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Do SQLite CRUD operation via JSON object



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A Python helper package to do SQLite CRUD operation via JSON object. This package is developed using Python 3 with no external dependencies.

Background (Why this package was developed?)

I'm working on another Python project that requires me to store a very minimal amount of data so I decided to use SQLite as a database. I feel that it is very easy to make typos and errors while creating multiple tables and doing some CRUD operations. Therefore, I created a separate helper Class that takes in a JSON object and parses it to create tables and do CRUD operations according to the instruction defined in that JSON object. It significantly helped to minimize errors. I thought it could be useful to others too and here it is.


Download Package:

  • pip install SQLiteAsJSON


  • Create table schema on db_config.json file as:
        "table_name": "my_table",
        "fields": [
            { "name": "id", "type": "char", "length": "50", "null": 0 },
            { "name": "timestamp", "type": "char", "length": "20", "null": 0 },
            { "name": "email", "type": "char", "length": "50", "null": 0 },
            { "name": "password", "type": "char", "length": "50", "null": 0 },
            { "name": "personID", "type": "char", "length": "50", "null": 0 }
        "config": {
            "primary_key": "id",
            "foreign_key": {
                "field": "personID",
                "reference_table": "persons",
                "reference_table_field": "id" }

        "table_name": "persons",
        "fields": [
            { "name": "id", "type": "char", "length": "50", "null": 0 },
            { "name": "timestamp", "type": "char", "length": "20", "null": 0 },
            { "name": "first_name", "type": "char", "length": "20", "null": 0 },
            { "name": "last_name", "type": "char", "length": "20", "null": 1 },
            { "name": "address", "type": "char", "length": "100", "null": 1 }
        "config": {
            "primary_key": "id"
  • You can add more than one table
  • You must have id and timestamp fields in each table, these will be auto-populated
  • Each table should have at most one primary_key, you may have one optional foreign_key per table
  • If you want the field to be NOT NULL pass "null" : 0 else pass "null" : 1

  • Instantiate Class object as: db = ManageDB(<database name>, <path to db_config.json>)

  • Example:

    from SQLiteAsJSON import ManageDB
    db = ManageDB('my_databse.db', 'db_config.json')
  • The default check_same_thread option for SQLite is True. You can set it False as:

    db = ManageDB('my_databse.db', 'db_config.json', False)
Create table
  • Table can be created by calling db.create_table()
  • Example:
  • Returns: Success message(dict): If the table creation was successful else none
Insert data
  • Pass table name and data to insert as: db.insert_data(<table_name>, <data_to_insert>)

  • Example:

    db.insert_data('my_table', {"email": '', "password": 'password', "personID":'1'})
  • Returns: Success message(dict): If the insertion was successful else none

  • SQLite does not supports boolean data types, it is recommended to use 1 for True and 0 for False

  • To insert Array (List) or Object (dict), first stringify it using json.dumps([List]) or json.dumps({dict})

Search data
  • Pass table name w/ optional search condition as: db.search_data(<table_name>, <optional_search_condition>)

  • Example:

    db.search_data('my_table', {"id":"55bd5301b331439fae2ba8572942ded5"})
  • Multiple search conditions can be passed as:

    db.search_data('my_table', {"email":"", "personID":"1"})
  • Multiple search conditions will be joined by AND operator by default. It can be changed to OR as:

      db.search_data('my_table', {"email":"", "personID":"1"}, 'OR')
  • Returns: Search results (dict): Search results as a JSON object

Update data
  • Pass table name, row id and data to update as: db.update_data(<table_name>, <row_id>, <data_to_update>)

  • Example:

    db.update_data('my_table', '55bd5301b331439fae2ba8572942ded5', {
  • Returns: Success message(dict): If the update was successful else none

Delete data
  • Pass table name and row id as: db.delete_data(<table_name>, <row_id>)

  • Example:

    db.delete_data('my_table', '55bd5301b331439fae2ba8572942ded5')
  • Returns: Success message(dict): If the delete operation was successful else none

With Love,




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