Silly DB
Quick and easy SQLite ORM for local python applications.
Is it really an ORM ?
It is indeed a reversed ORM:
- The structure of the DB is built from classic .sql files.
- Then the magic occures to get the models from the DB itself. Usually, an ORM does the contrary.
Some minimum SQL knowledge is required, the purpose of Silly DB is not to get rid of SQL (actualy, SQL is the best language to manage... a SQL database), but to handle the annoying things, and let you focus on your application with a minimum amount of code.
$ pip install silly-db
Fast way to begin
Create a new directory and open a console in there.
Get a basic working structure with 'plop':
$ silly-db plop db
Congratulations ! You've got your database ready to work !
To understand how it works, open the differents files provided and read the comments, it will be easy to adapt to your own needs.
get more info with:
$ silly-db -h
and more about the plop options here:
$ silly-db plop
Examples (simple CRUD)
Cat = db.model('cat')
Cat.sil.insert(name="Kutty", owner_id=1)
cats = Cat.sil.filter("name like 'K%'")
>>>[{'id': 58, 'name': 'Kutty', 'owner_id': 1}]
Cat.sil.update("id=58", name="Duke")
cat = Cat.sil.get("id=58")
>>> 'Duke'
>>>{'id': 58, 'name': 'Duke', 'owner_id': 1}
Take a look at the wiki here