Simple protection-knocking (visiting) card Spider (short: spkcspider)
spkcspider provides a digital visiting card which can e.g. be used for authentication, shopping and payment. For this a multifactor authentication is provided.
It keeps your online data safe while shopping by just providing a link to a potion of your data. Doing this, the user may can provide some knocking mechanism (e.g. has to provide some code, tan) to protect the content.
Further features and advantages of spkcspider are:
- cross device configuration without saving user data on webshop/service.
This makes them easily DSGVO compatible without adjustments
- Address Data have to changed only on one place if you move. This is especially useful if you move a lot
Also if you travel and want to buy something on the way.
- Verification of data is possible.
- Privacy: private servers are easily set up (only requirement: cgi), also compatible to tor
- Travelling: some people don't respect common rules for privacy. This tool allows you to keep your digital life private.
- You don't have it on the device
- You can hide your data with the travel mode (against the worst kind of inspectors)
- Note: traces could be still existent (like "recently-used" feature, bookmarks)
- for governments: use psychology instead of breaking into systems! The only victims are law-abidding citizens.
This project can either be used as a standalone project (clone repo) or as a set of reusable apps ( installation).
Build Requirements
Poetry (within virtual environment)
poetry install
pip install .
npm install --no-save
./ migrate
./ collectstatic
allow_domain_mode NULL errors:
some migration failed and now it is neccessary to redo them manually
connect to database and execute:
ALTER TABLE spider_base_usercomponent DROP COLUMN allow_domain_mode;
ALTER TABLE spider_base_assignedcontent DROP COLUMN allow_domain_mode;
this doesn't work in sqlite3 (
export data (and remove allow_domain_mode if specified)
recreate db file
import data
see: why you don't want to try it manually
Mysql works with some special settings:
Require mysql to use utf8 charset
To unbreak tests, use 'CHARSET': 'utf8':
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'TEST': {
'CHARSET': 'utf8'
Possibilities how to add utf8 charset to mysql:
__old crashes object creation:
downgrade sqlite3 to 3.25 or upgrade django to at least 2.1.5/2.0.10
importing data:
before importing data (with loaddata), update dynamic creates data
keep pathes if switching from cgi
location /cgi-bin/cgihandler.fcgi {
rewrite /cgi-bin/cgihandler.fcgi/?(.*)$$1 redirect ;
In this model tokens are transferred as GET parameters. Consider disabling the
logging of GET parameters (at least the sensible ones) or better:
disable logging of succeeding requests
nginx filter tokens only (hard):
location / {
set $filtered_request $request;
if ($filtered_request ~ (.*)token=[^&]*(.*)) {
set $filtered_request $1token=****$2;
log_format filtered_combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$filtered_request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
access_log /var/logs/nginx-access.log filtered_combined;
nginx filter GET parameters:
log_format filtered_combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$uri" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';
access_log /var/logs/nginx-access.log filtered_combined;
apache filter GET parameters:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%m %U %H\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" combined
Don't use path based localization! This breaks the whole model.
Pathes should be unique for validation. Localisation in curl requests
can be archieved by headers.
External usage
There are special GET parameters for controlling spkcspider:
- page=: page number
- token=xy: token as GET parameter, if invalid: retrieve token as GET parameter
- token=prefer: uses invalid mechanic, easier to see what it does
- raw=true: optimize output for machines, use turtle format
- raw=embed: embed content of components, use turtle format
- id=id&id=id: limit content ids (Content lists only)
- search=foo&search=!notfoo: search case insensitive a string
- search=_unlisted: List "unlisted" content if owner, special user (doesn't work in public list).
- protection=false: fail if protections are required
- protection=xy&protection=yx...: protections to use
- intention=auth: try to login with UserComponent authentication (falls back to login redirect)
- referrer=: activate referrer mode
- intention=domain: domain verify referrer mode
- intention=sl: server-less referrer mode
- payload=: passed on successful requests (including post), e.g. for sessionid
- intention=login: referrer uses spkcspider for login (note: referrer should be the one where the user is logging in, check referrer field for that)
- intention=persist: referrer can persist data on webserver
- embed_big=true: only for staff and superuser: Overrides maximal size of files which are embedded in graphs (only for default helper)
- Content-Type/Accept=application/json: some forms are rendered as json (currently only deletion form)
- normal referrer mode: send token to referrer, client verifies with hash that he sent the token.
- server-less referrer mode (sl): token is transferred as GET parameter and no POST request is made (less secure as client sees token and client is not authenticated)
- domain referrer mode (domain): referrer domain is add to token. Doesn't work with other intentions (but "live" mode is active as no filter will be created) and works only if domain_mode is for context active (e.g. feature or access context (content)). Can be automated, doesn't require user approval. Useful for tag updates (only active if feature requests domain mode).
special intentions:
- sl: activates server less mode
- live: filter live instead using fixed ids
search parameters
- search also searches UserComponents name and description fields
- can only be used with "list"-views
- items can be negated with !foo
- strict infofield search can be activated with _
- !!foo escapes a !foo item
- __foo escapes a _foo item
- !_ negates a strict infofield search
- _unlisted is a special search: it lists with "unlisted" marked contents
verified_by urls should return last verification date for a hash
raw mode
raw mode can follow references even in other components because it is readonly.
Otherwise security could be compromised.
