algorithm used to calculate the hash value is defined in AbstractHashMixin, it can be described as below:

class AbstractHashMixin:


    def calc_hash(
        self, f: Optional[Callable] = None, args: Optional[Sequence] = None, kwds: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None
    ) -> KeyT:
        if not callable(f):
            raise TypeError(f"Can not calculate hash for {f=}")
        conf = self.__hash_config__
        h =
        source = get_source(f)
        if source is not None:
        if args is not None:
        if kwds is not None:
        if conf.decoder is None:
            return h.digest()
        return conf.decoder(h)

As the code snippet above, the hash value is calculated by the full name of the function, the source code of the function, the arguments and keyword arguments --- they are serialized and hashed, then decoded.

The serializer and decoder are defined in __hash_config__ attribute of the policy class, and they are used to serialize and decode the arguments and keyword arguments. The default serializer and decoder are pickle and md5 respectively. If no decoder is provided, the hash value will be returned as bytes.

If want to use a different algorithm, we can select a mixin hash class defined in src/redis_func_cache/mixins/ For example:

from redis_func_cache import AbstractHashMixin, RedisFuncCache
from redis_func_cache.mixins.hash import JsonSha1HexHashMixin
from redis_func_cache.mixins.policy import LruScriptsMixin

class MyLruPolicy(LruScriptsMixin, JsonSha1HexHashMixin, AbstractPolicy):
    __key__ = "my-lru"

my_json_sha1_hex_cache = RedisFuncCache(name="json_sha1_hex", policy=MyLruPolicy, redis=redis_factory)

If want to use write a new algorithm, you can subclass [AbstractHashMixin][] and implement calc_hash method. For example:

from redis_func_cache import AbstractHashMixin, RedisFuncCache
from redis_func_cache.mixins.policy import LruScriptsMixin

def my_func_hash(...):

class MyHashMixin(AbstractHashMixin):
    def calc_hash(self, f=None, args=None, kwds=None):
        return my_func_hash(f, args, kwds)

class MyLruPolicy2(LruScriptsMixin, MyHashMixin, AbstractPolicy):
    __key__ = "my-custom-hash-lru"

my_custom_hash_cache = RedisFuncCache(name=__name__, policy=MyLruPolicy2, redis=redis_factory)

def some_func(...):

Known Issues

  • Cannot decorate a function that has an argument not serializable by pickle or other serialization libraries.

    • For a common method defined inside a class, the class must be serializable; otherwise, the first self argument cannot be serialized.
    • For a class method (decorated by @classmethod), the class type itself, i.e., the first cls argument, must be serializable.
  • Compatibility with other decorators is not guaranteed.

  • The cache eviction policies are mainly based on Redis sorted set's score ordering. For most policies, the score is a positive integer. Its maximum value is 2^32-1 in Redis, which limits the number of times of eviction replacement. Redis will return an overflow error when the score overflows.

  • High concurrency or long-running decorated functions may result in unexpected cache misses and increased I/O operations. This can occur because the result value might not be saved quickly enough before the next call can hit the cache again.

  • Generator functions are not supported.

  • If there are multiple RedisFuncCache instances with the same name, they may share the same cache data. This may lead to serious errors, so we should avoid using the same name for different instances.


A Docker Compose file for unit testing is provided in the docker directory to simplify the process. You can run it by executing:

cd docker
docker compose up --abort-on-container-exit



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