tidyxbrl: The tidy Python XBRL Interface
What is it?
tidyxbrl is a Python package that parses XBRL data files and returns dynamic structures that succinctly store the underlying data. This package additionally can interface with the XBRL API and SEC EDGAR interfaces, with further expansion to other XBRL data providers planned for the near future. This package aims to the be the simplest and most effective method to parse XBRL data in Python.
The XBRL Standard
eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) is a standardized financial reporting framework to structure financial reporting in a way that enables automation and machine processing. This package aims to enable its users to realize the full capabilities of the XBRL standard through parsing files and interfacing with the applicable APIs.
Applicable documentation can be found below:
Where to get it
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:
The tidyxbrl package is publically available for download at:
pip install tidyxbrl
xbrl_parse - Parse xbrl files or website urls
xbrl_query - Query the XBRL API
response = tidyxbrl.xbrl_apikey(username=username, password=password, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, platform='pc', grant_type='password', refresh_token='')
dataresponse = tidyxbrl.xbrl_query(access_token=response.access_token.values[0],
queryparameters = {'report.entity-name': "APPLE INC.",
'fields': "report.id,report.entity-name,report.filing-date,report.base-taxonomy,report.document-type,report.accession,entity.ticker,report.sic-code,entity.cik,report.entry-type,report.period-end,report.sec-url,report.checks-run,report.accepted-timestamp.sort(DESC),report.limit(20),report.offset(0),dts.id,report.entry-url",
'report.document-type': "10-K"
edgar_query - Query SEC data using the Central Index Key (CIK)
companycik = tidyxbrl.edgar_cik("ZILLOW GROUP, INC")
desiredcorp = str(companycik[companycik.company.str.contains("ZILLOW GROUP, INC.")]['cik_str'].unique()[0])
tidyxbrl.edgar_query(desiredcorp, query_type = 'submissions')
tidyxbrl.edgar_query(desiredcorp, query_type = 'companyconcept', queryextension = '/us-gaap/AccountsPayableCurrent')
tidyxbrl.edgar_query(desiredcorp, query_type = 'companyfacts')
edgar_frames - Aggregates one fact for each reporting entity
tidyxbrl.edgar_frames(urldescriptor = 'us-gaap/NonoperatingIncomeExpense/USD/CY2019Q1I')
Data Visualization