reStructuredText is a powerful human-centric markup language that is
well defined, flexible, with powerful tools that make writing and
maintaining text easy and pleasurable. Humans can edit
reStructuredText without the aide of complex editing tools, and the
resulting source is easy to manipulate and process.
As an alternative and a supplement, RstCloth is a Python API for
writing well formed reStructuredText programatically.
Find the project documentation here
Developer notes
Repo is based on thclark/python-library-template:
- vscode
- black style
- sphinx docs with some examples and automatic build
- pre-commit hooks
- tox tests
- github actions ci + cd
- code coverage
Using VSCode
Check out the repo and use the remote .devcontainer
to start developing, with everything installed out of the box.
In other IDEs
Use poetry --extras docs
to install the project and get started. You also You need to install pre-commit to get the hooks working. Do:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install && pre-commit install -t commit-msg
Once that's done, each time you make a commit, a wide range of checks are made and the project file formats are applied.
Upon failure, the commit will halt. Re-running the commit will automatically fix most issues except:
- The flake8 checks... hopefully over time Black (which fixes most things automatically already) will negate need for it.
- You'll have to fix documentation yourself prior to a successful commit (there's no auto fix for that!!).
You can run pre-commit hooks without making a commit, too, like:
pre-commit run black --all-files
# -v gives verbose output, useful for figuring out why docs won't build
pre-commit run build-docs -v
Please raise an issue on the board (or add your $0.02 to an existing issue) so the maintainers know
what's happening and can advise / steer you.
Create a fork of rstcloth, undertake your changes on a new branch, (see .pre-commit-config.yaml
for branch naming conventions).
To make life easy for us, use our conventional commits pattern (if you've got pre-commit installed correctly, it'll guide you on your first commit) to make your commits (if not, we'll try to preserve your history, but might have to squashmerge which would lose your contribution history)
Adopt a Test Driven Development approach to implementing new features or fixing bugs.
Ask the rstcloth
maintainers where to make your pull request. We'll create a version branch, according to the
roadmap, into which you can make your PR. We'll help review the changes and improve the PR.
Once checks have passed, test coverage of the new code is >=95%, documentation is updated and the Review is passed, we'll merge into the version branch.
Release process
Releases are automated using conventional-commits and GitHub Actions.
Building documents automatically
In the VSCode .devcontainer
, the RestructuredText extension should build the docs live for you (right click the .rst
file and hit "Open Preview").
On each commit, the documentation will build automatically in a pre-configured environment. The way pre-commit works, you won't be allowed to make the commit unless the documentation builds,
this way we avoid getting broken documentation pushed to the main repository on any commit sha, so we can rely on
builds working.
Building documents manually
If you did need to build the documentation
Install doxgen
. On a mac, that's brew install doxygen
; other systems may differ.
Install sphinx and other requirements for building the docs:
poetry install --extras docs
Run the build process:
sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build