Tempren - template-based file renaming utility

is a powerful file renaming utility that uses flexible template expressions to generate names for your files.
Tag templates can modify original filename, extract metadata from the files or anything in between.
A rich library of built-in tags helps with working with many common file types out-of-the-box.
Whether you need to organize your files, standardize naming conventions, or perform complex renaming tasks, tempren
can help you get the job done efficiently.
- Template-based filename/path generation
- Built-in Audio/Video/Images metadata extraction tags
- Ad-hoc tags to leverage external programs for metadata extraction
- Configurable, metadata-based file selection (filtering) and sorting
Installation and documentation
For comprehensive documentation, including installation instructions, all features, advanced usage, and troubleshooting, please visit the Manual page.
Note: When experimenting on your own please use -dr
will not override your files by default but invalid template can mangle their names.
Cleaning up names for sensitive (e.g. FAT32) filesystems
$ tempren --recursive --name "%Strip(){%Base()|%Unidecode()|%Sanitize()|%Collapse()}%Ext()" ./Some\ OST/
Renamed: Disk 1/14 - 接近.flac
to: Disk 1/14 - Jie Jin.flac
Renamed: Disk 1/02 - なつのあお.flac
to: Disk 1/02 - natsunoao.flac
Renamed: Disk 1/11 - 灯火-re.flac
to: Disk 1/11 - Deng Huo -re.flac
Renamed: Disk 1/05 - 記録.flac
to: Disk 1/05 - Ji Lu.flac
Renamed: Disk 1/10 - むかしむかし、あるところに.flac
to: Disk 1/10 - mukashimukashi, arutokoroni.flac
Renamed: Disk 1/09 - 阿良句のテーマ(ハイ).flac
to: Disk 1/09 - A Liang Ju notema(hai).flac
Adding resolution to the image files
$ tempren --name "%Base()_%Image.Width()x%Image.Height()%Ext()" ~/Pictures/Wallpapers
Renamed: 0sa5yfiskqr21.jpg
to: 0sa5yfiskqr21_3728x4660.jpg
Renamed: rkgjq6883fp81.jpg
to: rkgjq6883fp81_3024x4032.jpg
Renamed: lcrkvphf28911.jpg
to: lcrkvphf28911_4016x4684.jpg
Renamed: y6nzcv55k3851.jpg
to: y6nzcv55k3851_3784x5670.jpg
Renamed: 1211740803547.jpg
to: 1211740803547_1200x1109.jpg
Sorting files into directories based on their MIME type
$ tempren -dr --path "%Capitalize(){%Mime(subtype)}/%Name()" ~/Downloads
Renamed: dotnet-install.sh
to: X-shellscript/dotnet-install.sh
Renamed: openrgb_0.7_amd64_buster_6128731.deb
to: Vnd.debian.binary-package/openrgb_0.7_amd64_buster_6128731.deb
Renamed: prometheus-2.26.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
to: Gzip/prometheus-2.26.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
Renamed: nldb remote.zip
to: Zip/nldb remote.zip
Renamed: artifacts.zip
to: Zip/artifacts.zip
Renamed: 2021-06-11_12-09-34.webm
to: X-matroska/2021-06-11_12-09-34.webm
Renamed: antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar
to: Java-archive/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar
Adding checksums to the names of the audio files
$ tempren --filter-template "%IsMime('audio')" --name "%Base() [%Upper(){%Crc32()}]%Ext()" ./Roger\ Subirana\ Mata\ -\ Point\ of\ no\ return
Renamed: 10-169205-Roger Subirana Mata-Island of light.mp3
to: 10-169205-Roger Subirana Mata-Island of light [08E46C33].mp3
Renamed: 12-169207-Roger Subirana Mata-Tales of trees.mp3
to: 12-169207-Roger Subirana Mata-Tales of trees [33EFEC5E].mp3
Renamed: 11-169206-Roger Subirana Mata-Requiem.mp3
to: 11-169206-Roger Subirana Mata-Requiem [5E48759B].mp3
Renamed: 05-168950-Roger Subirana Mata-The mask.mp3
to: 05-168950-Roger Subirana Mata-The mask [045DBC19].mp3
Renamed: 03-168948-Roger Subirana Mata-Thryst.mp3
to: 03-168948-Roger Subirana Mata-Thryst [5D23E43B].mp3
If you noticed a bug or have an idea for a new tag please open an issue with appropriate (GitHub) tags.
If you would like to contribute to the development you can visit contributing page designed specially for that.