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A queue/jobs system based on
redis-limpyd <>
(redis <>
__ orm (sort of) in python)
Where to find it:
Python versions 2.7, and 3.5 to 3.8 are supported (CPython and PyPy).
Redis-server versions >= 3 are supported.
Redis-py versions >= 3 are supported.
Redis-limpyd versions >= 2 are supported.
You can still use limpyd-extensions versions < 2 if you need something older than the above requirements.
.. code:: bash
pip install redis-limpyd-jobs
Note that you actually need the
redis-limpyd-extensions <>
__ (min v1.0)
in addition to redis-limpyd <>
__ (min v1.2)
(both are automatically installed via pypi)
provides three limpyd
models (Queue
, Error
), and a Worker
These models implement the minimum stuff you need to run jobs asynchronously:
model to store things to doQueue
model will store a list of jobs, with a priority systemError
model will store all errorsWorker
class is to be used in a process to go through a queue
and run jobs.. code:: python
from limpyd_jobs import STATUSES, Queue, Job, Worker
# The function to run when a job is called by the worker
def do_stuff(job, queue):
# here do stuff with your job
# Create a first job, name 'job:1', in a queue named 'myqueue', with a
# priority of 1. The higher the priority, the sooner the job will run
job1 = Job.add_job(identifier='job:1', queue_name='myqueue', priority=1)
# Add another job in the same queue, with a higher priority, and a different
# identifier (if the same was used, no new job would be added, but the
# existing job's priority would have been updated)
job2 = Job.add_job(identifier='job:2', queue_name='myqueue', priority=2)
# Create a worker for the queue used previously, asking to call the
# "do_stuff" function for each job, and to stop after 2 jobs
worker = Worker(queues='myqueue', callback=do_stuff, max_loops=2)
# Now really run the jobs
# Here our jobs are done, our queue is empty
queue1 = Queue.get_queue('myqueue', priority=1)
queue2 = Queue.get_queue('myqueue', priority=2)
# nothing waiting
print queue1.waiting.lmembers(), queue2.waiting.lmembers()
>> [] []
# two jobs in success (show PKs of jobs)
print queue1.success.lmembers(), queue2.success.lmembers()
>> ['limpyd_jobs.models.Job:1', 'limpyd_jobs.models.Job:2']
# Check our jobs statuses
print job1.status.hget() == STATUSES.SUCCESS
>> True
print job2.status.hget() == STATUSES.SUCCESS
>> True
You notice how it works:
to create a jobWorker()
to create a worker, with callback
argument to set
which function to run for each
to launch a worker.Notice that you can run as much workers as you want, even on the same
queue name. Internally, we use the blpop
redis command to get jobs
But you can also run only one worker, having only one queue, doing
different stuff in the callback depending on the idenfitier
attribute of the job.
Workers are able to catch SIGINT/SIGTERM signals, finishing executing the current job before exiting. Useful if used, for example, with supervisord.
If you want to store more information in a job, queue or error, or want
to have a different behavior in a worker, it's easy because you can
create subclasses of everything in limpyd-jobs
, the limpyd
models or the Worker
A Job stores all needed informations about a task to run.
Note: If you want to subclass the Job model to add your own fields,
``run`` method, or whatever, note that the class must be at the first
level of a python module (ie not in a parent class or function) to work.
Job fields
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to identify the job.
When using the (recommended) ``add_job`` class method, you can't have
many jobs with the same identifier in a waiting queue. If you create a
new job with an identifier while an other with the same is still in the
same waiting queue, what is done depends on the priority of the two
jobs: - if the new job has a lower (or equal) priority, it's discarded -
if the new job has a higher priority, the priority of the existing job
is updated to the higher.
In both cases the ``add_job`` class method returns the existing job,
discarding the new one.
A common way of using the identifier is to, at least, store a way to
identify the object on which we want the task to apply: - you can have
one or more queue for a unique task, and store only the ``id`` of an
object on the ``identifier`` field - you can have one or more queue each
doing many tasks, then you may want to store the task too in the
``identifier`` field: "task:id"
Note that by subclassing the ``Job`` model, you are able to add new
fields to a Job to store the task and other needed parameters, as
arguments (size for a photo to resize, a message to send...)
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the actual status of
the job.
It's a single letter but we provide a class to help using it verbosely:
.. code:: python
from limpyd_jobs import STATUSES
>> "s"
When a job is created via the ``add_job`` class method, its status is
set to ``STATUSES.WAITING``, or ``STATUSES.DELAYED`` if it'is delayed by
setting ``delayed_until``. When it selected by the worker to execute it,
the status passes to ``STATUSES.RUNNING``. When finished, it's one of
``STATUSES.SUCCESS`` or ``STATUSES.ERROR``. An other available status is
``STATUSES.CANCELED``, useful if you want to cancel a job without
removing it from its queue.
You can also display the full string of a status:
.. code:: python
print STATUSES.by_value(my_job.status.hget())
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed, default = 0) to store the
priority of the job.
The priority of a job determines in which Queue object it will be
stored. A worker listen for all queues with some names and different
priorities, but respecting the priority (reverse) order: the higher the
priority, the sooner the job will be executed.
We choose to use the "\`"higher priority is better" way of doing things
to give the possibility to always add a job in a higher priority than
any other ones.
