Skyramp is a pip module that provides utility functions for leveraging Skyramp CLI commands. It offers functionalities to create and apply mock configurations for gRPC and REST APIs, as well as testing and asserting scenarios in various test environments. The package provides classes such as GrpcEndpoint, RestEndpoint, Scenario, and Client to facilitate these tasks.
To install Skyramp, simply run the following command in your terminal:
pip install skyramp
Once you've installed Skyramp, you can import it into your project like this:
import skyramp
The Client class is the primary entry point to interact with the skyramp package. It allows you to apply configurations, start test scenarios, and deploy or delete workers. First, set up the Client with a Kubernetes cluster.
Example: Provision Local Cluster with Skyramp
skyramp_client = skyramp.Client()
Once you have a Client instance configured with a Kubernetes cluster, you can deploy the Skyramp Worker in-cluster to apply mocks and run tests.
Example: Deploy Skyramp Worker
Deploy default worker image
Deploy your custom worker image with added python packages (optional)
You can use additional python modules with mocker/tester and build your own extended "workerImage".
Building custom Worker Image
skyramp_client.deploy_skyramp_worker("test-worker", workerImage, True)
The RestEndpoint class represents a REST API endpoint and provides methods to configure mock responses and apply them using the Client.
Example: Create REST Mock Configuration
rest_endpoint = skyramp.RestEndpoint("artists", "", 50050, "api/openapi/artists.yaml")
rest_endpoint.mock_method_from_file("artists-GET", "files/rest-values.yaml")
skyramp_client.mocker_apply("test-worker", "", rest_endpoint)
The GrpcEndpoint class represents a gRPC API endpoint and provides methods to configure mock responses and apply them using the Client.
Example: Create gRPC Mock Configuration
def handler(req):
return SkyrampValue(
value={"message": + "temp"}
grpc_endpoint = skyramp.GrpcEndpoint("helloworld", "Greeter", 50051, "../../../examples/pb/helloworld.proto")
mock_object = {
"responseValue": {
"name": "HelloReply",
"blob": "{\n \"message\": \"Hello!\"\n}"
grpc_endpoint.mock_method("SayHello", mock_object)
skyramp_client.mocker_apply("test-worker", "", grpc_endpoint)
The Scenario class allows you to define test scenarios by specifying a sequence of API requests and assertions. Once a Scenario is created, you can start it using the Client instance.
Example: Test Assert Scenario (REST)
scenario = skyramp.Scenario("rest-test")
step_name = scenario.add_request(endpoint=rest_endpoint, method_name="artists-GET")
scenario.add_assert_equal(f"{step_name}.res.message", "Hello!")
skyramp_client.tester_start("test-worker", "", scenario)
*Example: GRPC test assert with request chaining
Sample dynamic handler for tester as external python script.
# filename scripts/
i = 0
def handler():
Sample dynamic handler that retreives a "name" variable from a test scenario
and provides a json output, as the value of variable with a nummeric value.
global i
i += 1
return SkyrampValue(
value= { "name": + str(i)}
Protobuf API
// filename pb/helloworld.proto
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.grpc.examples.helloworld";
option java_outer_classname = "HelloWorldProto";
package helloworld;
// The greeting service definition.
service Greeter {
// Sends a greeting
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
// The request message containing the user's name.
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1;
// The response message containing the greetings
message HelloReply {
string message = 1;
Chaining Mocker/Tester
# filename
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, skyramp
skyramp_client = skyramp.Client()
# Define a dynamic mock handler
def handler(req):
Sample mock handler that appends the litteral "mock" to the
received json field "name".
return SkyrampValue(
value={"message": + "mock"}
def test_chaining():
""" Chaining test"""
namespace = "chaining-test "
# create a local k8s cluster
# Mocker
# generate grpc endpoint from protobuf file
grpc_endpoint = skyramp.GrpcEndpoint(name='helloworld', service='Greeter', port=50050, pb_file='pb/helloworld.proto')
response = skyramp.ResponseValue(
# Mocker apply
skyramp_client.mocker_apply_v1(namespace, "", [response])
# Tester with dynamic request with global variables.
# define variable name
request_var = {
"name": "name"
request1 = skyramp.Request(
vars_ = request_var,
# Tester with request chaining
scenario = skyramp.Scenario("scenario1")
step1 = scenario.add_request_v1(request=request1)
step1_value = step1.get_response_value("message")
scenario.add_assert_v1(assert_step=skyramp.Assert(step1_value, "name1mock"))
# Expected response from the dynamic mock handler is "name1mock"
step2 = scenario.add_request_v1(request=request1)
step2_value = step2.get_response_value("message")
# Overide the variable "name" with output from previous step "name1mock"
step2.set_value({"name": step1_value})
# The dynamic mock handler returns the "name" field with appended "mock" literal
scenario.add_assert_v1(assert_step=skyramp.Assert(step2_value, "name1mock1mock"))
step3 = scenario.add_request_v1(request=request1)
step3_value = step3.get_response_value("message")
# Overide the variable "name" with output from previous step "name1mock1mock"
step3.set_value({"name": step2_value})
# Overide the variable "name" with output from previous step "name1mock1mock1mock"
scenario.add_assert_v1(assert_step=skyramp.Assert(step3_value, "name1mock1mock1mock"))
skyramp_client.tester_start_v1(scenario, None, namespace, "", "test-chaining", True)
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
assert False, f"Test failed with error: {e}"
print("Test succeeded.")
if __name__== "__main__":