A listener for RF >= 4.0 that prints a Stack Trace to console to faster find the code section where the failure appears.
pip install robotframework-stacktrace
robot --listener RobotStackTracer <your file.robot>
Old Console Output:
❯ robot -d logs TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot
01 CarConfig
Configure Car with Pass | FAIL |
TimeoutError: page.selectOption: Timeout 3000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector ""Basismodell" >> ../.. >> select"
selector resolved to visible <select _ngcontent-c7="" class="maxWidth ng-untouched ng…>…</select>
selecting specified option(s)
did not find some options - waiting...
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
Configure Car with wrong Acc | FAIL |
TimeoutError: page.check: Timeout 3000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector "//span[contains(text(),'aABS')]/../input"
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
Configure Car with car Acc | FAIL |
TimeoutError: Timeout 3000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector "[href="/config/summary/wrong"]"
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
01 CarConfig | FAIL |
3 tests, 0 passed, 3 failed
Output: /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/logs/output.xml
Log: /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/logs/log.html
Report: /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/logs/report.html
New Stack Trace Output
❯ robot -d logs --listener RobotStackTracer TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot
01 CarConfig
Configure Car with Pass ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot:23
T: Configure Car with Pass
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot:28
Select aMinigolf as model
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/functional_keywords.resource:14
Select Options By ${select_CarBaseModel} text ${basemodel}
| ${select_CarBaseModel} = "Basismodell" >> ../.. >> select (str)
| ${basemodel} = aMinigolf (str)
Configure Car with Pass | FAIL |
TimeoutError: page.selectOption: Timeout 3000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector ""Basismodell" >> ../.. >> select"
selector resolved to visible <select _ngcontent-c7="" class="maxWidth ng-untouched ng…>…</select>
selecting specified option(s)
did not find some options - waiting...
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
Configure Car with wrong Acc ....
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot:38
T: Configure Car with wrong Acc
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot:43
Select Accessory aABS
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/functional_keywords.resource:38
Check Checkbox //span[contains(text(),'${accessory}')]/../input
| //span[contains(text(),'${accessory}')]/../input = //span[contains(text(),'aABS')]/../input (str)
Configure Car with wrong Acc | FAIL |
TimeoutError: page.check: Timeout 3000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector "//span[contains(text(),'aABS')]/../input"
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
Configure Car with car Acc ..
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot:51
T: Configure Car with car Acc
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/01_CarConfig.robot:62
Set wrong Car Name ${car}
| ${car} = My New Car (str)
File /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/TestCases/14_Browser/functional_keywords.resource:53
Click ${car_name}
| ${car_name} = [href="/config/summary/wrong"] (str)
Configure Car with car Acc | FAIL |
TimeoutError: Timeout 3000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector "[href="/config/summary/wrong"]"
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable to capture Playwright logs.
01 CarConfig | FAIL |
3 tests, 0 passed, 3 failed
Output: /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/logs/output.xml
Log: /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/logs/log.html
Report: /Source/RF-Schulung/02_RobotFiles/logs/report.html