Directly updating the priority of a job will not change the queue in
which it's stored. But when you add a job via the (recommended)
``add_job`` class method, if a job with the same identifier exists, its
priority will be updated (only if the new one is higher) and the job
will be moved to the higher priority queue.
A string (``InstanceHashField``) to store the date and time (a string
representation of ``datetime.utcnow()``) of the time the job was added
to its queue.
It's useful in combination of the ``end`` field to calculate the job
A string (``InstanceHashField``) to store the date and time (a string
representation of ``datetime.utcnow()``) of the time the job was fetched
from the queue, just before the callback is called.
It's useful in combination of the ``end`` field to calculate the job
A string (``InstanceHashField``) to store the date and time (a string
representation of ``datetime.utcnow()``) of the moment the job was set
as finished or in error, just after the has finished.
It's useful in combination of the ``start`` field to calculate the job
A integer saved as a string (``InstanceHashField``) to store the number
of times the job was executed. It can be more than one if it was
requeued after an error.
The string representation (``InstanceHashField``) of a ``datetime``
object until when the job may be in the ``delayed`` list (a redis
sorted-set) of the queue.
It can be set when calling ``add_job`` by passing either a
``delayed_until`` argument, which must be a ``datetime``, or a
``delayed_for`` argument, which must be a number of seconds (int or
float) or a ``timedelta`` object. The ``delayed_for`` argument will be
added to the current time (``datetime.utcnow()``) to compute
If a job is in error after its execution and if the worker has a
positive ``requeue_delay_delta`` attribute, the ``delayed_until`` field
will be set accordingly, useful to retry a erroneous job after a certain
This field is set to ``'1'`` when it's currently managed by a queue:
waiting, delayed, running. This flag is set when calling
``enqueue_or_delay``, and removed by the worker when the job is
canceled, is finished with success, or finished with error and not
requeued. It's this field that is checked to test if the same job
already exists when ``add_job`` is called.
You must be set this field to a ``True`` value (don't forget that Redis
stores Strings, so ``0`` will be saved as ``"0"`` so it will be
``True``... so don't set it to ``False`` or ``0`` if you want a
``False`` value: yo can let it empty) if you don't want the job to be
requeued in case of error.
Note that if you want to do this for all jobs a a class, you may want to
set to ``True`` the ``always_cancel_on_error`` attribute of this class.
Job attributes
When adding jobs via the ``add_job`` method, the model defined in this
attribute will be used to get or create a queue. It's set by default to
``Queue`` but if you want to update it to your own model, you must
subclass the ``Job`` model too, and update this attribute.
``None`` by default, can be set when overriding the ``Job`` class to
avoid passing the ``queue_name`` argument to the job's methods
(especially ``add_job``)
Note that if you don't subclass the ``Job`` model, you can pass the
``queue_model`` argument to the ``add_job`` method.
Set this attribute to True if you want all your jobs of this class not
be be requeued in case of error. If you let it to its default value of
``False``, you can still do it job by job by setting their field
``cancel_on_error`` to a ``True`` value.
Job properties and methods
``ident`` (property)
The ``ident`` property is a string representation of the model + the
primary key of the job, saved in queues, allowing the retrieval of the
``must_be_cancelled_on_error`` (property)
The ``must_be_cancelled_on_error`` property returns a Boolean indicating
if, in case of error during its execution, the job must NOT be requeued.
By default it will be ``False``, but there is to way to change this
- setting the ``always_cancel_on_error`` of your job's class to
- setting the ``cancel_on_error`` field of your job to a ``True`` value
``duration`` (property)
The ``duration`` property simply returns the time used to compute the
job. The return value is a ``datetime.timedelta`` object if the
``start`` and ``end`` fields are set, or ``None`` on the other case.
``run`` (method)
It's the main method of the job, the only one you must override, to do
some tuff when the job is executed by the worker.
The return value of this method will be passed to the ``job_success`` of
the worker, then, if defined, to the ``on_success`` method of the job.
By default a ``NotImplemented`` error is raised.
- ``queue``: The queue from which the job was fetched.
``requeue`` (method)
The ``requeue`` method allow a job to be put back in the waiting (or
delayed) queue when its execution failed.
- ``queue_name=None`` The queue name in which to save the job. If not
defined, will use the job's class one. If both are undefined, an
exception is raised.
- ``priority=None`` The new priority of the new job. If not defined,
the job will keep its actual priority.
- ``delayed_until=None`` Set this to a ``datetime`` object to set the
date on which the job will be really requeued. The real
``delayed_until`` can also be set by passing the ``delayed_for``
- ``delayed_for=None`` A number of seconds (as a int, float or a
``timedelta`` object) to wait before the job will be really requeued.
It will compute the ``delayed_until`` field of the job.
- ``queue_model=None`` The model to use to store queues. By default,
it's set to ``Queue``, defined in the ``queue_model`` attribute of
the ``Job`` model. If the argument is not set, the attribute will be
used. Be careful to set it as attribute in your subclass, or as
argument in ``requeue`` or the default ``Queue`` model will be used
and jobs won't be saved in the expected queue model.
``enqueue_or_delay`` (method)
It's the method, called in ``add_job`` and ``requeue`` that will either
put the job in the waiting or delayed queue, depending of
``delayed_until``. If this argument is defined and in the future, the
job is delayed, else it's simply queued.
This method also set the ``queued`` flag of the job to ``'1'``.