Important Features
- Persistence: Allow referrer to save data (used and activated by persistent features)
- WebConfig: Allow remote websites and servers to save config data on your server (requires Persistence)
- TmpConfig: Allow remote websites and servers to save config data on your server, attached to temporary tokens (means: they are gone after a while)
internal API
For spiders and contents
- spkcspider.apps.spider: store User Components, common base, WARNING: has spider_base namespace to not break existing apps
- spkcspider.apps.spider_accounts: user implementation suitable for the spiders. You can supply your own user model instead.
- spkcspider.apps.spider_filets: File and Text Content types
- spkcspider.apps.spider_keys: Public keys and anchors
- spkcspider.apps.spider_tags: verified information tags
- spkcspider.apps.spider_webcfg: WebConfig Feature
- spkcspider: contains spkcspider url detection and wsgi handler
Base reference implementation of a verifier.
spkcspider.apps.verifier: verifier base utils WARNING: has spider_verifier namespace to not break existing apps
info field syntax
The info field is a simple key value storage. The syntax is (strip the spaces):
flag syntax: \x1e key \x1e
key value syntax: \x1e key=value \x1e
Note: I use the semantic ascii seperators \x1e. Why? Sperating with an non-printable character eases escaping and sanitizing.
Note 2: I reverted from using \x1f instead of = because the info field is used in searchs
Why not a json field? Django has no uniform json field for every db adapter yet.
- forms.initial: will be used for rdf
- field.initial: only for initialization
- request.is_staff: requesting user used staff rights to access view (not true in ComponentPublicIndex)
- request.is_owner: requesting user owns the components
- request.is_special_user: requesting user owns the components or is_staff
- request.protections: int: enough protections were fullfilled, maximal measured strength, list: protections which failed, False: no access; access with protections not possible
Special Scopes
- add: create content, with AssignedContent form
- update: update content
- raw_update: update Content, without AssignedContent form, adds second raw update mode (raw_add is not existent, can be archieved by returning HttpResponse in add scope)
- export: export data (import not implemented yet)
- view: present content to untrusted parties
strength (component)
- 0: no protection. Complete content visible
- 1-3: protection strength which can be provided by protections. Meta data (names, descriptions) visible, inclusion in sitemap, public components
- 4: login only, user password. Still with inclusion of metadata
- 5: public attribute not set. No inclusion in sitemap or public components index anymore
- 6-8: protections + public attribute not set
- 9: login only, user password + public attribute not set
- 10: index, login only, special protected. Protections are used for login. Content here can be made unique per user by using unique per component attribute
= extra["strength"] on token (if available elsewise treat as zero):
the strength of the usercomponent for which it was created at the creation point
strength (protection)
- 0: no protection
- 1-3: weak, medium, strong
- 4: do component authentication
= extra["prot_strength"] on token (if available elsewise treat as zero):
the strength of protections which was passed for creating the token
Note: access tokens created by admin have strength 0
get usercomponent/content from url/urlpart for features
Use UserComponent.objects.from_url_part(url) / AssignedContent.from_url_part(url, [matchers]) for that
or use a domain_mode or persistent token.
Note: the difference between a domain_mode and a persistent token is, that the domain_mode token has a variable lifetime (user specific but defaults to 7 days)
Note: AssignedContent.objects.from_url_part(url) returns tuple: (matched feature/content, content which contains content/feature or None)
API Breaks
0.5: settings rename*_ TLD_PARAMS_MAPPING to *_REQUEST_KWARGS_MAP with new syntax (hosts are allowed, tlds start with .)
- Note: port arguments are stripped, localhost matches localhost:80, localhost:8000, ...
=0.18: change order of filter parameters, nearly all filters start with request (for compatibility with (django) decorators)
=0.21: huge change in python API, http API should be backward compatible
=0.22: switch to datacontent (except in rare special cases like in SpiderTag), 3party modules will break if they used BaseContent
- implement UploadTextareaWidget
- maybe: status codes if forms fail should represent it
- fix RDF export and view of spider_tags
- examples
- documentation
- test admin
- cleanup travelprotection: either no trigger_passwords if no trigger action is selected, or depend for trigger on trigger_passwords
- partly done, missing in frontend
- Localisation
- css theme instead inline style
- verify subproperties without resource:
- delay hash calculation if Bnode, then create hash from hashable hash of bnode
- this case currently doesn't happen as embed/raw is solely used and no bigger no-contents are currently in use
- delayed deletion of user (disable and strength 9 everywhere)
- maybe: make quota type overridable (maybe add extra nonsaved quota: other or use 0)
- create client side script for import (pushing to server, index token for auth?)
- use browerside javascript?
- textfilet etherpad like synchronization
- pw protection: add migration tool for changed SECRET_KEY
- log changes
- improve protections, add protections
- every internal page can be annotated (to keep contact to author)
- send as message?
- CommentBox?
- Comment: url, subcommentlist, commenttext, reactionlist (reaction, counter)
- view: load iframe with original content?
- js for loading subcomments (only 1 level), sanitize!
- you see only the comments of your friends
- implement with messaging? Would keep comments private
- Later/Maybe:
- way to register your comment url on webpage, so others can see all comments
- social media stuff: find content via comments and likes
- annotation of other pages
- Default theme uses Font Awesome by Dave Gandy -
- Some text fields use Trumbowyg by Alexander Demode
- Django team for their excellent product