REWE eBon Parser
The REWE eBon Parser is a Python package designed to parse REWE eBons (receipts) from PDF files and convert them into structured JSON format or CSV. The package also provides functionality to output raw text extracted from the PDFs for debugging purposes. This project is a re-write of the the rewe-ebon-parser
TypeScript library, example PDFs are borrowed from the same library.
- Parse individual PDF files or entire folders containing PDF files.
- Output parsed data as JSON or CSV.
- Extract and output raw text from PDF files (bascially, the output of the underlying
- Concurrent processing of multiple PDF files with adjustable threading.
- Detailed logging of processing results in CSV format.
You can install the package using pip:
pip install rewe-ebon-parser
You can find PDF receipt files to test on in the examples/eBons
folder in this repo borrowed from rewe-ebon-parser
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Parse a Single PDF File and save to JSON
rewe-ebon-parser [--file] <input_pdf_path> [output_json_path]
rewe-ebon-parser examples/eBons/1.pdf
Parsing Multiple PDF Files in a Folder into JSON files
rewe-ebon-parser [--folder] <input_folder> [output_folder] [--nthreads <number_of_threads>]
rewe-ebon-parser examples/eBons/
Parse a Single PDF File and Save Items to CSV Table
rewe-ebon-parser [--file] <input_pdf_path> [output_csv_path] [--csv-table]
rewe-ebon-parser examples/eBons/1.pdf --csv-table
Parsing Multiple PDF Files in a Folder into a single CSV Table
rewe-ebon-parser [--folder] <input_folder> [output_folder] [--nthreads <number_of_threads>] [--csv-table]
Example (the module automatically detects if its a folder of PDFs or JSONs):
rewe-ebon-parser examples/eBons/ --csv-table
Note: the module will fail if the folder contains both JSON and PDF files to avoid duplicating the same data.
rewe-ebon-parser [--folder] <input_folder> [output_csv_path] [--combine-json] [--nthreads <number_of_threads>]
Example (the module automatically detects if its a folder of PDFs or JSONs):
rewe-ebon-parser examples/eBons/ --csv-table
Note: the module will fail if the folder contains both JSON and PDF files to avoid duplicating the same data.
Optional Arguments
: Explicitly specify if the input and output paths are files.
: Explicitly specify if the input and output paths are folders.
: Number of concurrent threads to use for processing files.
: Output raw text extracted from the PDF files to .txt files (mostly for debugging).
: Print raw text extracted from the PDF files to the console (mostly for debugging).
: Output parsed data as a CSV table.
: show module version.
, --help
: show help.
Auto-detection Mode
If neither --file
nor --folder
is specified, the script will automatically detect if the input path is a file or a folder and process accordingly.
- If
is not specified for a single file, the output will be saved in the same directory as the input file with a .json
- If
is not specified for a folder, a subfolder named rewe_json_out
will be created in the input folder, and the output JSON files will be saved there.
A detailed log of processing results will be saved in the output folder as processing_log.csv
, containing information on which files were successfully processed and which failed, along with error messages if any.
Use as a Python module in your own Python code
Direct use on files
from rewe_ebon_parser.parse import parse_pdf_ebon
Passing a data_buffer: bytes
from rewe_ebon_parser.parse import parse_ebon
def process_pdf(pdf_path):
with open(pdf_path, 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
result = parse_ebon(data)
return result
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For details see LICENSE file.
So far the module reliably parses the items, but sometimes fails on PAYBACK points, as these are often presented differently in REWE receipts.
Future Work
- Fix bugs with occasional parsing failures in datetime and PAYBACK points.