- ``queue_name=None`` The queue name in which to save the job. If not
defined, will use the job's class one. If both are undefined, an
exception is raised.
- ``priority=None`` The new priority of the new job. Use the job's
actual one if not defined.
- ``delayed_until=None`` The date (must be either a ``datetime`` object
of the string representation of one) until when the job will remain
in the delayed queue. It will not be processed until this date.
- ``prepend=False`` Set to ``True`` to add the job at the start of the
waiting list, to be the first to be executed (only if not delayed)
- ``queue_model=None`` The model to use to store queues. See
``add_job`` and ``requeue``.
``on_started`` (ghost method)
This method, if defined on your job model (it's not there by default, ie
"ghost") is called when the job is fetched by the worker and about to be
executed ("waiting" status)
- ``queue``: The queue from which the job was fetched.
``on_success`` (ghost method)
This method, if defined on your job model (it's not there by default, ie
"ghost") is called by the worker when the job's execution was a success
(it did not raise any exception).
- ``queue``: The queue from which the job was fetched.
- ``result`` The data returned by the ``execute`` method of the worker,
which call and return the result of the ``run`` method of the job (or
the ``callback`` provided to the worker)
``on_error`` (ghost method)
This method, if defined on your job model (it's not there by default, ie
"ghost") is called by the worker when the job's execution failed (an
exception was raised)
- ``queue``: The queue from which the job was fetched.
- ``exception``: The exception that was raised during the execution.
- ``traceback``: The traceback at the time of the exception, if the
``save_tracebacks`` attribute of the worker was set to ``True``
``on_skipped`` (ghost method)
This method, if defined on your job model (it's not there by default, ie
"ghost") is called when the job, just fetched by the worker, could not
be executed because of its status, not "waiting". Another possible
reason is that the job was canceled during its execution (by settings
its status to ``STATUSES.CANCELED``)
- ``queue``: The queue from which the job was fetched.
``on_requeued`` (ghost method)
This method, if defined on your job model (it's not there by default, ie
"ghost") is called by the worker when the job failed and has been
requeued by the worker.
- ``queue``: The queue from which the job was fetched.
``on_delayed`` (ghost method)
This method, if defined on your job model (it's not there by default, ie
"ghost") is called by the worker when the job was delayed (by settings
its status to ``STATUSES.DELAYED``) during its execution (note that you
may also want to set the ``delayed_until`` of the job value to a correct
one datetime (a string represetation of an utc datetime), or the worker
will delay it for 60 seconds).
It can also be called if the job's status was set to
``STATUSES.DELAYED`` while still in the ``waiting`` list of the queue.
- ``queue``: The queue from which the job was fetched.
Job class methods
The ``add_job`` class method is the main (and recommended) way to create
a job. It will check if a job with the same identifier already exists in
a queue (not finished) and if one is found, update its priority (and
move it in the correct queue). If no existing job is found, a new one
will be created and added to a queue.
- ``identifier`` The value for the ``identifier`` field.
- ``queue_name=None`` The queue name in which to save the job. If not
defined, will use the class one. If both are undefined, an exception
is raised.
- ``priority=0`` The priority of the new job, or the new priority of an
already existing job, if this priority is higher of the existing one.
- ``queue_model`` The model to use to store queues. By default, it's
set to ``Queue``, defined in the ``queue_model`` attribute of the
``Job`` model. If the argument is not set, the attribute will be
used. Be careful to set it as attribute in your subclass, or as
argument in ``add_job`` or the default ``Queue`` model will be used
and jobs won't be saved in the expected queue model.
- ``prepend=False`` By default, all new jobs are added at the end of
the waiting list (and taken from the start, it's a fifo list), but
you can force jobs to be added at the beginning of the waiting list
to be the first to be executed, simply by setting the ``prepend``
argument to ``True``. If the job already exists, it will be moved at
the beginning of the list.
- ``delayed_until=None`` Set this to a ``datetime`` object to set the
job to be executed in the future. If defined and in the future, the
job will be added to the delayed list (a redis sorted-set) instead of
the waiting one. The real ``delayed_until`` can also be set by
passing the ``delayed_for`` argument.
- ``delayed_for=None`` A number of seconds (as a int, float or a
``timedelta`` object) to wait before adding the job to the waiting
list. It will compute the ``delayed_until`` field of the job.
If you use a subclass of the ``Job`` model, you can pass additional
arguments to the ``add_job`` method simply by passing them as named
arguments, they will be save if a new job is created (but not if an
existing job is found in a waiting queue)
Returns the string representation of the model, used to compute the
``ident`` property of a job.
Returns a job from a string previously got via the ``ident`` property of
a job.
- ``ident`` A string including the modele representation of a job and
it's primary key, as returned by the ``ident`` property.
A Queue stores a list of waiting jobs with a given priority, and keep a list of successful jobs and ones on error.
Queue fields ^^^^^^^^^^^^
A string (InstanceHashField
, indexed), used by the add_job
method to find the queue in which to store it. Many queues can have the
same names, but different priorities.
This name is also used by a worker to find which queues it needs to wait for.
