TableRead is a script designed to read reStructredText (reST) simple tables
_ from a file and convert them into Python objects.
Say you have a simple table like this located in a ./example.rst
Damage Doers
====== === ==============
Name Age Favorite Color
====== === ==============
Mookie 26 Red
Andrew 24 Red
JD 31 Red
Xander 26 Red
====== === ==============
Here are a few useful things you can do with that table::
>>> from tableread import SimpleRSTReader
>>> reader = SimpleRSTReader("./example.rst")
>>> reader.tables
['Damage Doers']
>>> table = reader["Damage Doers"]
>>> table.fields
['name', 'age', 'favorite_color']
>>> for row in table:
... print(row.favorite_color)
>>> for row in table.matches_all(age="26"):
... print(
>>> for row in table.exclude_by(age="26"):
... print(
class tableread.SimpleRSTReader(file_path)
Parse a reStructredText file, ``file_path``, and convert any simple tables into ``SimpleRSTTable`` objects.
Individual tables can be accessed using the table name as the key (``SimpleRSTReader['table_name']``)
An OrderedDict of the table(s) found in the reST file. The key is either the
section header before the table name from the file, or Default
for tables not under a header.
For multiple tables in a section (or multiple Default
subsequent tables will have a incrementing number appended to the key: Default
, Default_2
, etc.
The value is a SimpleRSTTable
A list of the table names; an alias for list(data.keys())
A helper to get the first table found in the file; an alias for
class tableread.SimpleRSTTable(header, rows, column_spans)
A representation of an individual table. In addition to the methods below,
you may iterate over the table itself as a shortcut (``for entry in table:``),
which will yield from ````.
``len(table)`` will also return the number of entries in ````.
A list of namedtuples with fields
as the names.
A tuple of the table fields, as used in the data
Field names are adapted from table columns by lower-casing,
and replacing spaces and periods with underscores.
A helper function to create an object with. Expects a prepared list of namedtuples.
Given a set of key/value filters, returns a new TableRead object with only
the filtered data, that can be iterated over.
Values may be either a simple value (str, int) or a function that returns a boolean.
See Quickstart_ for an example.
Note: When filtering both keys and values are not case sensitive.
Given a set of key/value filters, returns a new TableRead object without the
matching data, that can be iterated over.
Values may be either a simple value (str, int) or a function that returns a boolean.
See Quickstart_ for an example.
Note: When filtering both keys and values are not case sensitive.
Given a list of fields, return a list of only the values associated with those fields.
A single field returns a list of values, multiple fields returns a list of value tuples.
.. _simple tables