Sphinx CSV filter
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A CSV filter directive for docutils and Sphinx
, that extends the
" reStructuredText
_ directive to add row filtering options.
The package depends on docutils
, it provides a CSVFilterDirective
extending CSVTable
. When used as a Sphinx extension, it will register the
Sphinx directive
The Sphinx CSV filter plugin is available as a pip_ package.
To install, run::
$ pip install sphinx-csv-filter
To update, run::
$ pip install -U sphinx-csv-filter
Set Up
To include the extension, add this line to config.py
your Sphinx project::
extensions = ['crate.sphinx.csv']
If you're using other extensions, edit the existing list, or add this::
This plugin adds the following options to the csv-table_ directive:
This is a comma-separated list of column indexes to include in the output.
This option takes a Python dict specifying the column index (starting at
zero) and a regular expression. Rows are included if the columnar value
matches the supplied regular expression.
This option takes a Python dict specifying the column index (starting at
zero) and a regular expression. Rows are excluded if the columnar value
matches the supplied regular expression.
If a row matches an :include:
as well as an :exclude:
filter, the row
with be excluded.
Here's an example::
.. csv-filter:: Example Table
:header: Company,Contact,Country,Attend?
:file: example.csv
:exclude: {3: '(?i)Y\w*'}
In this example, rows from example.csv
will be omitted from the output if the regular expression (?i)Y\w*
matches value of the Attend?
This project is primarily maintained by Crate.IO
_, but we welcome community
See the developer docs
_ and the contribution docs
_ for more information.
Looking for more help?
- Check out our
support channels
.. _contribution docs: CONTRIBUTING.rst
.. _Crate.IO: https://crate.io/
.. _csv-table: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#csv-table
.. _developer docs: DEVELOP.rst
.. _pip: https://pypi.org/project/pip/
.. _reStructuredText: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/rest.html
.. _Sphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/
.. _Sphinx directive: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/directives.html
.. _support channels: https://crate.io/support/