A string (InstanceHashField
, indexed, default = 0), to store the
priority of a queue's jobs. All jobs in a queue are considered having
this priority. It's why, as said for the property
fields of the
model, changing the property of a job doesn't change its real
property. But adding (via the add_job
class method of the Job
model) a new job with the same identifier for the same queue's name can
update the job's priority by moving it to another queue with the correct
As already said, the higher the priority, the sooner the jobs in a queue will be executed. If a queue has a priority of 2, and another queue of the same name has a priority of 0, or 1, all jobs in the one with the priority of 2 will be executed (at least fetched) before the others, regardless of the number of workers.
A list (ListField
) to store the primary keys of job in the waiting
status. It's a fifo list: jobs are appended to the right (via
), and fetched from the left (via blpop
When fetched, a job from this list is executed, then pushed in the
or error
list, depending if the callback raised an
exception or not. If a job in this waiting list is not in the waiting
status, it will be skipped by the worker.
A list (ListField
) to store the primary keys of jobs fetched from
the waiting list and successfully executed.
A list (ListField
) to store the primary keys of jobs fetched from
the waiting list for which the execution failed.
A sorted set (SortedSetField
) to store delayed jobs, ones having a
datetime in the future. The timestamp representation
of the delayed_until
field is used as the score for this sorted-set,
to ease the retrieval of jobs that are now ready.
Queue attributes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The Queue
model has no specific attributes.
Queue properties and methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns a tuple representing the first job to be ready in the delayed
queue. It's a tuple with the job's pk and the timestamp representation
of it's delayed_until
value (it's the score of the sorted_set).
Returns None if the delayed queue is empty.
Return the timestamp representation of the first delayed job to be ready, or None if the delayed queue is empty.
Put a job in the delayed queue.
The job to delay.
A datetime
object specifying when the job
should be put back in the waiting queue. It will be converted into a
timestamp used as the score of the delayed list, which is a redis
Put a job in the waiting list.
The job to enqueue.
Set to True
to add the job at the start of the
waiting list, to be the first to be executed.
This method will check for all jobs in the delayed queue that are now ready to be executed and put them back in the waiting list.
This method will return the list of failures, each failure being a tuple
with the value returned by the ident
property of a job, and the
message of the raised exception causing the failure.
Not that the status of the jobs is changed only if their status was
. It allows to cancel a delayed job before.
Queue class methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The get_queue
class method is the recommended way to get a Queue
object. Given a name and a priority, it will return the found queue or
create a queue if no matching one exist.
The name of the queue to get or create.
The priority of the queue to get or create.
If you use a subclass of the Queue
model, you can pass additional
arguments to the get_queue
method simply by passing them as named
arguments, they will be saved if a new queue is created (but not if an
existing queue is found)
The get_waiting_keys
class method returns all the existing (waiting)
queues with the given names, sorted by priority (reverse order: the
highest priorities come first), then by names. The returned value is a
list of redis keys for each waiting
lists of matching queues. It's
used internally by the workers as argument to the blpop
The names of the queues to take into accounts (can be a
string if a single name, or a list of strings)count_waiting_jobs
The count_waiting_jobs
class method returns the number of jobs still
waiting for the given queue names, combining all priorities.
The names of the queues to take into accounts (can be a
string if a single name, or a list of strings)count_delayed_jobs
The count_delayed_jobs
class method returns the number of jobs still
delayed for the given queue names, combining all priorities.
The names of the queues to take into accounts (can be a
string if a single name, or a list of strings)get_all
The get_all
class method returns a list of queues for the given
The names of the queues to take into accounts (can be a
string if a single name, or a list of strings)get_all_by_priority
The get_all_by_priority
class method returns a list of queues for
the given names, ordered by priorities (the highest priority first),
then names.
The names of the queues to take into accounts (can be a
string if a single name, or a list of strings)Error
The ``Error`` model is used to store errors from the jobs that are not
successfully executed by a worker.
Its main purpose is to be able to filter errors, by queue name, job
model, job identifier, date, exception class name or code. You can use
your own subclass of the ``Error`` model and then store additional
fields, and filter on them.
Error fields
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the string
representation of the job's model.
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the primary key of
the job which generated the error.
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the identifier of the
job that failed.
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the name of the queue
the job was in when it failed.
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed with ``SimpleDateTimeIndex``) to
store the date and time (to the second) of the error (a string representation of
``datetime.utcnow()``). This field is indexed so you can filter
errors by date and time (string mode, not by parts of date and time, ie
``date_time__gt='2017-01-01'``), useful to graph errors.
DEPRECATED: this is replaced by ``date_time`` but kept for now for compatibility
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the date (only the
date, not the time) of the error (a string representation of
``datetime.utcnow().date()``). This field is indexed so you can filter
errors by date, useful to graph errors.
DEPRECATED: this is replaced by ``date_time`` but kept for now for compatibility
A string (``InstanceHashField``) to store the time (only the time, not
the date) of the error (a string representation of
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the type of error.
It's the class' name of the originally raised exception.
A string (``InstanceHashField``, indexed) to store the value of the
``code`` attribute of the originally raised exception. Nothing is stored
here if there is no such attribute.
A string (``InstanceHashField``) to store the string representation of
the originally raised exception.
A string (``InstanceHashField``) to store the string representation of
the traceback of the originally raised exception (the worker may not
have filled it)
Error properties and methods
This property returns a ``datetime`` object based on the content of the
``date_time`` field of an ``Error`` object.
