.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/leetreveil/pys3upload.png
:target: https://travis-ci.org/leetreveil/pys3upload
A python module for uploading data to s3 using the multipart API.
Install via pip
.. code:: bash
$ pip install s3upload
Use the s3upload CLI to upload from stdin or from data provided on the command line.
.. code:: bash
Usage: s3upload [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BUCKET, --bucket=BUCKET
the s3 bucket to upload to
-k KEY, --key=KEY the name of the key to create in the bucket
-K AWS_KEY, --aws_key=AWS_KEY
aws access key
-s AWS_SECRET, --aws_secret=AWS_SECRET
aws secret key
-d DATA, --data=DATA the data to upload to s3 -- if left blank will be read
from STDIN
-t THREADS, --threads=THREADS
number of threads to use while uploading in parallel
You can also interface with the module from python:
.. code:: python
>>> from s3upload import upload
.. code:: python
def upload(bucket, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key,
iterable, key, progress_cb=None,
threads=5, replace=False, secure=True):
''' Upload data to s3 using the s3 multipart upload API.
bucket: name of s3 bucket
aws_access_key: aws access key
aws_secret_key: aws secret key
iterable: The data to upload. Each 'part' in the list
will be uploaded in parallel. Each part must be at
least 5242880 bytes (5mb).
key: the name of the key to create in the s3 bucket
progress_cb: will be called with (part_no, uploaded, total)
each time a progress update is available.
threads: the number of threads to use while uploading.
replace: will replace the key in s3 if set to true. (Default is false)
secure: use ssl when talking to s3. (Default is true)
.. _pip: http://www.pip-installer.org/