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:alt: Documentation Status
SeqLog enables logging from Python to Seq <https://getseq.net/>
It also adds support for logging with named format arguments (via keyword arguments) in the same way "{arg1}".format(arg1="foo")
Current (0.4.0) - (unreleased yet)
- You can enable and disable all of the feature flags at runtime
- Added support for the
CLEF submission format <https://docs.datalust.co/docs/posting-raw-events>
_. - Fixed a bug wherein configure_from_file would not propagate feature flags
- You can pass bare strings in the exc_info field (although this serves the same purpose as enabling STACK_INFO and using that variable)
- A bugfix wherein
would not relay it's arguments to configure_from_dict
in the correct order
0.3.31 (2024-04-27)
- Fix incorrect stack-trace in logged exceptions (tintoy/seqlog#69).
0.3.30 (2023-10-28)
- Hide errors caused by unavailable Seq server (tintoy/seqlog#61).
0.3.29 (2023-08-24)
- Fix type-hint on
0.3.28 (2023-08-13)
- Improve behaviour of
so it does not convert JSON to a string (tintoy/seqlog#59).
0.3.27 (2023-08-03)
- StructuredLogRecord now converts non-string msg to string (tintoy/seqlog#51).
- Improve logging-error logging behaviour when a failure handler has been registered (tintoy/seqlog#52).
- Improve implementation of
0.3.26 (2023-04-20)
- Don't attempt to JSON-encode log event properties that are already strings (tintoy/seqlog#42, tintoy/seqlog#48).
0.3.25 (2023-04-18)
- Temporarily revert changes for including
(if present) in event payloads sent to Seq (tintoy/seqlog#42).
0.3.24 (2023-04-14)
- Include
(if present) in event payloads sent to Seq (tintoy/seqlog#42).
0.3.22 (TBA)
- Add support for handling extra log properties via the
argument (tintoy/seqlog#41).
0.3.21 (TBA)
- added checking if None was passed as element of a message
- fixed #13
0.3.20 (2020-10-15)
- Added a callable to be called each time log submission fails
0.3.19 (2020-10-15)
- Fixed logging messages containing braces
0.3.18 (2020-09-13)
- Add an option to specify a callable in global properties
0.3.17 (2020-02-14)
- Improve handling of log entries with log-record arguments of type "bytes" (tintoy/seqlog#25).
0.3.16 (2019-11-02)
- Pass exception details when posting events to Seq (tintoy/seqlog#22).
0.3.15 (2018-11-20)
- Fix deprecated use of
0.3.13 (2018-11-20)
- Explicitly set
header to application/json
when posting events to Seq (tintoy/seqlog#17).
0.3.12 (2018-11-19)
- If logging fails to submit an event to Seq then log the response body, if available (tintoy/seqlog#17).
0.3.11 (2018-09-22)
- Support custom
implementations (tintoy/seqlog#7 and tintoy/seqlog#13).
0.3.10 (2018-08-11)
- Fix incorrect behaviour when configuring logging from a file (tintoy/seqlog#10).
Breaking change: Configuring logging from file or dict will now by default override the default logger class to be StructuredLogger
(this can be reverted to previous behaviour by passing use_structured_logger=False
0.3.9 (2018-01-09)
- Add PyYAML as a dependency (tintoy/seqlog#6).
0.3.8 (2018-01-05)
- Improve documentation for logging configuration from file (#3)
0.3.7 (2018-01-05)
- Implement and document logging configuration from file (#3)
0.3.4 (2017-11-27)
0.3.3 (2016-11-18)
- Use streaming mode when posting to Seq (#1)
0.3.2 (2016-11-18)
0.3.1 (2016-11-18)
- Further work relating to intermittent "RuntimeError: The content for this response was already consumed" when publishing log entries (#1)
0.3.0 (2016-11-16)
- Fix for intermittent "RuntimeError: The content for this response was already consumed" when publishing log entries (#1)
0.2.0 (2016-07-09)
- Support for configuring additional log handlers when calling log_to_seq.
- Support for global log properties (statically-configured properties that are added to all outgoing log entries).
0.0.1 (2016-07-07)
0.0.7 (2016-07-09)
now returns the SeqLogHandler to enable forced flushing of log records to Seq.- Change
to a float
representing seconds (instead of milliseconds). - Update
to actually log to Seq.
You can override the server URL and API key using the SEQ_SERVER_URL
environment variables. - Update usage information in documentation.
- Python 3 only for now (sorry, but logging in Python 2 doesn't have all the required extensibility points). If the need to support Python 2 becomes great enough then I'll try to find a way.
0.1.0 (2016-07-09)
- Proper versioning starts today :)