Error class methods
The ``add_error`` class method is the main (and recommended) way to add
an entry on the ``Error`` model, by accepting simple arguments that will
be break down (``job`` becomes ``identifier`` and ``job_pk``, ``when``
becomes ``date`` and ``time``, ``error`` becomes ``code`` and
- ``queue_name`` The name of the queue the job came from.
- ``job`` The job which generated the error, from which we'll extract
``job_pk`` and ``identifier``
- ``error`` An exception from which we'll extract the code and the
- ``when=None`` A ``datetime`` object from which we'll extract the date
and time.
If not filled, ``datetime.utcnow()`` will be used.
- ``trace=None`` The traceback, stringyfied, to store.
If you use a subclass of the ``Error`` model, you can pass additional
arguments to the ``add_error`` method simply by passing them as named
arguments, they will be save in the object to be created.
The ``collection_for_job`` is a helper to retrieve the errors assiated
with a given job, more precisely for all the instances of this job with
the same identifier.
The result is a ``limpyd`` collection, to you can use ``filter``,
``instances``... on it.
- ``job`` The job for which we want errors
The worker(s)
The Worker class
The Worker
class does all the logic, working with Queue
The main behavior is: - reading queue keys for the given names - waiting
for a job available in the queues - executing the job - manage success
or error - exit after a defined number of jobs or a maximum duration (if
defined), or when a SIGINT
signal is caught
The class is split in many short methods so that you can subclass it to change/add/remove whatever you want.
Constructor arguments and worker's attributes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Each of the following worker's attributes can be set by an argument in the constructor, using the exact same name. It's why the two are described here together.
Names of the queues to work with. It can be a list/tuple of strings, or a string with names separated by a comma (no spaces), or without comma for a single queue.
Note that all queues must be from the same queue_model
Default to None
, but if not set and not defined in a subclass, will
raise an LimpydJobsException
The model to use for queues. By default it's the Queue
included in limpyd_jobs
, but you can use a subclass of the default
model to add fields, methods...
The model to use for saving errors. By default it's the Error
included in limpyd_jobs
, but you can use a subclass of the default
model to add fields, methods...
uses the python logging
module, so this is the name
to use for the logger created for the worker. The default value is
defined in limpyd_jobs.workers
with a value of "limpyd-jobs".
It's the level set for the logger created with the name defined in
, default to logging.INFO
A boolean, default to True
, to indicate if we have to save errors in
the Error
model (or the one defined in error_model
) when the
execution of the job is not successful.
A boolean, default to True
, to indicate if we have to save the
tracebacks of exceptions in the Error
model (or the one defined in
) when the execution of the job is not successful (and
only if save_errors
is True
The max number of loops (fetching + executing a job) to do in the worker
lifetime, default to 1000. Note that after this number of loop, the
worker ends (the run
method cannot be executed again)
The aim is to avoid memory leaks become too important.
If defined, the worker will end when its run
method was called for
at least this number of seconds. By default it's set to None
, saying
there is no maximum duration.
To avoid interrupting the execution of a job, if
is set to True
(the default), the
signals are caught, asking the worker to exit
when the current jog is done.
The callback is the function to run when a job is fetched. By default
it's the execute
method of the worker (which calls the run
method of jobs, which, if not overridden, raises a NotImplemented
error) , but you can pass any function that accept a job and a queue as
Using the queue's name, and the job's identifier+model (via
), you can manage many actions depending on the queue if
If this callback (or the execute
method) raises an exception, the
job is considered in error. In the other case, it's considered
successful and the return value is passed to the job_success
to let you do what you want with it.
The timeout is used as parameter to the blpop
redis command we use
to fetch jobs from waiting lists. It's 30 seconds by default but you can
change it to any positive number (in seconds). You can set it to 0
if you don't want any timeout be applied to the blpop
It's better to always set a timeout, to reenter the main loop and call
the must_stop
method to see if the worker must exit. Note that the
number of loops is not updated in the case of the timeout occurred, so a
little timeout
won't alter the number of loops defined by
The fetch_priorities_delay
is the delay between two fetches of the
list of priorities for the current worker.
If a job was added with a priority that did not exist when the worker run was started, it will not be taken into account until this delay expires.
Note that if this delay is, say, 5 seconds (it's 25 by default), and the
parameter is 30, you may wait 30 seconds before the new
priority fetch because if there is no jobs in the priority queues
actually managed by the worker, the time is in the redis hands.
The fetch_delayed_delay
is the delay between two fetches of the
delayed jobs that are now ready in the queues managed by the worker.
Note that if this delay is, say, 5 seconds (it's 25 by default), and the
parameter is 30, you may wait 30 seconds before the new
delayed fetch because if there is no jobs in the priority queues
actually managed by the worker, the time is in the redis hands.
It's the number of times a job will be requeued when its execution results in a failure. It will then be put back in the same queue.
This attribute is 0 by default so by default a job won't be requeued.
This number will be added to the current priority of the job that will be requeued. By default it's set to -1 to decrease the priority at each requeue.
It's a number of seconds to wait before adding back an erroneous job in
the waiting queue, set by default to 30: when a job failed to execute,
it's put in the delayed queue for 30 seconds then it'll be put back in
the waiting queue (depending on the fetch_delayed_delay
Other worker's attributes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
In case on subclassing, you can need these attributes, created and defined during the use of the worker:
A list of keys of queues waiting lists, which are listened by the worker
for new jobs. Filled by the update_keys
The current status of the worker. None
by default until the run
method is called, after what it's set to "starting"
while getting
for an available queue. Then it's set to "waiting"
while the worker
waits for new jobs. When a job is fetched, the status is set to
. And finally, when the loop is over, it's set to
If the status is not None
, the run
method cannot be called.
