A lightweight Python toolkit for response-time analysis based on schedule-abstraction graph.
You may also be interested in Official SAG repository (in C++), sag-go (in GO), and sag-py (in Python).
You may install SAGkit with pip:
pip install sagkit
or reproduce the results in our paper with a docker image (requires Docker):
docker pull caoruide/sagkit
The jobset generator takes the following arguments:
- --ET_ratio: What percentage of jobs are ET. Default is 15.
- --utilization: What percentage of the macrocycle is the expectation of the total execution time. Default is 45.
- --jobset_folder: Which folder to save the jobsets. Default is "./jobsets/".
- --num_job: How many jobs to include in each job set. Default is 1000.
- --num_instance: How many jobsets to generate for each set of parameter combinations. Default is 1.
Generate jobsets:
python -m sagkit.jobset_generator [ET_ratio] [utilization] [jobset_folder] [num_job] [num_instance]
The SAG constructor takes the following arguments:
- --jobset_folder: Which folder to read the jobsets. Default is "./jobsets/".
- --constructor_type: What constructor(s) to use to do the construction. Default is "original,extended,hybrid".
- --save_dot: Which folder to save the dot files. Default is "./dotfiles/".
- --save_statistics: Which path to save the statistics results. Default is "./statistics.csv".
Construct SAGs:
python -m sagkit.sag_constructor [jobset_folder] [constructor_type] [save_dot] [save_statistics]
Example Usage (Manually type in 1 jobset)
Create a folder /example/ in the current working directory.
Create a file 'example.txt' in the /example/ folder.
Write the following content (Fig. 4 example in our paper) into example.txt.
0 2 9 10 20 1 1
1 2 5 6 25 4 0
4 5 1 2 25 3 0
3 6 2 3 25 2 0
or write any job you want for each line, in the following format:
BCAT WCAT BCET WCET deadline priority ET
- BCAT (Best-Case Arrival Time): Earliest arrival time for the job.
- WCAT (Worst-Case Arrival Time): Latest arrival time for the job.
- BCET (Best-Case Execution Time): Minimum time required for the job to be executed.
- WCET (Worst-Case Execution Time): Maximum time required for the work to be executed.
- deadline: Deadline in absolute time.
- priority: A smaller value implies higher priority.
- ET (Event-Triggered): Whether the job is potentially absent, with 0 being impossible and 1 being possible.
Go back to the original working directory. Run the constructor:
python -m sagkit.sag_constructor --jobset_folder ./example/
The constructed SAGs will be saved in ./dotfiles/ folder. To visualize, paste the contents of each .dot file to: (you may want to access in incognito mode.)
Example Usage (Automatically generate 84 jobsets)
Generate jobsets:
python -m sagkit.jobset_generator --ET_ratio 0,10,15,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 --utilization 45,50,55,60,65,70,75
Construct SAGs (29 hours on my computer):
python -m sagkit.sag_constructor --jobset_folder ./jobsets/ --save_statistics ./statistics.csv
View the statistics in ./statistics.csv.
- Step 1: Create a folder named 'results' in the current working directory:
mkdir results
- Step 2: Reproduce Fig. 1 and 2. The .dot files corresponding to the figures ('' for Fig.1, '' for Fig.2) will appear under the /results folder after running the following command:
docker run -v "$(pwd)/results:/output" caoruide/sagkit sagkit.sag_constructor --save_dot True --jobset_folder /basic_idea/
- Step 3 (optional): Visualize Fig. 1 and 2. This step is optional because the .dot files are readable and easy to understand. Paste the contents of each .dot file to: (you may want to access in incognito mode.)
- Step 4: Reproduce Fig. 3. Also, you may visualize the .dot files ('' for Fig. 3 (a), '' for Fig. 3 (b), '' for Fig. 3 (c)) following Step 3.
docker run -v "$(pwd)/results:/output" caoruide/sagkit sagkit.sag_constructor --save_dot True --jobset_folder /example1/
- Step 5: Reproduce Fig. 4. Also, you may visualize the .dot files ('' for Fig. 4 (a), '' for Fig. 4 (b), '' for Fig. 4 (c)) following Step 3.
docker run -v "$(pwd)/results:/output" caoruide/sagkit sagkit.sag_constructor --save_dot True --jobset_folder /example2/
- Step 6: Generate job sets:
docker run -v "$(pwd)/results:/output" caoruide/sagkit sagkit.jobset_generator --ET_ratio 0,10,15,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 --utilization 45,50,55,60,65,70,75
- Step 7: Reproduce Fig. 5 and Tables 2-4. This step may take some time (29 hours on my machine). All numerical results corresponding to Figure 5 and Tables 2-4 will be automatically generated in the /results/statistics.csv file. The construction times may vary from Fig. 5 (a), (b), (c) depending on the computational power of the machine.
docker run -v "$(pwd)/results:/output" caoruide/sagkit sagkit.sag_constructor
Install SAGkit from source:
git clone
Change direcotry to ./sagkit (over the /src directory):
cd sagkit
Run all unit tests:
python -m unittest discover tests
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to drop your issues and PRs :)