This module provides the SitemapRange class and a tool to allow command-line usage sitemap_fetch.py.
The class SitemapRange is meant primarily as a generic building block for creating news aggregating applications where the datasources
are spec-compliant news websites.
There are some fault-tolerance features included to deal with some inconsistencies in sitemaps.
To install from pypi:
pip3 install --user sitemap-range-fetch
Fetching all news articles on cnn.com in the past 6 days, and format the result as JSON:
sitemap_fetch.py --site "https://cnn.com" --format json --daysago 6
Here is an example of using the SitemapRange class in your code:
from sitemap_range.sitemap_range import SitemapRange
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
sr = SitemapRange("https://cnn.com")
in_range = sr.get_articles_in_range(start=datetime.now()-timedelta(days=3), end=datetime.now(), opts={})
The get_articles_in_range
method returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary has two
keys: "url"
and "dt"
which is an ISO 8601 formatted datetime string (as returned by the
isoformat method).
More details about the CLI switches:
usage: sitemap_fetch.py [-h] --site SITE [--format FORMAT] [--daysago DAYSAGO]
[--notz] [--advanced]
Tool for extracting articles from news websites
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--site SITE the url for the website
--format FORMAT the url for the website
--daysago DAYSAGO defines the oldest date of an article that will be
selected (default: 2 days ago)
--notz strip the timezone from the dates before selection
(processing is more fault-tolerant)
--advanced use a more fault-tolerant parser
This module is provided as is under MIT License.
For extensions, customizations or business inquiries you can get in touch here.