The logger (from the logging
python module) defined by the
The number of loops done by the worker, incremented each time a job is
fetched from a waiting list, even if the job is skipped (bad status...),
or in error. When this number equals the max_loops
attribute, the
worker ends.
When True
, ask for the worker to terminate itself after executing
the current job. It can be set to True
manually, or when a
SIGINT/SIGTERM signal is caught.
This boolean is set to True
when a SIGINT/SIGTERM is caught (only if
the terminate_gracefully
is True
by default, set to datetime.utcnow()
when the run
method starts.
by default, set to datetime.utcnow()
when the run
method ends.
None by default, it's computed to know when the worker must stop based
on the start_date
and max_duration
. It will always be None
if no max_duration
is defined.
It's a property, not an attribute, to get the current connection to the redis server.
It's a tuple holding all parameters accepted by the worker's constructor
.. code:: python
parameters = ('queues', 'callback', 'queue_model', 'error_model',
'logger_name', 'logger_level', 'save_errors',
'save_tracebacks', 'max_loops', 'max_duration',
'terminate_gracefuly', 'timeout', 'fetch_priorities_delay',
'fetch_delayed_delay', 'requeue_times',
'requeue_priority_delta', 'requeue_delay_delta')
Worker's methods ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
As said before, the Worker
class in spit in many little methods, to
ease subclassing. Here is the list of public methods:
.. code:: python
def __init__(self, queues=None, **kwargs):
Returns nothing.
It's the constructor (you guessed it ;) ) of the Worker
expecting all arguments (defined in parameters
) that can also be
defined as class attributes.
It validates these arguments, prepares the logging and initializes other attributes.
You can override it to add, validate, initialize other arguments or attributes.
.. code:: python
def handle_end_signal(self):
Returns nothing.
It's called in the constructor if terminate_gracefully
is True
It plugs the SIGINT and SIGTERM signal to the catch_end_signal
You can override it to catch more signals or do some checked before
plugging them to the catch_end_signal
.. code:: python
def stop_handling_end_signal(self):
Returns nothing.
It's called at the end of the run
method, as we don't need to catch
the SIGINT and SIGTERM signals anymore. It's useful when launching a
worker in a python shell to finally let the shell handle these signals.
Useless in a script because the script is finished when the run
method exits.
.. code:: python
def set_logger(self):
Returns nothing.
It's called in the constructor to initialize the logger, using
and logger_level
, saving it in self.logger
.. code:: python
def must_stop(self):
Returns boolean.
It's called on the main loop, to exit it on some conditions: an end
signal was caught, the max_loops
number was reached, or
was set to True
.. code:: python
def wait_for_job(self):
Returns a tuple with a queue and a job
This method is called during the loop, to wait for an available job in
the waiting lists. When one job is fetched, returns the queue (an
instance of the model defined by queue_model
) on which the job was
found, and the job itself.
.. code:: python
def get_job(self, job_ident):
Returns a job.
Called during wait_for_job
to get a real job object based on the
job's ident
(model + pk) fetched from the waiting lists.
.. code:: python
def get_queue(self, queue_redis_key):
Returns a Queue.
Called during wait_for_job
to get a real queue object (an instance
of the model defined by queue_model
) based on the key returned by
redis telling us in which list the job was found. This key is not the
primary key of the queue, but the redis key of it's waiting field.
.. code:: python
def catch_end_signal(self, signum, frame):
Returns nothing.
It's called when a SIGINT/SIGTERM signal is caught. It's simply set
and end_forced
to True
, to tell the worker
to terminate as soon as possible.
.. code:: python
def execute(self, job, queue):
Returns nothing by default.
This method is called if no callback
argument is provided when
initiating the worker and call the run
method of the job, which
raises a NotImplementedError
by default.
If the execution is successful, no return value is attended, but if any,
it will be passed to the job_success
method. And if an error
occurred, an exception must be raised, which will be passed to the
.. code:: python
def update_keys(self):
Returns nothing.
Calling this method updates the internal keys
attributes, which
contains redis keys of the waiting lists of all queues listened by the
It's actually called at the beginning of the run
method, and at
intervals depending on fetch_priorities_delay
. Note that if a queue
with a specific priority doesn't exist when this method is called, but
later, by adding a job with add_job
, the worker will ignore it
unless this update_keys
method was called again (programmatically or
by waiting at least fetch_priorities_delay
.. code:: python
def run(self):
Returns nothing.
It's the main method of the worker, with all the logic: while we don't
have to stop (result of the must_stop
method), fetch a job from
redis, and if this job is really in waiting state, execute it, and do
something depending of the status of the execution (success, error...).
In addition to the methods that do real stuff (update_keys
), some other methods are called during the execution:
, run_ended
, about the run, and job_skipped
, job_success
and job_error
about jobs. You can
override these methods in subclasses to adapt the behavior depending on
your needs.
.. code:: python
def run_started(self):
Returns nothing.
This method is called in the run
method after the keys are computed
using update_keys
, just before starting the loop. By default it does
nothing but a
.. code:: python
def run_ended(self):
Returns nothing.
This method is called just before exiting the run
method. By default
it does nothing but a
.. code:: python
def job_skipped(self, job, queue):
Returns nothing.
When a job is fetched in the run
method, its status is checked. If
, this job_skipped
method is called,
with two main arguments: the job and the queue in which it was found.
This method is also called when the job is canceled during its execution
(ie if, when the execution is done, the job's status is
This method remove the queued
flag of the job, logs the message
returned by the job_skipped_message
method, then call, if defined,
the on_skipped
method of the job.
.. code:: python
def job_skipped_message(self, job, queue):
Returns a string to be logged in job_skipped
.. code:: python
def job_started(self, job, queue):
Returns nothing.
When the job is fetched and its status verified (it must be
), the job_started
method is called, just before
the callback (or the execute
method if no callback
is defined),
with the job and the queue in which it was found.
This method updates the start
and status
fields of the job, then
log the message returned by job_started_message
and finally call, if
defined, the on_started
method of the job.
.. code:: python
def job_started_message(self, job, queue):
Returns a string to be logged in job_started
.. code:: python
def job_success(self, job, queue, job_result):
Returns nothing.
When the callback (or the execute
method) is finished, without
having raised any exception, the job is considered successful, and the
method is called, with the job and the queue in which it
was found, and the return value of the callback method.
Note that this method is not called, and so the job not considered a
"success" if, when the execution is done, the status of the job is
. In these cases, the
methods job_skipped
and job_delayed
are called respectively.
This method remove the queued
flag of the job, updates its end
and status
fields, moves the job into the success
list of the
queue, then log the message returned by job_success_message
finally call, if defined, the on_success
method of the job.
.. code:: python
def job_success_message(self, job, queue, job_result):
Returns a string to be logged in job_success
.. code:: python
def job_delayed(self, job, queue):
Returns nothing.
When the callback (or the execute
method) is finished, without
having raised an exception, and the status of the job at this moment is
, the job is not successful but not in error: it
will be delayed.
Another way to have this method called if its a job is in the
queue but its status was set to STATUSES.DELAYED
. In
this cas, the job is not executed, but delayed by calling this method.
This method check if the job has a delayed_until
value, and if not,
or if an invalid one, it is set to 60 seconds in the future. You may
want to explicitly set this value, or at least clear the field because
if the job was initially delayed, the value may be set, but in the past,
and the job will be delayed to this date, so, not delayed but just
With this value, the method enqueue_or_delay
of the queue is called,
to really delay the job.
Then, log the message returned by job_delayed_message
and finally
call, if defined, the on_delayed
method of the job.
.. code:: python
def job_delayed_message(self, job, queue):
Returns a string to be logged in job_delayed
.. code:: python
def job_error(self, job, queue, exception, trace=None):
Returns nothing.
When the callback (or the execute
method) is terminated by raising
an exception, the job_error
method is called, with the job and the
queue in which it was found, and the raised exception and, if
is True
, the traceback.
This method remove the queued
flag of the job if it is no to be
requeued, updates its end
and status
fields, moves the job into
the error
list of the queue, adds a new error object (if
is True
), then log the message returned by
and call the on_error
method of the job is
called, if defined.
And finally, if the must_be_cancelled_on_error
property of the job
is False, and the requeue_times
worker attribute allows it
(considering the tries
attribute of the job, too), the
method is called.
.. code:: python
def job_error_message(self, job, queue, to_be_requeued_exception, trace=None):
Returns a string to be logged in job_error
.. code:: python
def job_requeue_message(self, job, queue):
Returns a string to be logged in job_error
when the job was
.. code:: python
def additional_error_fields(self, job, queue, exception, trace=None):
Returns a dictionary of fields to add to the error object, empty by default.
This method is called by job_error
to let you define a dictionary of
fields/values to add to the error object which will be created, if you
use a subclass of the Error
model, defined in error_model
To pass these additional fields to the error object, you have to override this method in your own subclass.
.. code:: python
def requeue_job(self, job, queue, priority, delayed_for=None):
Returns nothing.
This method is called to requeue the job when its execution failed, and
will call the requeue
method of the job, then its requeued
and finally will log the message returned by job_requeue_message
It's a property returning a string identifying the current worker, used in logging to distinct log entries for each worker.
It's a property returning, when running the time elapsed since when the
started. When the run
method ends, it's the time between
and end_date
If the run
method is not called, it will be set to None
.. code:: python
def log(self, message, level='info'):
Returns nothing.
is a simple wrapper around self.logger
, which automatically
add the id
of the worker at the beginning. It can accepts a
argument which is info
by default.
.. code:: python
def set_status(self, status):
Returns nothing.
simply update the worker's status
.. code:: python
def count_waiting_jobs(self):
Returns the number of jobs in waiting state that can be run by this worker.
.. code:: python
def count_delayed_jobs(self):
Returns the number of jobs in the delayed queues managed by this worker.
The script
To help using ``limpyd_jobs``, an executable python script is provided:
``scripts/`` (usable as ``limpyd-jobs-worker``, in your path,
when installed from the package)
This script is highly configurable to help you launching workers without
having to write a script or customize the one included.
With this script you don't have to write a custom worker too, because
all arguments attended by a worker can be passed as arguments to the
The script is based on a ``WorkerConfig`` class defined in
``limpyd_jobs.workers``, that you can customize by subclassing it, and
you can tell the script to use your class instead of the default one.
You can even pass one or many python paths to add to ``sys.path``.
This script is designed to ease you as much as possible.
Instead of explaining all arguments, see below the result of the
``--help`` command for this script:
$ limpyd-jobs-worker --help
Usage: [options]
Run a worker using redis-limpyd-jobs
A directory to add to the Python path, e.g.
The worker config class to use, e.g. --worker-
config=my.module.MyWorkerConfig, default to
--print-options Print options used by the worker, e.g. --print-options
--dry-run Won't execute any job, just starts the worker and
finish it immediatly, e.g. --dry-run
--queues=QUEUES Name of the Queues to handle, comma separated e.g.
Name of the Queue model to use, e.g. --queue-
Name of the Error model to use, e.g. --queue-
Name of the Worker class to use, e.g. --worker-
--callback=CALLBACK The callback to call for each job, e.g. --worker-
The base name to use for logging, e.g. --logger-base-
The level to use for logging, e.g. --worker-class=ERROR
--save-errors Save job errors in the Error model, e.g. --save-errors
--no-save-errors Do not save job errors in the Error model, e.g. --no-
--save-tracebacks Save exception tracebacks on job error in the Error
model, e.g. --save-tracebacks
--no-save-tracebacks Do not save exception tracebacks on job error in the
Error model, e.g. --no-save-tracebacks
Max number of jobs to run, e.g. --max-loops=100
Max duration of the worker, in seconds (None by
default), e.g. --max-duration=3600
Intercept SIGTERM and SIGINT signals to stop
gracefuly, e.g. --terminate-gracefuly
Do NOT intercept SIGTERM and SIGINT signals, so don't
stop gracefuly, e.g. --no-terminate-gracefuly
--timeout=TIMEOUT Max delay (seconds) to wait for a redis BLPOP call (0
for no timeout), e.g. --timeout=30
Min delay (seconds) to wait before fetching new
priority queues, e.g. --fetch-priorities-delay=20
Min delay (seconds) to wait before updating delayed
jobs, e.g. --fetch-delayed-delay=20
Number of time to requeue a failing job (default to
0), e.g. --requeue-times=5
Delta to add to the actual priority of a failing job
to be requeued (default to -1, ie one level lower),
e.g. --requeue-priority-delta=-2
How much time (seconds) to delay a job to be requeued
(default to 30), e.g. --requeue-delay-delta=15
--database=DATABASE Redis database to use (host:port:db), e.g.
--no-title Do not update the title of the worker's process, e.g.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Except for ``--pythonpath``, ``--worker-config``,
``--print-options``,\ ``--dry-run``, ``--worker-class`` and
``--no-title``, all options will be passed to the worker.
So, if you use the default models, the default worker with its default
options, and to launch a worker to work on the queue "queue-name", all
you need to do is:
.. code:: bash
limpyd-jobs-worker --queues=queue-name
We use the ``setproctitle`` module to display useful informations in the
process name, to have stuff like this:
limpyd-jobs-worker#1566090 [init] queues=foo,bar
limpyd-jobs-worker#1566090 [starting] queues=foo,bar loop=0/1000 waiting=10 delayed=0
limpyd-jobs-worker#1566090 [running] queues=foo,bar loop=1/1000 waiting=9 delayed=2 duration=0:00:15
limpyd-jobs-worker#1566090 [terminated] queues=foo,bar loop=10/1000 waiting=0 delayed=0 duration=0:12:27
You can disable it by passing the ``--no-title`` argument.
Note that if no logging handler is set for the ``logger-name``, a
``StreamHandler`` formatter will be automatically added by the script,
given logs like:
[19122] 2013-10-02 00:51:24,158 (limpyd-jobs) WARNING [038480] [test|job:1] job skipped (current status: SUCCESS)
(the format used is
``"[%(process)d] %(asctime)s (%(name)s) %(levelname)-8s %(message)s"``)
Executing code before loading worker class
Sometimes you may want to do some initialization work before even
loading the Worker class, for example, using django, to add
For this, simple override the WorkerConfig
.. code:: python
import django
from limpyd_jobs.workers import WorkerConfig
class MyWorkerConfig(WorkerConfig):
def __init__(self, argv=None):
super(MyWorkerConfig, self).__init__(argv)
And pass the python path to this class using the --worker-config
option to the limpyd-jobs-worker
The redis-limpyd-jobs
package is fully tested (coverage: 100%).
To run the tests, which are not installed via the
file, you
can do:
$ python
Ran 136 tests in 19.353s
Or if you have nosetests
$ nosetests
Ran 136 tests in 20.471s
The nosetests
configuration is provided in the setup.cfg
and include the coverage, if nose-cov
is installed.
you can see a full example in
(in the source, not in
the installed package)
to use limpyd_jobs
models on your own redis database instead of
the default one (localhost:6379:db=0
), simply use the
method of the main model:
.. code:: python
from limpyd.contrib.database import PipelineDatabase
from limpyd_jobs.models import BaseJobsModel
database = PipelineDatabase(host='localhost', port=6379, db=15)
or simply change the connection settings:
.. code:: python
from limpyd_jobs.models import BaseJobsModel
BaseJobsModel.database.connect(host='localhost', port=6379, db=15)
.. |PyPI Version| image:: :target: .. |Build Status| image:: :target:
A queue/jobs system based on redis-limpyd, a redis orm (sort of) in python
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